Appendix III – Clubs & IT

Appendix III – Clubs & IT

How to Set Up Email Permissions 

Step 1:  The Club President has access to the email account, log into the Membership site and select “EMAIL”   

Step 2:  Select “EMAIL ACCESS”

Step 3 Select the Reps who should be “ADDED” to have email access and send out email on behalf of your club, you can list up to 4 Reps.

Step 4 Your Reps now have access, you can close the page.  Only those Reps can send out email on behalf of your club.

How to Access Your Club Email Account

Step 1:  Up to 4 Club Executives can be granted access to the email account.  The Club President has permission to add and remove members.

Step 2:  Select “Club Membership Tool” from the HUB under the Student Club tile.

Step 3:   Find your Club then select “EMAIL” button on the right your club

Step 4:   You can write your text in the email messaging tool and hit send to some or all of your club members.

Step 5:   select “Email Access” to give permission to the (up to) 4 Executives who should have Email access permission

To Access the Club’s Email Account

  1. Open https://mail.utoronto.caand sign in with your UTORid/password
  2. Open the ‘Account Manager’ by clicking on the your icon in the top right corner of the browser window
  3. Select the ‘Open another mailbox’ option
  4. Enter the club’s email address to locate the club’s account

How to modify your EXECUTIVE membership list 

Step 1:  The Club President has access to each member; find your Exec team member and hit the EDIT BUTTON UNDER THEIR NAME

Step 2:  under ROLE, select EXECUTIVE or PRESIDENT and under POSITION TITLE add their formal role title

Step 3 Select MEMBERSHIP FEE TYPE, select either Annual or Program (likely Program) then hit UPDATE


Establishing and Updating Club Websites

If you have any questions about this, please contact David Yang the Senior Web Consultant, Marketing and Communications Department at 416.946.7480 or

NOTE: URLs for student organizations are as follows: