Appendix IV – Club Event Registration Tool

Appendix IV – Club Event Registration Tool

The Club Event Registration tool can be used by clubs to provide pre-registration for events that include members of the Rotman community (students, staff, and faculty).

Step1:   Determine who your audience is for the event – if it includes members from outside the Rotman community you may want to consider using the Rotman Events E-Invitation System (contact your Club AD for further details).

Step 2:  Go to the Hub and select the Student clubs tile.

Step 3:  Select the “Club Event Registration Tool” Step 4:  Log in to the Club Event Registration Tool by entering your Club Email, User Name and Password.  The User Name and Password are identical to your RWorld login; however please note that only students who can access a club’s email account (2 students) can create an Event Registration listing.

Step 5:  Once you have logged in, you will be able to view, edit and review all existing event bookings for your club.  To create a new event registration listing, select “Add New Event”.

Step 6:  Complete all of the required fields in the Create Event screen and select “Create Event”.  Note that explanations for each field are provided at the bottom of the screen.  You will be required to select the invitees for your event – this is the list of individuals from the Rotman community that will be eligible to register for the event.  When you select “Select Invitees” you will open a pop-up menu that will allow you to select groups or individuals from all individuals at Rotman (see screen shot below).

Step 7:  Once you have created your event, you will be taken back to the Current Events menu that will show all of your club event registration listings.  You will be able to log back in to this screen to Delete, Edit and View the registration for your event.   By selecting “View List” for either the Registration List or Wait List, you will see a list of all individuals who have registered and you will be able to download the list into an excel file.