Appendix V – Club Membership Tool

Appendix V – Club Membership Tool

Each student club has access to view and manage their own club membership list.   The new list of members will be added by the IT Services Office after the Clubs Fair.  Log into the HUB and select the Student Clubs tile.

Step 1:  Select “Club Membership Tool” from the Student Clubs Tile

Step 2:   Select your club and manage your list, you can view the list, add executive members, download member list or view the archived list.

Step 3:   Select your Executive Member from your Club list, select the EDIT button:

Step 3b: Select EXECUTIVE from drop down menu:

Step 3c: Add Executive title, then select UPDATE BUTTON

you will now have the most updated Executive list

You can now add a maximum of 4 Executives (including yourself) to your email management site follow instructions noted