Appendix VIIII – Event Planning Lead Time Requirements & Checklist

Appendix VIIII – Event Planning Lead Time Requirements & Checklist

The following schedule details many of the time restrictions and requirements related to planning any club event at the Rotman School.  It is crucial to note that the time periods indicated are the minimum at which tasks listed under each period should be executed; being ahead of a planning schedule is better than not being able to do something because the deadline has been missed!

15 Weeks Prior

  • Meet with different Admin departments for assistance with event planning or speaker/content ideas
  • Meet with Alumni Office regarding involvement of alumni speakers or invitees
  • Send invitation to speaker(s), facilitators, panel mediators and judges

12 Weeks Prior

  • Submit event booking request to Program Coordinator, Student Experience & Events
  • If having alcohol at the event, indicate on event booking request form for approval from the Associate Director, Program Services
  • Identify audience and send invitations
  • Establish event promotion plan by identifying appropriate publicity methods

8 Weeks Prior

  • Arrange event registration method, if advance registration is required
  • Meet with the Manager, Media Relations if media coverage or attendance is desired
  • Schedule meeting with Program Coordinator, Student Experience & Events to start planning and completing event details:
    • Catering
    • Alcohol
    • Furniture and Movers
    • Caretaking and Cleaning
    • AV Equipment
    • Administrative Logistics
    • Volunteers
    • Media
  • Volunteers: if volunteers are necessary, define their roles and start recruiting from club membership

8 Weeks Prior

  • Confirm speakers’ special requirements (e.g. room layout, AV requirements, etc.)

8 Weeks Prior

  • If having alcohol at the event, submit the approved Student Event Application Form and Beverage Services Order Form to Campus Beverage Services through the Program Coordinator, Student Experience & Events
  • Schedule furniture movers through the Program Coordinator, Student Experience & Events
  • Place order for additional furniture, if required
  • Schedule Caretaking staff through the Program Coordinator, Student Experience & Events
  • Request AV Equipment and Support through the Program Coordinator, Student Experience & Events

 4 Week Prior

  • Check-in with speakers, facilitators and judges; ensure they are comfortable with directions to the location of the event and who they should check in with, upon arrival
  • Confirm the number of attendants with catering (don’t forget to include volunteers, facilitators, and the event committee in the number)
  • Confirm with Campus Beverage Services, if serving alcohol
  • Send a brief reminder to audience/registrants of the event
  • If applicable, remind general media of the event (working with Manager, Media Relations)
  • Prepare nametags, presenter gifts, parking passes for speakers, etc.
  • Touch bases with volunteers

1 Weeks Following the Event

  • Gather participant feedback about the event
  • Send thank you gifts, cards and letters to all involved in the delivery of the event (speakers, faculty, staff, and volunteers)
  • For club transition and the Club Annual Report: Produce a post-event reflection document that includes what worked, suggestions for next year, a copy of all event planning records and details, especially contact information.