Inclusive Event Planning: a checklist for Rotman Student Clubs

Inclusive Event Planning: a checklist for Rotman Student Clubs

Vision (co-created by Community of Practice and Diversity Champions)

“To enhance an open, safe and inclusive environment where each member of the Rotman community can feel pride in diversity.  To promote an inclusive culture by empowering Rotman students through education, community building and outreach.”

 Key Values

  1. Respect
  2. Support
  3. Openness
  4. Safety
  5. Inclusion
  6. Awareness
  7. Progressive
  8. Accountability
  9. Transparency
Name of event:
Lead contact information:
Planning yes no n/a Notes
The planning committee includes diverse representatives to provide new perspectives
Venue – address accessible washrooms, gender neutral washrooms, elevators, parking, prayer space, accommodations
Is the meeting room large enough to provide circulation and seating for an anticipated number of participants who use wheelchairs, scooters, guide dogs or other mobility needs
Choose a date which does not land on a religious holiday
Ensure there is an accessible route to the venue
Address dietary needs – vegetarian, gluten-free, etc.
Include a broad representation in promotions
Include an accessibility statement and one contact person for specific needs and accommodations
Include multiple formats for registration
Consider budget for note-taking, accessible formats, sign language, and policy for support workers
Staff and Volunteers’ Roles and Responsibilities
Staff and volunteer to review inclusive event planning and emergency procedures, conflict resolution process, and participation rules
Include the statement on the acknowledgement of traditional land in an authentic way
Include a diverse range of presenters
Discuss the values of equity, diversity and inclusion with presenters so that these can be reflected in presentation case studies and slide presentations
Review activities to ensure that everyone can participate
All materials should be available in electronic format using a non-italic, sans-serif font such as Tahoma, Arial or Verdana; 18-point type for large print handouts
Make allowances for dining or meeting options i.e. individuals who use wheelchairs
Does the program take into account adequate breaks and time between sessions, for travel between events and health breaks?
Does the stage and podium take into consideration accessibility needs?
Event day considerations
Are signs to the venue and accessible washrooms clear and appropriate placed?
Have you completed a last minute walk through of the venue to remove any obstacles that might have emerged?
Has food been labelled and particular dietary requests been met?
Use of preferred pronouns for participants,  volunteers and community
Will you be serving food (limited spots in which this is possible)?
Who is catering? (Pegasus Catering is our preferred vendor)
AV Needs
What are your AV Needs; do you need mics; do you need special screens etc?
Campus Beverage Services (alcohol)
Do you plan to serve alcohol at your event?
if so, share details when you meet with your AD

Adapted from:

Council of Ontario Universities, A Planning Guide for Accessible Conferences,