Event Follow-Up

A successful event does not end with the closing of the event.  In order to be truly successful, each event should be evaluated and the event records completed by the organizers before moving on.

Participant Survey

According to Albert Einstein, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result. What a random quote!

A participant survey should be considered in order to critically determine the success of your event, particularly if the event is annual or is being considered for repetition in the future.  There are two main ways that Clubs can gather participant feedback from an event:

Paper Surveyuseful in capturing participant feedback directly following a presentation or event, prior to participants leaving.  The downside to paper surveys is that the feedback will need to be evaluated manually by a member of the Club before it can be included in an Event Report.

Online Survey – there are a number of online tools available, free of charge (with limitations) that Clubs can use to create a participant survey that is emailed to participants within one week following the event.  The downside to electronic surveys is that the return rate may be lower when you do not have a captive audience.  Some popular online survey tools are:

Thank You Gifts, Card & Letters

At the end of your event you should remember to thank your speaker and, depending on whether or not there was a speaker’s fee, present the speaker with small Rotman gift.  Also, depending on the size and scope of the event, you may wish to thank the Club members who were integral in the running of the event, if appropriate.

Even though you have thanked the speaker and event organizers at the event, you should send a formal card or letter of thanks, preferably on GBC or Club letterhead, within one week of the event’s conclusion. 

Club Annual Report

A copy of all event planning records (completed GBC Clubs Event Booking Form), advertising materials (copies of e-mails, etc.) and participant feedback should be maintained by the Club and the information included in the Club Annual Report.  These records are crucial to the future success of annual events and to the successful transition between Club executives from year to year. All data should be added to the Clubs Archive Folder which can be found on your membership page.