There are a number of different options that are available to assist your Club with advertising the event to your intended audience. It should be noted that mass e-mail is not only an ineffective method of communication, it often has a detrimental effect on the number of individuals who will take the time to review the information you have sent. Some of the different types of communication tools available to you are:
- Program Calendar
- Student Life Calendar
- Club Community (My Groups) Calendar
- Digital Signage
- Weekly GBC Newsletter
- Direct Email Invitation (Mail merge or BCC to group)
- Written Invitation or Mailing
- Media
Program Calendar
If your event is open to the general MBA or Rotman Population, the Program Services Office will ensure that your event is posted to the Program Calendar (My Program page) once your event booking request has been processed and confirmed.
Student Life Calendar & Club Community Calendar
Events that are placed on a Club’s Community Calendar will automatically be visible on the Student Life Calendar (My Groups) to all members of the Club. If the event is open to all students in the MBA Program, the event can be posted to the Student Life Calendar by the GBC Clubs Directors or PSO Program Coordinator, Student Experience & Events and will be visible to all students.
Note: Events should not be posted to either the Club Community Calendar or the Student Life Calendar until confirmation of the event booking has been received from the Program Services Office.
Weekly GBC Newsletter
The Weekly GBC Newsletter is developed and sent by the GBC Communications Coordinator. In order to have your event included in the newsletter, information must be sent to the Coordinator by the stated deadline each week.
Direct Email Invitation & Written Invitation of Mailing
If you have a specific list of students, faculty, staff, industry professional or alumni that you will be inviting to the event, it may be more effective to personalize your email through a mail merge or by sending a written invitation or mailing (depending on the size, scope and formality of the event).
Please see Appendix III for details on accessing your Club Email account.
Special Note: Alumni Invitees
Mass emails to alumni are sent a maximum of twice per week. Given that Rotman is contacting alumni regularly, there is generally a lineup of emails to go out, sometimes creating a queue several weeks long. Placement on this queue will depend on the relative importance of the event and not on a first-come, first-served basis.
If your event is of a size and scope where you feel general media may be of assistance or required at the event or for publicity leading up to the event, you should seek the advice and assistance of the Manager, Media Relations (see Advancement – pg. 10) a minimum of 4 weeks ahead of the event date.
You should ensure that your speaker(s) understand and are comfortable with the idea that the media may be used to publicize the event or be present at the event.
General Guidelines for Marketing Your Event
- Confirm your event details (date, time, location, and speaker information) BEFORE starting to market to Club members, the Rotman Community or external audiences such as Alumni or industry professionals.
- Ensure that all event details are included in your calendar posting, email or written and media material. This includes a contact email for the Club or event, registration information as well as the event date, time and location. If you feel it is necessary, some events marketed to students may require a notice regarding dress-code.
¹ Timing Note!
The details for your event should be planned a minimum of 4 – 6 weeks in advance and confirmed a minimum of 1 – 2 weeks ahead of the event.