GBC Communications

The following outlines the expectations and procedures for publishing content using GBC platforms. Please refer to these guidelines to ensure your content is delivered in a timely and appropriate fashion.

GBC Platforms:

  1. Weekly Newsletter
  2. LinkedIn
  3. Instagram


1) Weekly Newsletter

Each week on Friday, GBC sends out a weekly newsletter highlighting the week’s events for the general student body. To ensure that your desired content is published properly, please adhere to the following rules:

  1. Content: Submissions are to be requested using the Please use the subject line “Content for Newsletter”. Contents must include at least a write up and a picture. Preferred picture format – 1×1; JPEG/PNG. Preferred write-up length: 2-3 sentences, small bullets for call to action.
  2. DEADLINE: Submissions are due by 11:59pm each Monday. Late submissions will not be accepted. We will be going through everything each Tuesday and email you for clarifications.

2) LinekdIn

You can use the same request format (mention LinkedIn in the subject line) to request your content to be posted on the GBC LinkedIn channel. If the content is aligned with our channel guidelines, we will publish it.

3) Instagram
You can use the same request format (mention Instagram in the subject line) to request your content to be posted on the GBC Instagram channel. If the content is aligned with our channel guidelines, we will publish it.

4) Club Logos

Please kindly send your logo if you are planning to update it to

 Final Remarks:

We are working to build a community with transparent and clear communication. We will adhere to GBC guidelines and keep communication at an optimal level so that everyone gets benefitted.