Advancement – Student Club Fundraising Procedures

Overview – University of Toronto, Division of University Advancement (DUA)

The Division of University Advancement (DUA) promotes and upholds the University of Toronto’s mission by engaging its worldwide community of alumni and friends in support of its top academic priorities.

Working closely with the University’s academic leadership, its staff and students, alumni and volunteer leaders, and donors, DUA leads and coordinates alumni relations and fundraising efforts across the University. Our uniquely integrated structure encourages each division, department or college to bring its particular strengths and expertise to the common cause of advancing the University’s reputation as a global leader in academic research, innovation and learning across a wide range of disciplines in the humanities, social sciences, sciences and the professions.

As the University seeks to enhance its position among the world’s leading universities, its ability to develop strong, supportive relationships among external constituents will become increasingly essential to its success. The cultivation, solicitation and stewardship of gifts is of paramount importance to enriching the University’s academic mission, serving the needs of its students and faculty, and ultimately, the societies to which its current and future leaders contribute.

With these objectives in mind, the University’s model for relationship management of prospective donors involves an institution-wide perspective for leveraging the strength and quality of those relationships for the benefit of the University overall. Coordinating our efforts enables the University to attract the highest level gifts for the highest priorities. It also enables us to best serve the interests of our generous supporters. For these reasons, it is important that all fundraising activities related to the Rotman School of Management are coordinated with Office of Advancement.

Student Club Fundraising at the Rotman School of Management

The Rotman School of Management is at the forefront of management education, developing and inspiring the next generation of business leaders and entrepreneurs. The generous support of alumni, friends and corporate partners play an enormous role in the growth of our community and the richness of the Rotman experience. Rotman recognizes that there’s much more to the MBA experience than what happens in the classroom – and that student clubs are an integral part of life at Rotman.

The Graduate Business Council affiliated clubs receive allocated funding through the University of Toronto. In cases where funds received do not reasonably cover the costs of key programs and events, and other on-campus funding sources have been exhausted, clubs can seek external funding support from alumni, corporations, associations, or foundations. Before making any external funding requests, all clubs are asked to coordinate their fundraising efforts with the Graduate Business Council and the Rotman Office of Advancement.

Prior to contacting the Office of Advancement, please ensure your Club has:

  • Reviewed the Graduate Business Council policies on funding;
  • Developed a program proposal and/or detailed event plan;
  • Created a comprehensive budget (including disclosure of any on-campus funding received);
  • Identified prospects with company name, personal contact (if applicable) and explanation as to why the prospect aligns with your event or program.

University Fundraising Guidelines

Please read the following University policies on fundraising and donations:

University of Toronto Office of Financial Services Fundraising and Donations Overview

Guidelines on Fund Raising Strategy and Programs at the University of Toronto

Please refer to the following guidelines for coordinating requests with the Rotman Office of Advancement:

Prospect Clearance

Before reaching out to a prospective donor or sponsor, please contact the Rotman Office of Advancement as a member of the University community may already be working or in discussion your identified prospect(s). The Office of Advancement will review and approve outreach to each identified prospect. In some cases, a contact person may be recommended based on an existing relationship with the University or additional prospects will be recommended based on alignment with your program or event.

Proposal Review

When a funding request is above $5,000, the University requires all proposals to be reviewed and approved by DUA. The Office of Advancement will work with your Club to develop a compelling proposal and facilitate approval. This ensures all stewardship activities (i.e. tax receipt or sponsor recognition) are in accordance with Canada Revenue Agency’s policies. To learn more about the difference between a sponsorship and a donation, please review the Canada Revenue Agency’s policies on receiving gifts.

Lead Solicitor

When a funding request is above $10,000, the University requires all activity to be captured in the University’s CRM system and the prospect be assigned to a member of the University’s Advancement team. The Rotman Office of Advancement will work with your Club to engage the prospect and ensure all activity is tracked accordingly. This also ensures the prospect’s relationship with the University is maintained over time.

Donor or Sponsorship Agreement

When a funding request above $10,000 is accepted, the University requires an agreement between the donor or sponsor and the University. The Rotman Office of Advancement will work with your Club to draft the appropriate agreement and receive signatures from all parties. Clubs or other student organizations are not permitted to sign agreements or contracts on behalf of the University of Toronto.

Gift Processing

All donations and sponsorship payments to the University are processed by DUA. Please deliver all payments to the Rotman Office of Advancement for processing by DUA. Acceptable payment methods include: cash, cheques, credit card payments and marketable securities. Cheques must be made payable to the University of Toronto. Please contact the Rotman Office of Advancement should you require donation or tax related forms.


Timely, outcome-oriented and personalized thank-yous are best. A framed photo of your event, branded swag or a thank you card signed by club members are all simple and meaningful ways to steward your supporters. The Office of Advancement will provide additional stewardship to your donors and sponsors, as appropriate. For example, corporate donors or sponsors who make a gift of $10,000 or more to the Rotman School of Management are recognized as members of the Dean’s Society (individuals are recognized in the Dean’s Society for gifts of $1,000 or more) and will receive additional benefits through this recognition program. Stewardship provided by the Office of Advancement is determined by the level of contribution and must be outlined in the donor or sponsorship agreement.

Advancement Contacts