Working with Development

Sponsorship Requests for $10,000+

All Rotman club sponsorship requests above $10,000 must be approved by the Development Office. Please contact John Cowling regarding corporate/ individual sponsorship requests. Sponsorship plus speaking engagements/requests for speakers.   


Corporate sponsorship offers incredible funding opportunities for events and activities organized by student clubs. Many companies have substantial budgets for funding student conferences, cases, socials, etc., as student events are great opportunities for companies to market their brands and recruit potential employees.

List of Prospective Companies

A master list of companies who have expressed interest in funding club activities is available to all clubs.  The VP Finance will manage the list and ensure that it contains up-to-date information on new partnerships and corporate contacts.  For access to this list, please contact the GBC Manager, Sponsorship.

Note: IF YOUR CLUB RECEIVES FUNDING, IT IS CRITICAL THAT YOU REPORT THIS INFORMATION TO THE GBC Manager, Sponsorship.  Please send all new contacts and/or updated corporate contacts to the GBC Manager, Sponsorship.  Thank you for your cooperation. 

Asking for Sponsorship Dollars

Email the GBC Manager, Sponsorship for a list of corporations/individuals that you intend to approach for sponsorship

(cc: Development Officer, Development)

  • Include ask amounts/values in the email.
  • The master list will be consulted to ensure that the club’s prospective companies have not already been approached by/committed to numerous other Rotman student clubs.
  • The club’s intention to approach the listed companies/individuals will be recorded on the master list.
  • Once the request has been reviewed, GBC Manager, Sponsorship will provide you with the individual’s or corporation’s contact name/number/ email, where appropriate.

Prepare your sponsorship ask

  • A sponsor is more likely to respond to a well-structured and professional approach. Send a letter/email that clearly states the sponsorship opportunity, what benefits you are willing to offer, ask amount (or range) and any additional information that may further support their decision-making process (e.g. info on the Rotman School, the club, past events, past sponsors, etc..).
  • Be aware of the company’s previous sponsorship partnerships at the Rotman School and, in particular, with your club.  If the company has previously sponsored the club, be sure to make reference to this in the letter (in the form of a thank you).

Sponsorship Follow-Up

  • Forward the GBC Manager, Sponsorship any contact information updates (to ensure accuracy of master list).
  • Email the GBC Manager, Sponsorship and cc the Associate Director, Development to inform them of any confirmed sponsorship partnerships. The GBC VP Student Life will update the list to reflect this information.
  • Thank your sponsors. Send a thank you letter/email/handwritten note, invite sponsors to appropriate club/school events, share copies of promotional materials, report on the success of the event, etc…
  • In accordance with the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency guidelines, the University of Toronto does not issue tax receipts for sponsorships.  Sponsorship is undertaken with the purpose of achieving commercial objectives (use of logos, access to marketing opportunities, etc…) and therefore is not considered a charitable donation.