Working with Career Services

The focus of the Career Service’s collaboration with Clubs is to provide industry specific resources and education to assist students in preparation for employment opportunities.  You will find that there are a number of ways that your club can partner with the Career Services team to assist students in planning great events, connecting with organizations and also to create targeted resume book mail-outs to promote your members to a specific industry sector.

Our Industry Advisors and Career Coaches will partner closely with their assigned clubs to support club goals in the following ways:

  • Promote job opportunities and communicate any changes to posting logistics to club executives for students to apply
  • Provide guidance regarding Campus recruitment timelines for interview scheduling to avoid duplication with career services events
  • Attend club kick off meeting – advise on summer recruitment, company partnerships etc.
  • Support in identifying and securing relevant employer / alumni for speaking engagements, judges for case competitions and introduce club executives
  • Support with hosting events (ie: industry networking event) and/or moderate panels providing knowledge-based experience on both client and sector (see more details under Event Options)
  • Advise on resume review process with alumni to adhere to Rotman standards (page, format, bullets etc.)
  • Attend transition meeting as an introduction to the new executive team
  • Introduce existing and new clients to the club where applicable
  • Serve on the advisory board if one exists to continue to add support, feedback and industry knowledge as well as serve as a judge panelist for case competitions
  • Work with clubs with respect to securing companies for case competitions and event sponsorships

Event Options

Career Services supports Clubs in planning and finding industry experts for a variety of types of events to meet the informational, educational and networking needs of students:

  • Industry information: Events designed to provide students insider information about an industry sector or functional area of interest. Examples: coffee chats, panel discussions, fireside chats
  • Industry specific recruitment preparation: Events that provide insights into the industry or function specific nuances to recruitment tools and processes like resume writing and interviewing.  Examples:  Recruitment preparation sessions, and Mock interview sessions
  • Experiential Learning opportunities: Events that give students the chance to demonstrate and practice skills relevant to an industry sector or functional area. Examples: Case competitions, business simulations.
  • Industry connection: Events that put students in touch with industry contacts, often in a more casual or low risk environment.  Example: Networking / mix-and-mingle events. Events can be designed to meet multiple needs.

 Connecting with Industry

Organizations and/or corporate individuals can be involved with your club on many levels such as speaker engagements, judging competitions and attending events. Be sure to discuss with your Industry Advisor during your early planning stages of any industry contacts that you plan to reach out to in order to collaborate about a strategy and existing relationship details with Rotman. Prior to any additional outreach with industry contacts throughout the year, be sure to connect with your industry advisor.

Some tips to ensure successful interactions with organizations and build long term relationships with the business community:

  • Determine early (by the end of June) what club activities you plan to host throughout the year. Identify which activities include organization participation and then put together a sponsorship package (if relevant).
  • When developing your portfolio of activities, seek ways to involve both organizations who may be interested in very little time commitment, and those who want to be involved in many events. The commitment organizations are able to make both financially and in time will vary greatly.
  • Many organizations who recruit on campus will be looking for additional opportunities to participate in campus activities. A list of interested recruiters will be accessible through the Club Director.
  • Invite your assigned industry advisor and career coachto attend events relating to careers or where there is opportunity for business development.
  • Look for opportunities to co-host events with other clubs that might be targeting the same organizations.
  • When inviting organizations to participate and attend your events, be sure to provide them with at least 6 weeks notice of the event and to collect RSVPs.
  • Organizations will occasionally ask the Industry Advising team to market their job opportunities and/or employment events via the relevant industry student clubs. If opportunities are sentto the club directly from an industry contract, it is important notify the Career Services team and to share the information with your members in a timely fashion.

Targeted Resume Books

A targeted industry resume book is a great way to market your club member’s talents to a specific pool of prospective organizations.  If an industry partner requests a resume book from you, please reach out to your assigned Industry advisor and career coach for assistance.

How to Put Together a Club Resume Book

  • Discuss with your club aligned Career Coach or Industry Advisor your interest in putting together a resume book a minimum of 4 – 6 weeks in advance.
  • Choose the selection criteria required for a student to be included in your resume book and communicate this to your club membership.
  • Best practice includes a resume book for industry events that you host. Simply email your assigned industry advisor and career coach with the list of attendees and program.
  • Please make sure your members include your club name in the Rcareer profile (club affiliation).