“Dear Class of 2021 – Greetings from Marlys and Jia Lin, the instructors for the course Leveraging Diverse Teams (LDT). We are excited to meet you during Kick-Off when we launch a new and exciting course. You’ll have an opportunity to connect with your new colleagues, raise self-awareness of your own social and personal work-style, and maximize your ability to collaborate and succeed in teams.
Jia Lin Xie is Magna Professor in Management and Professor of Organizational Behaviour and HR Management at Rotman. Her research focuses on the fit between employees and their work environment (P-E fit) and the effects of such fit and misfit on employee well-being. Another area of her research expertise is cross-cultural management, with a focus on Chinese organizational behavior. Jia Lin has served at editorial boards for Journal of Organizational Behavior (2006-2011) and Management and Organization Review (2003 and onward), and currently serves as the President for International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR).