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Rotman Association for Marketing and Sales (RAMS)

Created on: 10 July 2024
Modified on: 10 July 2024

Article I – Name and Mission

  1. The mission of Rotman Association for Marketing and Sales (RAMS) is to create opportunities for the Rotman community to cultivate their marketing and sales expertise and to ultimately further their personal and professional goals. We aim to do this by fostering a tight-knit community where any student, whether experienced or explorer can build a network, develop skills and the know-how that are necessary to succeeding in their careers
  2. The club’s objective:
    Putting member needs and motivations at the centre, our programs and events are an integral complement to the Rotman marketing and sales curriculum and are designed to:

    1. Provide a space for current and aspiring marketing/sales professionals to exchange ideas and make lasting connections.
    Enable diverse and relevant conversations with marketing and sales experts through stronger industry relationships.
    3. Equip members with tools to keep up with evolving trends and position themselves better for recruitment.
    4. Shed light on the many different roles and industries in which a marketing/sales professional can add valuE.
    5. Provide tailored advice to members to help them navigate the recruitment cycle and accompany in their professional journeys while at Rotman.

  3. As a club supported by Rotman’s Graduate Business Council (GBC), the Rotman Association for Marketing and Sales (RAMS) further considers the following as part of its mandate:

    a. To represent the interests of graduate students at Rotman in cooperation with the Rotman administration and the GBC.
    b. To add value towards students’ clubs experiences at Rotman; and
    c.  To further engagement and school spirit within the Rotman community.


Article II – Organizational Structure

  • The RAMS Council is comprised of 11 Executives, 4 first year FTMBA representatives, and 2 MEMBA representatives.
  • Executives are selected through interview held by outgoing executives.
  • First year FTMBA and MEMBA representatives are selected through voting by club members.
Org Chart

*First Year Representative to report to entire exec team; responsibilities will be assigned based on need*

Club elected positions:
Below are the roles and responsibilities of each member of the Council.


  1. Leads the development of annual strategy, charter, and calendar
  2. Oversees and supports the ongoing execution of planned events and programs
  3. Manages internal resources including the executive team’s bandwidth
  4. Liaises regularly with the Advisory Board (if applicable) for consultation and feedback
  5. Facilitates regular club activities such as meetings and feedback gathering
  6. Ensures open and effective internal communication within the executive teams
  7. Ensures the club is well represented outside of the program and seeks partnerships with marketing associations, and other graduate institutions in North America.
  8. Represents the club in external meetings (e.g. GBC) unless otherwise agreed upon
  9. Leads annual elections and succession planning for the succeeding executive team
  10. Serves on the Advisory Board (if applicable) for the succeeding year and provides input on next year’s plans
  11. Manages the elections and onboarding of First Year Representatives

Vice President – Career Development and Director-Careers:

  1. Leads and executes the RAMS Mentorship Program and other Career Development programs:
    a. Designs key objectives and content for each event and program
    b. Secures guest speakers and sponsors (if necessary)
    c. Secures event venue and catering
    d. Prepares guest invitations, reminders, gifts, and giveaways,
    e.Provides VP Communications with marketing-related content, including event title, description, guest biographies, and photos for promotion purposes
    f. Monitors registration count and event attendance
    g. Sends follow-up thank you emails for respective events
    h. Prepares comprehensive event documentation
    i. Gathers participant feedback and leading post event review
  2. Works with the Career Centre to develop training programs and enhance RAMS career tools
  3. Works with external coaches for training and deployment for case and behavioural prep clinics
  4. Works with other Council members to plan career treks, speed networking events, and other student-employer engagement activities
  5. Attends regular Council meetings and provides timely updates to the rest of the team
  6. Prepares transition documents for role with learnings and opportunities for next year’s team
  7. Conducts a minimum of one debrief meeting with next year’s counterpart

Vice President – Communications:

  1. Leads and executes Communications programs
  2. Actively manages the external image of the RAMS
    a. Manages social media content (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn)
    b. Manages monthly newsletter
    c. Develops marketing materials to support events
    d. Manages online presence, marketing and promotion of events, and event registration
    e. Manages RAMS email ID and responses in consultation with the President
    f. Updates the RAMS website and club email address
  3. Coordinates with other Council members to raise awareness to and drive participation in various RAMS events and programs through communication channels
  4. Supports other Council members in monitoring registration count and event attendance for respective events, reminder and, pre-reading emails to students prior to events
  5. Manages member information and contact lists
  6. Attends regular Council meetings and provides timely updates to the rest of the team
  7. Prepares transition documents for role with learnings and opportunities for next year’s team
  8. Conducts a minimum of one debrief meeting with next year’s counterpart

Vice President – Industry Relations & Finance:

  1. Leads and executes Industry Night and other Industry Engagement programs and events
    a. Designs key objectives and content for each event and program
    b. Secures guest speakers and sponsors (if necessary)
    c. Secures event venue and catering
    d. Prepares guest invitations, reminders, gifts, and giveaways
    e. Provides VP Communications with marketing-related content, including event title, description, guest biographies, and photos for promotion purposes
    f. Monitors registration count and event attendance
    g. Sends follow-up thank you emails for respective events
    h. Prepares comprehensive event documentation
    i. Gathers participant feedback and leading post event review
  2. Serve as signing authority for the club funds
  3. Builds partnerships with companies, alumni and other institutions to secure event
  4. participation and potential recruitment from Rotman
  5. Coordinates with other Council members to ensure smooth planning and execution of RAMS events and activities involving companies and external institutions
  6. Works with other members of the Council to plan career treks, networking events, and other student-employer engagement activities
  7. Oversees and controls the RAMS budget
  8. Works with President to develop effective budget for RAMS projects
  9. Leads the creation of key documents and audits for GBC requirements
  10. Provides guidance and support to the rest of the team with respect to confirming available budgets and setting cost boundaries
  11. Attends regular Council meetings and provides timely updates to the rest of the team
  12. Prepares transition documents for role with learnings and opportunities for next year’s team
  13. Conducts a minimum of one debrief meeting with next year’s counterpart

Vice President – Strategic Partnerships:

  1. Plans and executes RAMS Case Competition and other Strategic Partnership programs and events
    a. Designs key objectives and content for each event and program
    b. Secures guest speakers and sponsors (if necessary)
    c. Secures event venue and catering
    d. Prepares guest invitations, reminders, gifts, and giveaways
    e. Provides VP Communications with marketing-related content, including event title, description, guest biographies, and photos for promotion purposes
    f. Monitors registration count and event attendance
    g. Sends follow-up thank you emails for respective events
    h. Prepares comprehensive event documentation
    i. Gathers participant feedback and leading post event review
  2. Attends regular Council meetings and provides timely updates to the rest of the team
  3. Prepares transition documents for role with learnings and opportunities for next year’s team
  4. Conducts a minimum of one debrief meeting with next year’s counterpart

Director – Events

  1. Work closely with other Exec members to support and enhance their respective events and programs.
  2. Provides necessary resources and support for the successful execution of career development programs, industry engagement activities, and strategic partnership events.
  3. Plan and execute all club events, including securing venues, arranging catering, and managing logistics.

First Year FTMBA and MEMBA Representatives:

  1. Promotes RAMS programs and events to respective first year sections
  2. Attends regular Council meetings to represent needs and wants of respective sections
  3. Seeks feedback from respective sections and provides feedback to the Council
  4. Assists Vice President in the execution of respective programs and events

Article III – Election of Future Members and Succession

All applicants for positions on the RAMS Executive Team will be required to provide the following:

  1. A 1-page resume
  2. One round of interview with current executive members

    a. The out-going executive team will score each part of the application and select the applicant who achieved the highest score for each role as the successful candidate
    b. Candidates who held “club rep” roles with Rotman Sales Club (i.e. First Year Rep) will be awarded “bonus points” on their applications, as their experience will be valuable to the club’s continued success
    c. The Executive Election Process will be held in April of each year with successful candidates announced on or before April 30th

An exception lies where:

  1. The position for club President remains vacant despite an extended nomination period. The Council shall elect a President from a member of the 11 elected students
  2. Three quarters (75%) of the Executive positions remain vacant despite an extended nomination period. The Council shall, in consultation with the GBC Clubs Director, establish a continuity plan to ensure preservation of club materials, contacts, event plans, etc.

For First Year FTMBA and MEMBA Representatives, in accordance with the GBC club requirements, RAMS shall run elections for 3 or 4 1YR positions:

  1. Elections will be held in September of the following year
  2. At least one 3YR representative position must be included in the elections for first year section representatives if the 3YR members represent 15% or more of the total non-graduating members of the club.

Article IV – Impeachment and Forfeiture

  1. A Council member may be impeached by a three-quarters (75%) vote of voting club members, provided that three-quarters (75%) of all voting club members vote.
  2. A Council member provides grounds for impeachment when, in the judgment of the Council, he or she fails to fulfill his/her duties as defined by the Constitution and the By-laws. As a minimum, a majority of the club executive is required to raise the motion to impeach.
  3. If an elected member of Council is impeached or abdicates his/her position, then a by-election must be held no later than three weeks after the position becomes vacant. The election rules outline in Article IV, modified as necessary, shall apply to the by-election.
  4. If an appointed member of Council is impeached or abdicates his/her position, then a replacement must be appointed no later than three weeks after the position becomes vacant. The replacement shall be appointed using the same process as the original appointment.
  5. If the position of President becomes vacant, the vacant position shall be filled temporarily by one of the other Executive members, until a re-appointment can be held.
  6. If a Council member chooses to run for another position on Council that has become vacant, then he or she must resign his/her original position, which will then be filled by an interview. For greater clarity, if the Council member fails to become elected for the new position, he/she cannot reclaim their forfeited position.

Article V – Club Resolutions, Approvals and Voting Members

  1. By-laws and amendments to existing by-laws and the constitution can be adopted with a three-quarters (75%) vote within the Council and only during the spring term (January-April) of every school year. This is to ensure stability of the clubs operations year to year; this mechanism is intended to make constitutional amendments and by-laws a vehicle for implementing lessons learned through the year and avoid a perennial overhaul of the constitution.
  2. Each disbursement/expenditure shall be approved by the President and executed by the VP Industry Relations and Finance. In the absence of the President, the VP Industry Relations and Finance may approve the expenditure. Approval may be in the form of a ratified budget.
  3. Voting members shall include: the President and all executives with the club. These are: VP Industry Relations and Finance, VP Communications, VP Strategic Partnerships, VP Career Development, and Directors (and any other club appointed positions which may be added later).
  4. A vote by Council is considered valid only when three-quarters (75%) of voting members are present.

Article VI – Complaints Resolution Process

  1. The individual who has a complaint or grievance is expected to address the person or persons who are responsible for the complaint directly (without ego, hostility or to place RAMS the blame of ill intention) in an attempt to reach a resolution collaboratively (RAMS expects that 80% of all complaints or grievances will be resolved at this stage.)
  2. If the two parties involved in the complaint cannot reach a resolution productively and collaboratively, then they may agree to bring in a third, neutral, member of the club team to mediate the conversation and help the two parties come to a resolution. The neutral club representative is expected to offer unbiased feedback on each of the two parties main arguments and, if necessary, make a suggestion for how the complaint might be resolved. The neutral representative is expected to keep the issue 100% confidential, including from other club representatives.
  3. In the rare case (~1%) that a resolution cannot be made between the two parties with the help of a neutral club representative or the complaint (resolved or not) involves severe misbehavior (e.g. harassment, slander) and the neutral party feels other club representatives could be negatively impacted in the future, the neutral party is obligated to inform the club president (or a third party) who will then be responsible for involving members of the greater Rotman community (e.g. GBC representatives, OSE representatives) to determine the best course of action to prevent further incidents from occurring.


In case of club conflict, voting of the Council will be necessary to proceed.

  1. Voting members shall include the President, Vice Presidents and Directors.
  2. A vote is considered valid only when three-quarters (75%) of the Council are present.
  3. To proceed with the initiative, a minimum of 50% of the Council votes will be necessary.

Team Communication:

Outside of Council meetings, communication will take place primarily through email and WhatsApp. Prompt responses to messages or inquires are expected. If a member is unable to deliver as promised, member should advise the group in advance so that alternate arrangements can be made.

Team Documentation:

All pertinent club documents are to be stored in the RAMS OneDrive.


  1. The President is expected to schedule and facilitate regular Council meetings. She/he should send the meeting agenda, including any required pre-work, at least 24 hours before the meeting.
  2. Council members are expected to be fully present during meetings. For in person meetings, members are expected to have their gadgets down, unless needed for the meeting. For virtual meetings, members are strongly encouraged to turn on their cameras.
  3. Council members are expected to join meetings promptly, so that the meetings can start on time and end on time.
  4. Council members are expected to notify the rest of the team should they be late or unable to attend meetings. Latecomers and absentees are expected to review the minutes of the meeting and keep themselves up to speed on next steps. In the case of virtual meetings, they are expected to watch the video recording.
  5. Council members will take turns in recording the minutes of the meeting.

Bandwidth and Workload:

Members will respect each other’s workload and help each other out when they are crunched for time. If a member is unable to handle his/her workload, the concerned member will discuss it one-on-one offline with the President.

Conflict of Interest:

Team members shall not engage in any actions that compete directly or indirectly in any manner whatsoever with the objectives of the RAMS whether as members, representative or executives of another club.

Team members are bound by the RAMS’s best interests during their term and shall notify the President and executives of any possible or potential conflict of interest which may result from his/her involvement in another club and shall commence such activities only after approval from the President which may not be unreasonably withheld.

Team members shall not and undertake not to, without the prior consent of the President and executives, use, copy, model any ideas, initiatives or programs discussed in RAMS meetings that may expunge first mover advantage. Executives may be permitted to adapt these only after benefits have accrued to the RAMS first.

Assessment of Team Effectiveness:

A post-mortem exercise to be conducted after every term. This review will:

  1. Assess our effectiveness in relation to our stated objectives (e.g., Did we meet our goals? Are we where we need to be to complete our work on time? Do we have all the information we need?)
  2. Assess our effectiveness at working together (e.g., Are we living up to our Team Norms?). We will also utilize the assessment tools available to us such as Team Feedback Survey. We will adjust based upon our reviews and set improvement goals to guide subsequent efforts.

Other Team Norms and Expectations:

  1. Council members are expected to put their best effort in attending all RAMS events.
  2. During RAMS events, Council members are strongly encouraged to be proactive in interacting with participants and club members.
  3. Council members are always expected to act with courtesy and respect. All Council members should be given the fair chance to share their opinion and feedback in any discussion.
  4. Council members are expected to be open to feedback. Likewise, they are expected to share feedback with other Council members in a timely and respectful manner.

Article VII – Financial Reporting and Audits

  1. As a club supported by Rotman’s Graduate Business Council (GBC), the RAMS shall make an account of club expenditures, as a minimum, involving funds provided by the GBC. For greater certainty, this financial reporting is a mandatory transfer of information by RAMS, to assist the GBC further its goals of financial compliance and accountability. The RAMS retains full control of all financial activities; financial reporting does not introduce an approval process involving the GBC. In summary, the RAMS will conduct its bookkeeping and financial reporting in a manner consistent with the 2024-2025 requirements as set forth by the GBC.
  2. Financial reporting follows 3 phases:

    a. GBC Funding Application – A preliminary budget shall be submitted to the GBC to facilitate the allocation of GBC clubs funding.
    b. GBC Expenditure Confirmation (mid-year) – This applies largely to the base GBC club funding; confirmation of expenditures is sufficient for discretionary GBC club funding. Mid-year reporting shall be completed by December 31 and comes in the form of an updated budget. This facilitates the allocation of GBC clubs discretionary funding where available for the spring term (January-April)
    c. GBC Expenditure Confirmation (end-of-year) – This applies largely to the base GBC club funding; confirmation of expenditures is sufficient for discretionary GBC club funding. End-of-year reporting shall be completed by April 31. This facilitates the GBC’s assessment of overall clubs financial and programming performance.