Rotman Energy and Natural Resources Association

Our vision: “RENRA advises, connects and supports Rotman MBAs who would like to pursue a richer learning experience and develop their career in the 21st century Global Energy and Natural Resources sectors.”
Why should you be a part of RENRA?
Our events are held with the aim to enrich the MBA experience of a small batch of both “rookies” and “veterans” who will have the opportunity to Learn & Network with Alumni and experienced Professionals in Energy & Natural Resources.

Constitution of RENRA
Article 1 – Name
The club’s official name will be “Rotman Energy and Natural Resources Association”, and may be referred to as “RENRA”
Article 2 – Club Mandate
The club’s mandate will be as follows: (1)Support primarily MBA and Graduate students in connecting to the natural resources(mining, oil & gas, renewable energy) business;
(2)Assist MBA and Graduate students in their career pursuits and personal development;
(3)Develop an alumni database data base and facilitate mentorship opportunities;
(4)Organize speaker series with members of both the engineering and business community;
(5)Hosts a variety of social and informational events along with firm visits.
Article 3 – Membership
(1)The club’s membership is open to all MBA and graduate students at the University of Toronto;
(2)Any non-graduate student members, including staff members, do not have voting rights;
(3)Executive members, voting and non-voting, shall be graduate students;
(4)Each club member shall abide by the conflict of interest provisions written in the Clubs Policy: Club Operating Policies.
Article 4 – Executive & Executive Responsibilities
There shall be an Executive Committee
(1)Collectively, the Executive Committee will ensure that the club’s activities do not violate the Graduate Business Council (GBC) and the University’s policies and procedures, and municipal, provincial and federal laws.
(2)There will not be less than four (4) Executive members at any one time that fulfill the following function
a. The President will:
i. Oversee the other members of the executive in fulfilling their responsibilities;
ii. Chair all meetings;
iii. Engage incoming MBA and graduate candidates;
iv. If absent, assign an executive with all the responsibilities of the President.
b. The Vice President of Communications & Development will:
i. Record votes and minutes of all meetings;
ii. Give or cause to be given notice of all meetings; and
iii. Manage and maintain RENRA’s alumni database;
iv. Promote and advertise RENRA through various social media forms;
v. Engage various industry contacts and alumni.
c. The Vice President of Professional Programs will:
i. Engage professional graduate candidates;
ii. Organize club programs, activities and events in accordance with its Constitution’s mandate;
iii. Be responsible for submitting event proposals;
iv. Be responsible for adhering to all terms and conditions set forth by the GBC.
d. The Vice President of Finance will:
i. Oversee all financial dealings of the club;
ii. Keep complete records of all financial dealings of the club;
iii. Have USC Finance Office signing authority for the club.
(3)Executives are subject to the club’s membership fees.
Article 5 – Elections
(1)Elections shall be carried out in accordance with the executive election provisions
(2)Existing members will be appointed
Article 6 – Amendments
(1)Any amendments to this constitution must be made in accordance with the constitution amendment provisions in Graduate Business council
Article 7 – Member Removal
(1)Club members may only be removed from the membership in accordance with the member removal provisions of the Graduate Business Council Constitution
Article 8 – Refund Policy
(1) Membership fee refunds shall be given in accordance with the membership fee refund provisions of the Graduate Business Council Constitution .
Article 9 – Conflict Resolution
(1)Conflict resolution is in accordance with the GBC Section 6