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Excited about: Getting to learn about each RBC member’s favourite book and why they made their picks

Fun fact: Worked as translator for Manchester United Television

Currently reading: All the Lovers in the Night by Mieko Kawakami

Favourite book and why: Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami, I’ve read this five times and each time I gain a deeper understanding of the characters. Murakami’s wit, his references to books and music, and his ability to describe complex emotions in simple language are just some reasons why I love his writing. His other enjoyable works are Hear the Wind Sing, A Wild Sheep Chase, Dance Dance Dance, Sputnik Sweetheart, On Seeing the 100% Perfect Girl One Beautiful April Morning, A Folklore for My Generation, and Yesterday.

Excited about: Meeting new RBC members and discussing interesting books

Fun fact: I’ve attended the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony

Currently reading: The Lessons of History by Will and Ariel Durant

Favourite book and why: David Copperfield by Charles Dickens. I first read this as a teenager and then re-read again when I was in 20. And both times I had the strongest emotional reaction to a piece of literature that i’ve ever had in my life. It reinforces the virtues of kindness, loyalty and hard work. Virtues I feel are relevant at any stage of life.

Excited about: Transitioning from virtual to in-person book discussions

Fun fact: Went bald & donated my hair for cancer

Currently reading: Guns, germs & steel by Jared Diamond

Favourite book and why: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy. It was this book that increased my affinity towards reading during my teenage years. I also admired the strength & resilience of the lead character (Lisbeth) to fight evil and her style to walk the talk. She refined the meaning of courage over comfort for me at an early stage in my life.