Your Personalized CliftonStrengths Results

Did you know that once you complete the CliftonStrengths assessment, you can download your customized report – the Strengths Insight Guide – that not only provides a brief Shared Theme description for each of your top five talents, but also your Personalized Strengths Insights uniquely generated based on how you answered the questions? Developed over decades spent studying millions of CliftonStrengths assessment results, these statements explain exactly how each of your talents makes you stand out from others with the same theme in their Top Five.

If you haven’t yet taken the assessment, make sure to do so before orientation or your first coaching appointment – whichever comes first – and spend time reading through your Strengths Insight Guide. We recommend that you highlight or circle words and underline phrases that resonate with you and best describe you, as well reflect on ways in which you may have used these natural talents throughout your life.

Don’t have an access code or instructions on how to complete the assessment? Please email Career Services at