Asia-Pacific is one of the fastest growing economic regions in the world. While the region provides tremendous business and career opportunities for our alumni and students, its unique cultural and business characteristics sometimes present challenges for alumni and students who would wish to move there post-graduation. Likewise, students from the Asia-Pacific face similar cultural barriers upon arriving in North America. Given the challenges to both parties, it seemed evident that there needed to be a way to “bridge the gap”.
Enter the Rotman Asia Business Association (RABA). Founded in 2004, it strives to bridge the cultural differences between North America and the Asia-Pacific, present opportunities in the Asia-Pacific region to those interested, and provide support that international (Asia-Pacific) students need to settle into their new lives in Toronto. As well, it provides students with the resources they need to explore the Canadian job market through its network with the Asia-Pacific business community. Throughout the year, RABA holds career-oriented and social events such as industry speaker sessions, info session with second-year students and alumni, and maintains connections with the UTCAA (University of Toronto Chinese Alumni Association).
The objectives of the association are:
- To promote the Rotman MBA brand to businesses and educational institutions in the Asia-Pacific region.
- To promote the Rotman MBA brand to Asia-Pacific businesses community in Canada.
- To educate members with North American background about business and cultural norms in the region.
- To educate members with Asia-Pacific background about business and cultural norms in North Amercia.
- To update members with current business issues in the region.
- To establish and strengthen business and alumni connections in the region.
- To establish and strengthen business and alumni connections between the region and North America