Data Biryani : Simply finger lickin’good — LinkedIn

Just like a good biryani, careful preparation prior to in-depth data analysis brings more fruitful results. Read Safdar Hussain’s take on how cooking biryani parallels with data science and analytics. 

Back in 1990s, Sunday was the most awaited day of the week… No, not just a being a weekend or a holiday, but importantly to have mom made “Biryani” (South Asian mixed rice dish generally made with spices, rice and meat – popular throughout the subcontinent). Simply, amazing aroma & finger licking. Very nostalgic.

If I recall correctly, my mom spent hours in kitchen for the Biryani preparation. She carried out several preparation activities before she started cooking the biryani […] After many years, I co-relate this to my “Data Science” profession. Ask any real Data Scientist “Where does he spends most of his/her time while building the models”, we get the answer “Data Preparation phase”. (Data Preparation is the process of collecting, cleaning, and consolidating data into one file primarily used in data modelling/analysis). It is estimated that 73% of Data Scientist’s (I mean real data scientists) time is spent on “Data Preparation & Exploration”.

Source: Data Biryani: Simply Finger Lickin’ Good