Top 5 Tips for a Great Application: Master of Financial Risk Management

Are you applying to the new Master of Financial Risk Management program at Rotman? Want to make sure you’ve got everything in tip-top shape? Don’t worry, you’re in the right place – we’ve got you covered with 5 top tips to perfect your application:

Submitting your application

  1. Familiarize yourself with the application. Something that students often forget is that they can actually go in and out of the application. Just because you may start your application today, it doesn’t mean you have to finish it on the same day. So, take your time to read all the instructions and requirements; after all, filling out a grad school application is a process that requires time and careful attention.
  2. Exhibit your soft skills through the video interview. Everyone applying is required to complete the video interview. Sometimes this aspect of the application can sound intimidating, but don’t be scared! All we want to see is that you can communicate effectively. Keep in mind that this is just one portion of the application and that we take a holistic approach when reviewing all applicants. Also, remember that you can click on the link and practice as much as you want before going on to the ‘real thing’. Practicing will allow you to get confident with the process and technical aspects of doing a video interview.
  3. Communicate effectively through the essay questions. The two-250 word essay questions are also a mandatory aspect of the application, where we are looking to see if you can communicate your ideas clearly and concisely. Keep in mind that you can always practice on a word processor and then cut and paste into the application. Also, remember that the suggested word count is a good measure to ensure that you write an effective answer. In this exercise, less is more.
  4. Have academic references that add value. When choosing your references, make sure you ask professors who know you well enough to explain why you are a good candidate for the program. Remember to also give your referees a heads up once you have submitted your request, as sometimes reference request emails get lost in the pile. Once you’ve sent it, keep track and don’t be afraid to follow up with your referees or resend the request.
  5. Everyone is considered for entrance awards. Exceptional candidates have the chance to receive an entrance award between $5,000 to $15,000 CAD. The good news is that as long as you apply, you will be considered for an entrance award. The not-so-good news is that the later you apply, the less chances you will have to receive one, as these awards are given on a first-come-first-served basis. So, apply early! Our first round application deadline is coming up on December 10, 2015.

These are just some of the useful tips that our recruitment team has for you. If you want to learn more come out to one of our admissions events on our schedule. Good luck!

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