University of Toronto: a community of excellence within Toronto

Given its name, you know that the relationship between the University of Toronto and the city of Toronto is quite special. The University of Toronto (U of T) has become an important icon and actor in the life of our beloved city since it received its name 189 years ago. In this post, we will introduce you to some of the key features that make the University of Toronto a community of excellence within the city of Toronto.

University of Toronto

  1. U of T is all over the city. From uptown to downtown and from east to west, the University of Toronto is located everywhere around the city and its suburbs. While its historic St George campus is located close to one of Toronto’s major intersections—Bloor and Spadina—the university has locations in the downtown core, and in the suburbs of Mississauga and Scarborough. If you don’t believe us, check out these interactive maps. With this spread, it is no wonder that the University of Toronto is one of the most recognizable and iconic institutions in the city.

campus life

  1. U of T holds strong connections in Bay Street. Given its strong representation in both business and legal research, the University of Toronto is strongly connected with major financial institutions and law firms located in the city’s financial district—also known as Bay Street. In fact, if you are a TV fan, you’d be interested to know that the popular legal drama “Suits” is actually filmed around U of T and Bay Street—and not in New York. Fiction aside, our university has intimate ties to our financial sector and many of our instructors, scholars, students and alumni are part of important professional networks connected to Bay Street.
Bay Street

Toronto Financial District

  1. Most hospitals in the city are partners to our university. As a premier institution for scientific and health research, the university is in partnership with an important network of clinics and hospitals servicing the city of Toronto. Some of the University’s most important findings have come through these partnerships.
  1. U of T is home to some of the top professional programs in the country. From the Rotman School of Management to the Faculties of Medicine and Dentistry, and from the Ontario Institute of Studies in Education to the Faculty of Law, the University of Toronto houses top professional schools in Canada. While this is evident in research excellence, our graduates and alumni working in their field have also had a strong impact, making their Alma Mater proud.
  1. U of T accounts for many of Toronto’s beautiful heritage buildings. Many U of T buildings were built between 1850 and 1900, making up some of Toronto’s oldest buildings. Some of our favourites include the Cumberland House, Hart House, Victoria College and Knox College. Proud of this heritage, U of T holds tours for visitors and future students.

Do you have a favourite spot in Toronto or at the University of Toronto? Let us know by leaving a comment below!

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