Blog Policy

Blog and Social Media Policy

The web and social media presence of the Master of Financial Risk Management at the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto is an essential element in providing interactive information about the program to a community of prospective students and in connecting Rotman alumni.

The Master of Financial Risk Management blog,, is a part of this web and social media presence.

While the purpose of this blog is to provide information about the Rotman MFRM program, the views expressed in this blog are solely those of the author of the specific posts, and does not reflect the view of the Rotman School, unless specifically stated.

The policies below guide the terms of use for this blog, and social media associated with the blog. They apply both for the authors of the blog, and for visitors and users of the blog.

  1. All facts are verified to the best of our/your ability. Corrections must be made upon discovery.
  2. We will be honest about who we are. As a visitor and user of the blog, we expect you to be as well.
  3. Be respectful. We encourage you to express your opinions, but personal attacks, harassment, cultural insensitivity or discrimination will not be tolerated.
  4. Be a valued member. Comments and link backs that are irrelevant to the topic of discussion are not permitted.
  5. All comments are moderated. While we do not employ an unnecessary amount of censorship, moderation will be used to weed out spammers and trolls.
  6. If you supply us with your contact information, your personal information will only be used by the Master of Financial Risk Management program at the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto to deliver and communicate relevant information. Your personal information will not be sold to a third party.
  7. Make sure that all information and comments on the blog are not copyrighted or confidential material. Ensure that you have permission to post any copyrighted or confidential information.
  8. All photography on this website is the property of the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, unless otherwise credited.
  9. To share or reuse any of the materials on the website, you must attribute the information to the original author and our blog.

Should you have any questions about this blog or our blog and social media policy, please contact us here.

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