BMO Financial Group Finance Research and Trading Lab is excited to present the 21st edition of the Rotman International Trading Competition (RITC) 2025, in-person, over a 2-day format on February 20th-21st, 2025 Registration will start on August 1st, 2024, at 9:00am EST. RITC is an annual event that brings teams of students and their faculty advisors from universities worldwide to what is currently the world’s largest university trading competition. Teams will experience a unique 2-day simulated market challenge, held at the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto supported by the BMO Financial Group Finance Research and Trading Lab. Teams are invited to participate in various activities including electronic trading cases and social events with their fellow competitors from around the world. Teams also get to compete for cash prizes from a pool of up to CAN $9,000. To learn more, click here.