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Palisade @Risk


The Guides section includes documentation that is far more topical and targeted; the full User Manual, starting with @RISK, cover the breadth of features and functionality of the program. Guides, on the other hand, are designed to cover specific topics and provide a “quick start” for some of the more common features. These guides will cover topics such as Getting Started (for those new to @RISK), installation and license management, and the Developer’s Kit (XDK), among others.


Use the links below to download PDF versions of each guide, formatted for printing or for availability offline.

Getting Started

For those new to @RISK, this guide covers the basics of creating an @RISK model using the various components (inputs, outputs, etc.), running simulations, and how to create and view basic analyses.

For those new to @RISK, this guide covers the basics of creating an @RISK model using the various components (inputs, outputs, etc.), running simulations, and how to create and view basic analyses.

Using RISKOptimizer to optimize @RISK models.

@RISK Getting Started Guide

Click on the file above to access the guide

RISKOptimizer Guide

Click on the file above to access the guide