“Dear Class of 2020,
One of the goals of LDT is to help you gain insight into your personal style of interacting with other people so that you can be a more effective team member. To learn more about your interaction style, you will be completing a Social Style and Versatility Assessment. Students over many years have found this exercise insightful and of great personal benefit. To that end, we are asking that you complete the assessment by August 15th so that we can debrief the results during class the week of August 20th.
Next week (week of July 16th), you’ll be receiving instructions about how to complete this assessment. Please keep an eye out for two emails: one email from your course instructors with details about what the assessment involves and an email from Tracom Learning, the company that administers this assessment. The instructions will also be posted on the pre-program portal, but please add our email addresses, as well as admin@maxproddata1.tracom.com, to your “safe senders” list to ensure they don’t wind up in your Junk Folder. We look forward to seeing you soon at Rotman!”