Q: Who can join the Rotman Pride?

A: Anyone can join, no matter if you identify as a member of the 2SLGBTQ+ community or as an ally. The only requirement is that you are either a Rotman Master’s level student or Rotman alumna/alumnus.

Q: How can I join the Rotman Pride?

A: You can join the Rotman Pride any time during the year. In the Fall, you can sign up for Rotman Pride via the Rotman Hub – Student Clubs , selecting it among your clubs after the official clubs fair in September. You can also join at any point during the year but must contact us directly to do so. Feel free to reach out through our contact us page if you have further questions.

Q: What does 2SLGBTQ+ stand for?

A: 2SLGBTQ+ stands for two-spirited, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer. The plus-sign signifies a number of other identities. Queer is an umbrella term for those who do not identify as heterosexual and, having been used as a pejorative against 2SLGBTQ+ individuals, is being reclaimed by the community.

Q:  I’m questioning my sexuality/gender or am thinking about coming out. What should I do?

A: If you have questions about and/or are struggling with your sexuality/gender identity, know that you are not alone. As a student at the University of Toronto and as a Rotman MBA student, you have access to the following services, which are all provided free of charge and provided in a strictly confidential manner:

  • Rotman Pride Confidential Coffee Chat program, where you can meet with an executive member to talk about whatever is on your mind. Whoever you meet with will keep your identity and the content of the chat confidential.
  • The U of T Sexual & Gender Diversity Office, which can provide support, answer questions, and direct you to more specific resources (if necessary).


Prospective Students 

Q: Should I be out in my application?

A: We encourage all applicants to be themselves. Any paid or volunteer work within 2SLGBTQ+ organizations is well received, signals a commitment to diversity and should be included in your CV. Ultimately, Rotman recruitment officers want to get to know the full you. If you don’t have experience though, it’s not a problem at all.

Q: How can I receive feedback regarding my application?

A: Rotman Pride understands that the application process can be daunting. As such, if you are looking for tips regarding everything from the essays to the interview, you are welcome to contact us  and we will set up some time with a second-year student to help you out.

Q: How accepting of diversity are other students?

A: Rotman and the University of Toronto is an extremely welcoming environment for all students. However, we recognize that there is always work to be done and there are many faculty and student-led initiatives to create a more fostering environment for students of all backgrounds.

Q: Does Rotman offer scholarships?

A: Yes, Rotman has recently partnered with the US-based Reaching Out MBA organization (ROMBA) to offer scholarships to incoming students demonstrating leadership in LGBTQ2+ causes. More information can be found on the Reaching Out website.

Q: I’ve been accepted! What should I do to prepare for the first term?

A: Congratulations! The application process is a grueling one and one that deserves recognition. Now that you’ve been accepted, we highly recommend that you take some time before September to relax. Many students take 1-2 months to travel, prepare, and ultimately unwind before the first year grind. Additional prep in the form of studying may be helpful but not at all necessary. Feel free to reach out to us – we would love to have a chat with you!

Q: How can I get involved?

A: We will recruit first-year representatives in early Fall. Please look out for the official nomination announcement. Rotman Pride’s first year representatives are an integral part of our executive committee. We not only value their input as first years, but also depend on their contribution to our ongoing strategic decisions and event/program executions. Executives (such as President and VPs) are elected annually in April.

Q: What campus resources are available?

AThere are plenty of campus resources available to students. Check out our resources page to learn more.

Q: Where can I learn more about life at Rotman and Toronto?

A: We are always happy to chat with incoming students. Feel free to fill out a form on our contact us page to set up some time to talk with a second-year student.


Life in Toronto

Q: Why should I come to Toronto?

A: Toronto is the commercial centre of Canada and is one of the most diverse cities in the world. From an 2SLGBTQ+ perspective, Toronto is home to one of the most vibrant 2SLGBTQ+ communities in the country and has even been host to the only World Pride event to take place in North America.

Q: What is the nature of Toronto’s social scene?

A: The heart of Toronto’s 2SLGBTQ+ social scene can be found on Church Street in the neighborhood called The Village. There you will find tons of friendly bars, clubs, and community clubs amongst other things catering to the community. There are also lots of 2SLGBTQ+ parties in other areas of the city, such as Queen Street West and The Junction neighborhood. If you are not into partying, there are lots of 2SLGBTQ+ social groups that get together based on shared interests, such as board games and outdoor activities.

Q: What professional organizations exist for 2SLGBTQ+ students?

A: The two main organizations for identifying students is Out on Bay Street and Pride at Work. More information can be found on their respective websites (links can be found on our resources page).