Volunteer to Help Support Refugees Coming to Canada

For years, one of the highlights each fall in Toronto has been the Toronto International Film Festival, popularly known as TIFF. After a two year online hiatus, this fall TIFF is back live and in person. As part of that, on two weekends in early September there is an opportunity for members of the incoming Rotman class to volunteer to help raise funds for a group that sponsors refugees to come to Canada. Among the volunteers who volunteered for this in 2019 were some incoming students in the Rotman class of 2021 and today three Rotman alum are members of the organizing committee for this initiative. 

In 2015, members of the St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in downtown Toronto formed the St. Andrew’s Refugee Sponsorship Committee (STARs) that has helped support refugees from Syria, Rwanda and Afghanistan. A major hub for TIFF is Roy Thomson Hall, directly across the street from St. Andrew’s. On the opening weekend of TIFF from Friday September 9 to Sunday September 11, the street in front of Roy Thomson Hall will be closed and STARs volunteers will be selling cookies to support its work in sponsoring refugees. When it did this in 2019, volunteers commented on the overwhelmingly positive response from passersby and it raised over $7500. 

This year STARs needs help on two weekends: 

Saturday Sept 3 and Sunday Sept 4 on the Labour Day weekend when they’ll be packaging cookies 

The weekend of September 9, 10, or 11 when they’ll be selling cookies 

Below are the times that help is needed. If you’re able to volunteer at one of the times below or have any questions, please send an email indicating when you can help to Sameer Pinto (a 2019 Rotman grad who works at RBC) at sameer.pinto88@gmail.com.

Note that St. Andrew’s is located at the corner of King Street West and Simcoe (one block from the St. Andrew’s subway station.) 

Cookie Packaging
Saturday September 3 – 10:00am to 1:00pm
Saturday September 3 – 1:00pm to 4:00pm
Sunday September 4 – 12:30pm to 4:00pm
TIFF Cookie Sales
Friday September 9 – 3:00pm to 6:30pm
Friday September 9 – 6:30pm to 9:00pm
Saturday September 10 – 1:00pm to 4:00pm
Saturday September 10 – 4:00pm to 7:00pm
Saturday September 10 – 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Sunday September 11 – 12:00pm to 3:00pm
Sunday September 11 – 3:00pm to 6:00pm
Sunday September 11 – 6:00pm to 9:00pm

Online Course Evaluations System

We are pleased to introduce the University’s centralized, online course evaluations system Blue. Student feedback is essential to the teaching and learning experience at the Rotman School of Management. We appreciate you taking the time to provide insight on what you liked about the course, what you’ve learned and what parts could use improvement.  Your thoughtful feedback helps professors identify what is working and how they can restructure and refine future iterations of the course.


Student feedback is essential to the teaching and learning experience at the Rotman School of Management. We appreciate you taking the time to provide insight on what you liked about the course, what you’ve learned and what parts could use improvement.  Your thoughtful feedback helps professors identify what is working and how they can restructure and refine future iterations of the course.

Course evaluations represent both students’ right to have their voice heard and their responsibility to the university and their peers. Taking the time to fill out evaluations is important because it

  • Helps you: provides an opportunity to reflect on learnings
  • Helps instructors: provides feedback on what is working and what could use improvement
  • Helps fellow students: provides feedback that improves courses and can assist peers in making decisions when selecting courses
  • Helps the university: provides data used to support and inform summative review purposes such as annual merit, tenure, and promotion review


The Blue system will open on the last day of class starting at midnight and will be open for 72 hours, but your instructor should be providing time during the class as well to complete the evaluation.

During the course evaluation period, you can access them in two ways:

  1. Via the personalized email link that you’ll receive from course.evaluations@utoronto.ca.
  2. Via Quercus. Log-in to Quercus and access the Course Evals page. All of your active course evaluation tasks will be displayed in the Complete Your Evaluations section.

You will get these notifications for each course you are enrolled, so do remember to participate in all invitations!


If you are unable to access your evaluations, please contact course.evaluations@utoronto.ca.

Thank you for your help in the continuous improvement of Rotman courses. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office (ro@rotman.utoronto.ca).  

The Blue system will open on the last day of class starting at midnight and will be open for 72 hours, but your instructor should be providing time during the class as well to complete the evaluation.

Milt Harris Library: Resources & Research Support

Welcome! The staff of the Milt Harris Library (5th floor of the South building) are here to help you with your research during your time at Rotman. Some highlights are: 

Librarians are available virtually for research consultations between 9-4, Monday – Friday. You can e-mail Holly Inglis holly.inglis@rotman.utoronto.ca or Sean Forbes forbes@rotman.utoronto.ca directly, or contact bicstaff@rotman.utoronto.ca.

We’re happy to help you explore our resources including company profiles, industry reports, market research, and more. We will also help you with any questions about citing materials properly, though we do not check your citations.

Message from Maria Rivera, Managing Director and Scott Liao, Academic Director

One of our favourite annual student events is called ReflectionReflection is a time where the graduating class gathers to reflect on their transformational MBA journey. The Class of 2022, which started their journey in fall 2020 in the very first year of the pandemic, will be reflecting on their journey next week. Here’s a sneak peek at some words of wisdom the class’s valedictorian, Omar Mneimneh, plans to share with his classmates:

“[M]ost of all, I’d like to thank the Class of 2022.  We pushed each other, we supported each other, and we got deep into each other’s lives, more so before this program even started….  This does not change the fact that this journey was indeed different, exhausting, and exhilarating.  Yet if there is one thing that unites us, the class of 2022, [it’s that] we … are FEARLESS, VERSATILE, INCLUSIVE, and ENTHUSIASTIC….I am confident that the leaders of tomorrow will come from this school, from this program, from this class.”

As you set to embark on your own journey, it’s important to take a moment to reflect on the goals you are setting for yourself. Here’s a breakdown of some of the 3 C’s you may want to keep in mind between now and Program Kickoff.

  • Curriculum:  If you were invited to attend one of our Pre-MBA Boot Camps (Quants Boot Camp or Communications Boot Camp) please make sure you do so.  These Boot Camps were designed to set you up for a successful first year.  If you have not been invited to the Boot Camp, please complete your self-assessment tests (in your pre-program dashboard) as soon as possible to determine what Pre-MBA courses may be helpful for you to attend before Program Kick-Off.
  • Careers: No doubt that you are embarking on this journey to shift the trajectory of your career. Set yourself up for professional success by making sure to attend Career Discovery Week on July 25 – July 28, 2022. This week will provide you with the foundation and resources required to get a head-start on your job search and connect with the Career Services team, Rotman alumni, and industry professionals for insights across a range of emerging and diverse industries.
  • Community: The people in your class will be the business leaders of tomorrow. Not only will your professional network grow as a result of joining our community but your personal life will be enriched through these connections. Prioritize participating in the many welcoming events the 6ix Squad is planning for you this summer. Our students are looking forward to getting to know you!

You will experience tremendous intellectual, professional, and personal growth in the years ahead. We hope the above guidance and introspection can help you prioritize among our many pre-program offerings.

See you on campus soon!

Maria and Scott

Welcome Message from Maria Rivera, Managing Director, and Scott Liao, Academic Director

We are delighted that you are joining the Rotman community. You are joining an amazing group of students and alums, faculty and staff, and a global network of colleagues. We are excited about getting to know you – through our virtual community and very soon together here at Rotman.

Our programming in the months ahead will help you engage with faculty, staff, and your fellow students. Between now and Program Kickoff on August 15, we will emphasize three key activities:

  • Curriculum: Start exposing you to Rotman’s foundation of rigorous analytic thinking and engagement with current practicing management through courses taught by our world-class faculty.
  • Careers: Start crafting your personalized career plan tailored around your experience and goals.
  • Community: Start building your strong base of relationships that reflect Rotman values of respect, excellence, diversity, and inclusion — within Rotman and across our global network.

The Pre-MBA Insider and the Pre-Program Portal will be your guides to staying current on our programming – upcoming opportunities include career discovery week and our summer social series lead by the 6ix Squad.

Our commitment is to be open and responsive to you as you transition to Rotman. In our posted FAQs, we will answer as many questions as we can. Also, please continue to reach out to your Recruitment and Admission Assistant Director with any questions. Agnes, Chris, Danielle, Lynda, and Richard – and all of us – are here to help as you get ready to start your Full Time MBA program at Rotman.

We hope you are as excited as we are to start your transformative journey as you become part of the lifelong Rotman community!

Looking forward,
Maria and Scott

Message from Margaret Charles, Interim Director, Office of Student Engagement

Class of 2024, welcome to Rotman! We’re counting down the days to your arrival and can’t wait to meet you all at 105 St. George, your soon to be new home!

Over the next few months, you’ll be introduced to our our incredibly helpful team in the Office of Student Engagement who will be sending you information and tips to ensure your transition is smooth.

We’re currently putting together your pre-program and program kick-off and have some exciting plans for you including a number of socials, opportunities to meet your section classmates and our annual 6 Race. In the interim here are three tips to help you prepare for your MBA experience.

  1. Please bookmark and download the Go-to-Guide. You’ll want to reference the handy calendar with important dates.
  2. Visit the Pre-Program Portal and take the pre-program course assessments. Use them as a guide to determine where you want to spend your time. While doing everything might sound exciting, you’ll want to pace yourself for the start of the program.
  3. Attend the upcoming 6 Squad live chats for helpful information to ensure you have a smooth transition into Rotman.

Warm Regards,

Margaret Charles
Interim Director, Office of Student Engagement

Message from Mai King, Registrar and Acting Director, Academic Services

Welcome Full Time MBA Class of 2024!

We’re excited to have you join us this fall. As the Registrar and Director, Academic Services, my office (Registrar’s Office, or RO for short) is responsible for ensuring your operationally smooth progression through your program and we are the stewards of your academic information. We partner with all Rotman programs to provide you with quality service during your journey with us. The RO front desk team can answer any questions you may have about fees, scholarships and awards, course enrolment, exams, grades, policy information and any other academic aspect of your program. Our website has up to date information on all of these topics. If you haven’t done so already I encourage you to visit us online.

We look forward to seeing you at Program Kick-off!

Mai King
Registrar and Acting Director, Academic Services

Meet Your 6ix Squad!

When students first join Rotman, the suspense of meeting their classmates, preparing finances and reviewing housing options can definitely feel overwhelming. To help you during these challenging times, we would like to introduce you to the 6ix Squad.

The 6ix Squad is made up of second year students who can provide you with advice and encouragement as you transition to life as an MBA student. Learn more about each team member!

Meridith Chung
Favourite Class:
Managerial Negotiations
Favourite Restaurant: Randy’s Roti & Doubles
Quick Tip: Remember to be kind and encouraging to yourself. Don’t underestimate the value of self-care!



Alexandra Rojas Rossel
Favourite Class: 
Managerial Negotiations
Favourite Restaurant: Korean Grill House
Quick Tip: Define what you want to improve during this journey and remember to relax!



Jinhee Park
Favourite Class:
Building Businesses for Sustainability
Favourite Restaurant: Daldongnae
Quick Tip: Do not stress over results too much and do focus on learning and networking!



Souha El Jisr
Favourite Class: 
Managerial Negotiations
Favourite Restaurant: Planta Yorkville
Quick Tip: Remember that what works for others won’t necessarily work for you – Don’t compare yourself with anyone!


Oluwafemi Odu
Favourite Class:
Managing Customer Value 2.0
Favourite Restaurant: None – I’m pro home made meal! I spend a lot of time in the kitchen.
Quick Tip: Never ever ever ever ever ever lose your identity! There’ll always be FOMO and the temptation to follow the crowd – don’t!


Katherine Reilly
Favourite Class:
Finance II: Corporate Finance
Favourite Restaurant: Brickworks Ciderhouse
Quick Tip: At the beginning of the term put the assignment deadlines in your calendar so you can plan accordingly.



Vish Gahlot
Favourite Class:
Strategy in Emerging Markets
Favourite Restaurant: Chiang Mai, Everest Hakka House
Quick Tip: There is always too much to do, try to balance things out. Its not a competition and everyone is on their own personal journey.


Rohan Thomas
Favourite Class:
Finance I
Favourite Restaurant:
Quick Tip: It’s easy to get lost when things get intense – remember to take a moment and focus on the big picture!



Rishi Sinha
Favourite Class:
Foundations of Strategic Management
Favourite Restaurant: Planta
Quick Tip: As cliché as it might sound: Be yourself and write your own story! Soon there will be an information overload, a rat race, and a lot of FOMO coming your way. Being yourself will help set your priorities straight!


Mauricio Sanchez Ramirez
Favourite Class:
Managerial Accounting
Favourite Restaurant: PAI Northern Thai Kitchen
Quick Tip: Find a healthy balance between study and fun. The MBA experience is not just about academic growth. It’s also about connecting with your peers, making friends from other cultures, hanging out with people who don’t speak your language, and trying new food. Don’t let one bad day ruin your whole week.


Eshita Juneja
Favourite Class:
Foundations of Strategic Management
Favourite Restaurant: Famoso
Quick Tip: Develop a habit to take small breaks.



Sukriti Verma
Favourite Class: International Strategy

Favourite Restaurant: Butter Chicken Factory, Korean Grill House
Quick Tip:Things have a way of working out.



Snehangshi Bose
Favourite Class:
International Strategy
Favourite Restaurant: Imm Thai Chicken
Quick Tip:Prioritize! As tempting as it may be to sign up for everything Rotman has to offer, commit to activities that align with your goals and interests.


Kate Congyi Li
Favourite Class:
Managerial Negotiations
Favourite Restaurant: Saving Grace
Quick Tip: Leave some buffer time on your calendar to relax and catch up with friends.



Chandan Sejekan
Favourite Class:
Managerial Negotiations
Favourite Restaurant: Storm Crow Manor
Quick Tip: Hone your time and project management skills!



Swati Chawla
Favourite Class:
Managerial Negotiations
Favourite Restaurant: Richmond Station
Quick Tip: Focus on building your cultural quotient over the next two years. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for most of us.

Message from Maria Rivera, Managing Director and Scott Liao, Academic Director

As you wrap up your Program Kick Off this week, we trust that you are excited about next week’s launch of Term 1. We hope that the skills you’ve been learning in LDT are setting each of you up to be an effective team member in the courses ahead.

As you heard from Scott earlier last week, three of your four Term 1 courses (Economics, Models & Data, and Accounting) will be in-person, dual-delivery. The fourth course, Leading People in Organizations, will be delivered fully online. For those of you in Toronto, you’ll be expected to attend Economics, Models & Data, and Accounting in-person. For those of you not yet in country, you’ll be able to attend these Term 1 courses online.

By the end of this week, you will receive instructions from the Registrar’s Office as to how to access your Term 1 course schedules. The Registrar’s Office is working on getting as many students as can be in the classroom into the classroom for our in-person, dual-delivery courses within the social distancing and capacity limits under the current provincial guidance.

Currently, the University is operating under the Step 3 of the reopening roadmap of the Province. This means that there are physical distancing requirements that limit the number of seats available in our classrooms and that for a couple of your courses (Models & Data and Accounting) there will not be enough space for all students who are enrolled in class to attend simultaneously. In these courses, the Registrar’s Office will assign students to subgroups and rotate which subgroups attend any given course meeting. The list of subgroup membership will be placed on the course Quercus page. As the provincial guidance on social distancing and room capacities changes, we will adjust the rotation as quickly as we can.

We are happy to report that many international students are joining us each week in Toronto! We encourage all students with study permits to arrive in Toronto as soon as they can safely. For those of you still awaiting study permits, please make sure you are working closely with your Section AD so that they can support you in achieving a successful Term 1 experience.

Finally, this September, all members of the University community coming to campus—including students, staff, faculty, and librarians—will be required to provide proof of full vaccination or register in the University’s rapid screening program, where results will need to be uploaded regularly. You can read more about UCheck (the university’s self-assessment tool) here.

We look forward to seeing you on campus soon!
Maria and Scott

Leveraging Diverse Teams Academic Course

Dear students –

We are excited that you will be joining us for Leveraging Diverse Teams. We’re Marlys Christianson and Jia Lin Xie, the two OBHRM professors who are teaching this course.
We wanted to share some information with you about the Leveraging Diverse Teams class that starts on Tuesday August 17th. We’ve designed a fun and interactive class, with lots of in-class exercises, computer simulations, and a case analysis.

For our first class, we will be engaging in a discussion of the “2010 Chilean Mining Rescue (A)” case, which is posted in the Session 1: Teaming module. On August 17, when our class begins, we will provide a brief introduction of the course, and then we will dive into the case analysis.

It is expected that you will have read the assigned case and prepare the following case discussion questions prior to class so that you can be actively and constructively involved in class discussions.

Case Discussion Questions:

  1. What factors allowed the miners to survive, physically and psychologically, until they were found?
  2. How would you characterize the actions taken by the government’s senior executives in the rescue?
  3. What factors contributed to the technical (engineers and geologists) team’s successful rescue efforts?
  4. What can we learn about “team of teams” from this case?
    Please keep in mind that your classmates expect you to be fully prepared for each class. Therefore, your preparation is not only for your own study, but also for facilitating the quality of our collective learning in class.

Note: please join the classroom 5-10 minutes before the start of the class to ensure that we can work out any technology issues and start on time.

Thank you in advance for your preparation. We are very much looking forward to working with you.

Marlys and Jia Lin