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Rotman Portfolio Manager


RPM has been designed with ease of implementation in mind. Professors can register and have their students trading within minutes! Registering a class is free and accounts can be purchased and distributed in different ways to maximize flexibility.


Professors have complete control over their RPM class, from deciding trading permissions for different asset classes to customized commissions and benchmark settings. Professors can also monitor their classes and track each student’s portfolio performance. Professors also have access to useful class summary reports that are emailed to them on a daily basis.


RPM offers students advanced trading and portfolio management features that allow them to focus their time on the portfolio design and management process. The features have been designed to be as realistic as possible while remaining easy to learn and conducive to the classroom environment.


If you would like to look into more detailed features available for student accounts, please click here .


Trading Interface

The trading interface is customizable and modular, allowing for maximum flexibility for students using the application. Students can select whichever trading and portfolio analytics modules they wish to display, as well as what fields of data, filter level, and/or period length to view.


RPM provides a robust, all-in-one solution to allow students to get the most from the simulation experience.


Advanced Order Types

Students can input trades with the Market, Limit, Stop-Loss, or Market-On-Close order type flag.

Order Control

Trades can be flagged in OCO (One-Cancels-Others) sets that allow for robust portfolio weight manangement or trading brackets.

Expiration and Settlement of Options

Options can be early exercised (although this is rarely optimal), set to exercise on expiration, or cash-settled on expiration.

Forex Management

Students are able to manage their foreign exchange financing and exposure by adjusting their cash balances denominated in different currencies. Currency financing rates are specified by the professor and can be based on LIBOR, LIBOR with a specfied spread, or fixed values.

Portfolio Management

Returns and Sharpe Ratio​

RPM automatically calculates and plots daily portfolio values and Sharpe ratios. The data can be viewed and exported in either a tabular (Excel) format or in chart form.

Asset Allocation​

Students have immediate real-time access to their portfolio’s asset mix that can be further filtered down by Asset Class, Sector, Industry, Country, or Security. This powerful asset allocation analysis tool can also sub filter the asset mix through multiple “drill down” levels.


Similar to the asset allocation feature, students can identify how different assets, asset classes, industries, or individual securities contributed to the overall portfolio returns. These returns can be further sub-divided through the standard Rotman Portfolio Manager “drill-down” approach.

Attribution Analysis​

Similar to the asset allocation feature, students can identify how different assets, asset classes, industries, or individual securities contributed to the overall portfolio returns. These returns can be further sub-divided through the standard Rotman Portfolio Manager “drill-down” approach.