Great to have you here!
Great to have you here!


Become a member of the HMA Today!

Get involved with the Rotman Healthcare Management Association! Become a student member and take advantage of the resources and business environment that the HMA has built for its members.

Please note that all HMA events and initiatives are typically for Rotman students only. Those outside of the school wishing to participate, please email the HMA.

Out of consideration for our guests and fellow students, the HMA requests that members unable to attend an event for which he/she has registered alert us as soon as possible. Members who miss an event without providing advanced notification must speak to a member of the HMA Executive prior to being permitted to register for future events.

Join the HMA

Come meet us!

105 St. George Street,
Toronto, Ontario M5S 3E6


Rotman School of Management

105 St. George Street,
Toronto, Ontario M5S 3E6