Course Testimonials

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]GID Summer 2023 Class

“The instruction for this course was phenomenal. Both John & Kelly worked impeccably as a pair to provide a rich and engaging environment which has been the best I have experienced at Rotman.”

“Absolutely transformational. The format and delivery of the course allow us to get deep understanding of the material and ourselves.”

“This is by far the best course I have taken, not only at Rotman, but in my entire academic career. It is absolutely life-changing and should be a requirement for MBA students.”


GID January 2023 Class

“I think this course was the single most important course I have taken in my life. It truly developed me as a person and as a leader in a way I did not expect. Many leadership courses can be so fluffy, but this one offered concrete frameworks and systems to put in place. The professors created an inclusive atmosphere that made me feel like I had the safe space to be open and acknowledge the areas I need to work on.”

“Absolutely enjoyed sitting through the classes and learning from the best professors.”

“Amazing, amazing, amazing! Such useful insights that I will bring forward for the rest of my life!”

“This is the best-designed course at Rotman and should be the benchmark for every other class. I recommend this course to anyone looking to improve and improve in any aspect of their life.”

“In my opinion, this is the best course at Rotman. This course is exceptionally practical, with tons of applications in the corporate world.”


GID Summer 2022 Class

“Kelly & DocJohn are two of the most genuine, authentic, and caring people I’ve encountered, not just at Rotman but in my life. Great course, I would recommend it to anyone!”

“This improved my effectiveness within my team and inspired me to continually apply the course concepts to become a better manager of people.”

“The best I have taken so far! I loved every lesson, and each course concept will be so useful in the future.”


GID January 2022 Class

“I have already told my friend in the 2023 class that he needs to take this course!”

“This course is the best I have ever taken at Rotman. It should be a compulsory module for first years, as it is one of the few courses that successfully combines real-world application and DOING with theory and systems.”

“This course exceeded my expectations. Thank you.”


GID  January 2021 Class

“The goal of the course was to improve our effectiveness and equip us with tools to GetItDone. I certainly feel like this was accomplished, thank you!!!

“Very helpful course for real-life work environment.”

“Amazing course! A must-do for every MBA student…”

“Great examples of real-life scenarios.”

“Had all the materials and readings very well organized in Quercus. It was very easy to go through the course on the platform. Their open-access policy was very useful and facilitated access to all materials. The workbook and the toolkit are very well thought out and designed.”

 GID  Summer 2020 Class

 “Recommended course for everyone! Definitely should be a core course.”

“Great course! We were so lucky to do it as a group.”

“Made time to meet with the team, provided useful feedback, and went above and beyond to provide an engaging class.”

“Great course and very necessary for any MBA.”

GID  January 2020 Class

“Brendan and John’s enthusiasm is infectious. I started out the course dubious and critical, but left as enthusiastic as they are and a believer in the GettingItDone® model.”

“Organized the GID® Toolkit in an easy-to-use reference format.”

One of the best courses of the MBA electives. Best instructors of the MBA for sure!”

“This course is the only course I’ve taken in Rotman that effectively taught me HOW to manage. The systems I learned here, are ones that I intend to take with me to multiple organizations.”

“Fantastic class really dedicated to do a great class. They should provide this class for first years. This should be one of the first classes that people take once they begin their MBA, really useful for time management and everything. It’s great because it is a very hands-on class.”

 GID May 2019 Class

Best course I’ve taken at Rotman. Great amounts of humour, learning and fun. The stuff we’ve learned is highly applicable to jobs, too, and I will be taking what I’ve learned to my future employers.”

“Thoroughly enjoyed the course, Thank You!”

This course should be mandatory – preferably before students get too deep into the program. It is PROFOUNDLY more useful than the Working in Diverse Teams course.”

Loved the course. Definitely recommend it.”

“Wisest grandparents ever!  Thank you.”

GID January 2019 Class

This must be a core course. It taught me more real world skills than any of the core courses have taken.”

GID is one of the best MBA courses I have taken so far. It provided some real practical tools that I can apply in my personal and professional life.”

“Excellent course!!!!! This course should be mandatory for EVERY MBA STUDENT. This is a management school!!!!!!”

This course should be offered in the first year so students can be more effective over duration of their MBA.”

GID May 2018 Class

“One of the best courses I have taken at Rotman thus far! The professors really cared about what they were teaching and it came through! (Also the small class setting was great).”

“Very well organized and practically helpful course.”

“Best course at Rotman – should be mandatory for all.  Really brought together the other learnings and left me with very practical management tools that I will use for a very long time, throughout my career.”

“I learned so much from this course as well as all the guest speakers. It was a wonderful experience. I will definitely apply all that I learnt and make my life better and more effective. Thank you.”

“This should be a core course. It’s the missing piece to the puzzle.”

GID January 2018 Class

“This should be a mandatory course in the Rotman curriculum. Rotman MBA students should know how to be effective managers, that’s the fundamental reason why we are here.”

“It is one of the most useful courses I’ve taken with clear actions and tools that I can use at my next job.”

“I’ve never been in a class at Rotman before with such candor and openness between students and professors. Every class was so well structured and extremely meaningful; every day, I walked away with tangible takeaways that I felt I could implement in my personal and professional life. The speakers were also fantastic (esp. Andy Sherwood). I strongly feel that this course should be offered as a core module in first year, as it provides so much value added to teamwork dynamics.”

 “I think this course is what people look for when getting an MBA and I think it should a required course for all students in second year. This is what the Rotman School of Management is about!”

“My favorite course at Rotman so far. Educational and fun. Would recommend this to anyone and everyone.”

GID May 2017 Class

“The course was applicable to real life. Theory was only used to relate back to a professional setting, which is exactly why we all came to do our MBA.”

“Best Rotman course ever!”

“Instructors were very engaging, and went out of their way to bring in people from their personal networks to show us how the tools are being applied in businesses outside.”

“Please consider making the course a culminating course for everyone who wished to take it. True impact must be valued.”

“As an entrepreneur, I thought the class wasn’t going to be useful and the organizational effectiveness system was only applicable to large organizations. However, I’ve implemented the tools and processes in my own start-up and it works! This course is applicable to all organizations regardless of their size.”

GID January 2017 Class

“Fantastic instructors – engaging and kept each class fresh and exciting!”

“My last course at Rotman, and perhaps the most memorable.  Thank you for all your effort and all your genuinely kind intentions aimed at making us better managers and more effective people.”

“This course provided the greatest impact in my time at Rotman.  Great professors and content!”

“Clear and enthusiastic delivery of material, great guest speakers, useful materials, approachable anytime, anywhere, for anything.”

“Not only the most useful course I’ve taken at Rotman, but the most enjoyable.  First time I really felt part of the class.”

GID ’16 Class
“This course is so valuable, actually teaching you management at the Rotman School of Management. It should be core course, on day 1.”

“Appreciate the passion from both Profs!”

“Amazing course. Really learned a lot about myself and others.”

“Really good course with great speakers, coaches, mentors and the simulation was super useful.”

“This is the only course relevant to real world problems.”

“A practical course on management that provided frameworks and tools for a lifetime and professional career. A must for an MBA student!!”

GID ’15 Class

“Thank you so much for this class.  It has changed my life and was the best class at Rotman.”

“Absolutely best course @ Rotman!”

GID ’14 Class

“Great tools for the real business world.”

“I wish I could take it again next year!  Thanks for everything.”

GID ’13 Class

“Fantastic course, learned a lot about the practice of management, and can definitely see myself be a more effective manager after my MBA. Can’t wait to get out in the real world and start apply this stuff!  Thank you!”

“Great course, definitely worth the points required.”

“What can I say? …The most passionate, courageous and effective instruction I have had at Rotman to date.”

GID ’12 Class

“One of the best courses I’ve taken at Rotman and should be part of the mandatory curriculum. The TEL could help many students who struggle in collaborative environments (many first-year groups are challenging!). Personal effectiveness topics (management styles, Andy’s workshop) are applicable for everyone in all industries/career paths.”
“Thanks a lot for all the effort and enthusiasm. One of the most valuable experience at Rotman both as an academic experience and as a personal one.”

GID ’11 Class

“Amazing course. The amount and quality of guest lectures, especially the FirstLine and the Courage speakers: wow! Thanks for your personal effort you guys showed – it was obvious how engaged you guys are.”

“The course content is extremely valuable and useful. Guest speakers were incredible. In this course there is an amazing amount of honesty in what the speakers say (more than I’ve encountered in other courses). It was fascinating hearing the inner workings of large organizations.”

GID ’10 Class

“The intensive structure was very effective. I think this course should be mandatory…best MBA course I have taken.”

“Great course. Must be given in the first year! Would have been lot useful to know the effectiveness tools when we start the program rather than when we are at the end of it.”

“I think this course should not be an elective. The skills taught in this class are basic elements of professionalism but, not immediately obvious to young business people. It provides the basis for implementing ideas and influencing your business environment. Also, it occurs to me that Drucker is the foundation upon which integrative thinking is based. It provides a base of knowledge upon which students can understand the importance and value of integrative thinking to the organization. I had never read Drucker prior to this course and prior to this class feel like I never really knew how to effectively implement integrative thinking in my business environment. This class should be required and taken as early as common sense would allow….GREAT COURSE!”

“Loved this course, by far the best and most practical course I have taken at Rotman. They need to offer this course as part of the core course curriculum. This course ensures MBAs know how to be effective in the work world and this translates back favourably for Rotman.”

“It’s now been about a month since GID and, I have to be honest, I really miss it. I actually tried telling some of my friends about it, and it was really hard to describe… something between an inspirational retreat and a boot camp, in an academic environment… and the warmth that you created within the classroom was just fantastic!”

GID ’09 Class

“The course was transformational! Many thanks! Continue to spread the word!”

“Great course, very inspirational.”

GID ’08 Class

“Great course, perfectly timed for the end of the program, and really well-constructed for preparing us for our new jobs.”

“I liked this course because it is a ‘doing’ course not a ‘memorizing’ course.”[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]