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Grading Policies & Transcripts

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General Information

The University of Toronto regulates grading according to the University Assessment and Grading Practices Policy.

In accordance with this policy, the grading methodology for Rotman courses is determined by the course instructor and described in the syllabus. Students must read the syllabus before the course begins.


All grades, including failed (FZ) and all non-grade course reports, appear on the official University of Toronto transcript. Information on ordering transcripts is available at the University Registrar’s Office Transcript Services. Unofficial grade reports are available online through ACORN.

ACORN grade reporting is generated on a term-by-term basis. If students take courses that carry from one term to the next (e.g. Fall to the end of Spring), they will see “In Progress” (IPR) for the fall course grade listing. The completed grade will be listed under the Spring course grade listing only.

Occasionally, students in certain combined programs may be granted special permission to have no academic activity during a term. In such a case, a filler course (RST8888H) will appear on the official University of Toronto transcript in order to maintain a student’s registration during a period where there is no academic activity. Note that this course code has no effect on a student’s total credit weight, total number of courses taken, or the GPA.

Preliminary Grade Reports

Neither the University of Toronto nor Rotman disclose grades to anyone other than the student. Students may elect to share grades with third parties on their own.

The Registrar’s Office provides students with an unofficial Preliminary Grade Report, free of charge, available through Student Tools on the HUB after grades are released for each course. These reports include a cumulative GPA calculation. Note that the Preliminary Grade Report is the only document that contains GPA information.

Grades are officially released by the School of Graduate Studies (SGS) on ACORN approximately three weeks into the subsequent term, at which time students may order official transcripts. There is no GPA calculation on these transcripts.

Important: Any alteration of the Preliminary Grade Report or the official transcript is a very serious violation of the policies and regulations of the University of Toronto and entails very serious consequences up to and including termination from the student’s program of studies, or, if done post graduation, cancellation of their degree.

GPA Calculation

Grade Point Average (GPA) is a weighted average which takes into account the weight (credit value) and grade for each course completed. GPA calculation is based on a 4-point scale:

Letter GradeGPA
  • Other grade scales (Credit/No Credit, Honours/Pass/Fail) have no impact on the GPA. Courses designated as EXTra are not included in the GPA calculation.
  • Unless stated otherwise, the GPA is calculated on all courses taken, including any courses in which a student received a failing grade (FZ). Courses with an assigned grade of FZ are calculated as zero (0.0) for the purposes of GPA calculation.
  • GPA is used for internal purposes only, as an assessment of progression, for the Dean’s Lists (please see the relevant program information page for Dean’s List information) and awards.
  • The GPA only appears on Rotman’s Preliminary Grade Report (PGR). The University’s official transcript will not show a GPA for graduate programs.

Access to View Assignments, Tests, Projects, and Examinations

For assignments, tests, projects, quizzes, etc. which add up to a maximum of 70% of the course grade, students can expect to receive the grade and the associated feedback within a timely manner.

Instructors are required to hold back the final 30% of any course grade pending a review of final grades by the Vice-Dean, Professional Programs.

Final examinations (including take-home exams and deliverables) are the property of the University and are not typically returned to students. Students may, however, request view-only access to any final examinations/deliverables during the exam review period set aside by the instructor, or through the Registrar’s Office within the allotted timeframes. See here for information on exam viewing policies.

This page was last updated: 2024-06-27 @ 3:23 pm