General Information
For additional information about important dates and times, please consult the Rotman HUB.
The Master of Management Analytics (MMA) degree is a full-time program spanning 11 months.
Rules and regulations for the Master of Management Analytics program are governed by the School of Graduate Studies (SGS) at the University of Toronto. The regulations of SGS are applicable, but not limited to, all matters relating to academic standards, examinations, course enrolment, and academic integrity. The SGS Calendar is available online.
The Managing Director, Specialized Programs is responsible for all aspects of the MMA program and works closely with the Academic Director; the Vice-Dean, Specialized Programs; and the Dean of the Rotman School of Management to ensure a high quality student experience for all.
Curriculum information is available at Master of Management Analytics Curriculum.
Fees and Registration
The information provided on this page is specific to the Master of Management Analytics program. For general information on fees, including invoices; legal status; health insurance; making payments; tax forms; the Professional Student Loan Program; government assistance; sponsorship of tuition by a third party; additional and service charges; and restrictions and penalties on past due accounts, please see the Finances section.
The tuition fees charged for each session of registration have four components:
- Program Fees
- Rotman Ancillary Fees
- University Compulsory Incidental Fees
- University Non-Compulsory Incidental Fees
The following tables are estimates. Please refer to the University of Toronto’s Planning & Budget website for the most accurate and up-to-date fees schedules.
Annual Program Fees for the Master of Management Analytics
Class Of | Canadian Citizens and Permanent Residents | International Students on Student Authorization |
2024 | $41,400 | $72,630 |
2025 | $41,400 | $76,260 |
Incidental & Ancillary Fees
In addition to the annual program fees noted above, students are required to submit payment for University mandatory incidental fees and Rotman ancillary fees. The University incidental fees amount to approximately up to $2,000 annually, which covers the terms from September to the end of April and include campus fees and student society fees. Hart House privileges extend to the end of August. The Rotman ancillary fees amount to approximately $1,600 annually, which covers the terms from September to the end of August. Additional details, information, and finalized amounts will be updated as available and found on your fees invoice.
Rotman ancillary fees are charged by the School for services specific to the program. University incidental fees are charged by the University for services that are universal to all students: student unions; campus services, such as Hart House and the Athletic Centre; and electronic access fees for the cost of internet-based information access. This fee also includes health coverage and dental plan. Students with equivalent insurance elsewhere may opt out of these plans. Please visit the Graduate Students’ Union website for details.
The University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP) fee will automatically be added to fees invoices for International students only.
Note: The annual program fee, University incidental fees, and Rotman ancillary fees are set by the University and are subject to change. The University incidental fees amount noted above for future academic years are subject to approval by the Governing Council’s annual meeting each May.
Questions regarding how to Register Without Payment may be directed to the Registrar’s Office.

Team work is a substantial part of the Rotman MMA program and plays a significant role in both the academic setting for course grades as well as training for professional life. The content and the workload within the MMA Program are structured around the requirement for students to work successfully in project teams.
Team Charter
The Team Charter is essentially a contract between team members. It specifies the norms of the team and should be a guide for effective team behaviour. The Charter outlines the vision, values, mission, goals, and ground rules for the team. It is particularly useful when there is conflict as it reminds the team what it wants to achieve and can help the members to refocus on its project goals.
Team Support
Students will participate in sessions on Teaming and Teams Support, as well as work with the Self-Development Lab in teams.
Project teams or their individual members who, at any time, encounter difficulties or are unable to resolve team issues are recommended to contact the Associate Director and/or the course instructor to help resolve project team concerns.
Team Work and Academic Integrity
When working as a team, each team member is responsible for the work submitted collectively by the team. This includes work that may be considered academically dishonest, or in which an academic offence has been committed (as defined by the University’s Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters).
In other words, if one of your team members takes a shortcut and copies material from the internet or a past assignment, or simply isn’t aware of the rules regarding appropriate citation for sources consulted, the whole team faces consequences that may arise from an allegation of academic misconduct. It is up to each team member to be sufficiently familiar with the work being submitted; to check each other’s work for proper citations and originality; and to be aware of the relevant policies. As a general guideline, students should approach group assignments—and the checking of citations and originality—in the same manner that they normally would for an individual assignment; ultimately, ensuring the quality of the final product being submitted meets the standard of integrity.
Team Behaviours and Protocols
All students are expected to treat team work as they would in a business setting, ensuring professional behaviour at all times.
Professional behaviour in team settings includes (but is not limited to) the following:
- Respecting and treating all others in a manner consistent with the Rotman Code of Conduct
- Ensuring all team members voice their opinions, thoughts, and concerns
- Taking personal responsibility to voice thoughts to benefit the team’s learning
- Contributing equal time and effort to the project as others in the group
- Committing to a standard of work agreed upon by the group
- Participating in team projects at a level agreed upon by the entire team
The overall objective is to maintain a positive and productive team dynamic that will enhance the student’s learning experience. It is an ongoing policy of The Rotman School of Management to provide a supportive environment to maintain this objective.
Career Services

Rotman Career Services is committed to working closely with you to refine your career goals, market yourself efficiently, and network with people in a position to help you reach your targets. Career Services provides students with career support through a range of services, including:
1:1 Career Coaching Appointments and Workshops
- Self-assessment
- Job search strategies
- Career advancement strategies
- Networking techniques
- Resume and cover letter review
- Behavioural and technical interview preparation
- Job offer and negotiation advice
- Personal branding
Industry-Specific and Analytics Opportunities
- Meet with an Industry Advisor with corporate relationships in specific industries
- Participate in industry-specific student club events with alumni
- Networking opportunities to meet with analytics professionals
- Mock interviews hosted by senior analytics professionals
- Company-hosted information sessions and networking opportunities
- Attend free industry-specific speaking events throughout the year
For more information, visit the RCareer website to register for appointments, workshops, events, and for job opportunities. You can access the RCareer website through the Rotman Hub.
Student Engagement
We encourage all students to get involved in Rotman student life. Not only does extra-curricular involvement provide students with opportunities for personal and professional growth, it also expands their network of faculty, industry professionals, and fellow students.
The MMA program features student and alumni events, industry conferences, a speaker series, and other opportunities for engagement and leadership.
Class Representatives
MMA class representatives are elected by students from each cohort. They act as a liaison between the students and the program administration. They also communicate important information about industry, professional, and social events.
Specialized Graduate Programs Committee and Rotman Council
A Master of Management Analytics student representative is asked to sit on the Specialized Graduate Programs Committee and Rotman Council, acting as a representative of the program who is able to speak on behalf of MMA students in governance discussions.
Graduate Business Council
The Graduate Business Council (GBC) is the student-elected representative organization at Rotman. The GBC acts as an umbrella for all clubs, sporting, and social activities, as well as a liaison with the faculty and school administration.
Dean’s List
The Rotman School recognizes the top 20 per cent of the MMA class with a Dean’s List based on cumulative GPA. To be eligible for consideration, students must be graduating, have obtained passing grades in all courses and be registered in good standing.
Courses graded as CR/NCR, Pass/Fail, or Honours/Pass/Fail, do not count towards the GPA, nor do courses taken as EXTra. Late withdrawals (WDR) do not affect the GPA. Dean’s List notations are not included on the University of Toronto transcript.
Note that the Rotman School does not publicly rank students or release information on student rankings; however, the lists themselves are formally announced annually for the purposes of convocation, the Rotman Student Awards Ceremony and internal School recognition.
In addition to the Dean’s List, the top 10 per cent of students earn the title Dean’s List, First Class, and the top student earns the title Dean’s List, with Distinction.
Master of Management Analytics Director’s Award
The Master of Management Analytics Director’s Award is given to an outstanding graduating MMA student based on academic achievement and contributions to the program.
Program Directory
The faculty and administrative staff at Rotman are dedicated to supporting the efforts of each individual student to realize his or her fullest potential. The staff in the Master of Management Analytics Program Services Team, Recruitment & Admissions Office, Registrar’s Office, and Career Services are available for consultation on all matters relating to the Master of Management Analytics program, including admissions; enrolment; registration; grade or course issues; financial assistance; career development opportunities; or special advising.
The MMA directory can be found here.