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MBA Electives General Information

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Rotman Terms

The names of the terms used at the University of Toronto are different from how they are used for the purposes of academic courses and schedules at the Rotman School. For the purposes of this website, Rotman Terms are defined as follows:

Fall Term: September–December

  • 12–13 weeks, from mid-September to December.
  • Courses are typically scheduled once per week for two to three hours.
  • A three-hour course (per week) will require approximately six hours of prep work (i.e. readings, meetings/group work, assignments, etc.).

Summer Intensive Term (SIT): First Two Weeks of May

  • The Summer Intensive Term (SIT) takes place during the first two weeks of May
  • This term is optional and very intensive in nature. Generally, courses in these terms meet once a day for three to three-and-a-half hours over 9–10 days.
  • At most, a student may enrol in two courses per term (subject to change).
  • Students enrolled in two elective courses during these terms can expect to spend approximately 8–12 hours each day doing coursework (including class time, group meetings and assignments) for the entire two weeks.

Summer Term: May–August

  • 12–13 weeks, from mid-May to August.
  • Courses are typically scheduled once per week for two to three hours.
  • A three-hour course (per week) will require approximately six hours of prep work (i.e. readings, meetings/group work, assignments, etc.).

Winter Intensive Term (WIT): First Two Weeks of January

  • The Winter Intensive Term (WIT) takes place during the first two weeks of January.
  • This term is optional and very intensive in nature. Generally, courses in these terms meet once a day for three to three-and-a-half hours over 9–10 days.
  • At most, a student may enroll in two courses per term.
  • Students enrolled in two elective courses during these terms can expect to spend approximately 8–12 hours each day doing coursework (including class time, group meetings and assignments) for the entire two weeks.

Spring Term: January–April

  • 12–13 weeks, from mid-January to April.
  • Courses are typically scheduled once per week for two to three hours.
  • A three-hour course (per week) will require approximately six hours of prep work (i.e. readings, meetings/group work, assignments, etc.).

Enrollment Eligibility

In general, students who have not completed all required core courses may not enroll in 2000-level elective courses. Students must successfully complete the prerequisite in the designated area of study before enrolling in the corresponding elective.

Students may petition for an exception to this rule under the following conditions:

  • The required outstanding courses are not being offered in the same term; and/or
  • Instructor approval.

Course Materials

Students are required to purchase all elective course packages, materials, and textbooks. Textbooks and paper course packages (if issued), will be available at the UofT Koffler Bookstore approximately two weeks before the start of each term. Digital case and/or course pack links will be accessible via each course page. Copyright laws prohibit unauthorized sharing or photocopying of any course material (for use in class or during exams). Consult your course page for all course-related information and updates.

Copies of course packages will be available for reference in the Milt Harris Library (formerly the BIC).  Unauthorized photocopies of copyrighted material/textbooks are not acceptable material at the Rotman School or the University of Toronto.

Course Schedules

Course schedules are published at the beginning of the academic year. Course Schedules are subject to change and will only be confirmed prior to the elective course selection period for each term.

Course schedules can be viewed at Course Offerings (By Term).

Note: Changes may impact the date, time, or location of a class. The Registrar’s Office (RO) will make every effort to notify students of any changes well in advance. Once the schedule has been set, the RO will post course information on Quercus, along with enrollment deadlines. Course enrollment information will also be communicated by email.

Exam Schedules

Final exam schedules are posted within the first six weeks of each term. The exam schedule for a course will not necessarily mirror the course schedule (i.e. the exam may be scheduled on a different day/time than regular classes). This ensures the final exam schedule is prepared well in advance and provides students with ample time to advise employers, coordinate work schedules, and finalize personal plans. Exact dates for each exam will be available during each term on Quercus.

Note: Students must not make travel plans at any time during the final exam period dates. A final exam may be held at any time during the final exam period.

This page was last updated: 2024-02-26 @ 2:02 pm