General Information
For additional information about important dates and times, please consult the Rotman HUB.
The Graduate Diploma in Professional Accounting (GDipPA) is a full-time program spanning 12 weeks.
Rules and regulations for the Graduate Diploma in Professional Accounting program are governed by the School of Graduate Studies (SGS) at the University of Toronto. The regulations of SGS are applicable, but not limited to, all matters relating to academic standards, examinations, course enrollment, and academic integrity. The SGS Calendar is available online.
The Managing Director, Professional MBA & Specialized Programs is responsible for all aspects of GDipPA program delivery, and works closely with senior Rotman Faculty as well as program instructors to ensure a quality experience for all students.
Curriculum information is available at Graduate Diploma in Professional Accounting Curriculum.
Fees and Registration
Registration for the GDipPA program is a multi-step process involving program registration, course enrolment and fee payment. More information is available in Registration and Course Enrolment.
The information provided on this page is specific to the Graduate Diploma in Professional Accounting program. For general information on fees, including invoices; legal status; health insurance; making payments; tax forms; the Professional Student Loan Program; government assistance; sponsorship of tuition by a third party; additional and service charges; and restrictions and penalties on past due accounts, please see the Finances section.
The tuition fees charged for each session of registration have four components:
- Program Fees
- Rotman Ancillary Fees
- University Compulsory Incidental Fees
- University Non-Compulsory Incidental Fees
The following tables are estimates. Please refer to the University of Toronto’s Planning & Budget website for the most accurate and up-to-date fees schedules.
Estimated Program Fees for the GDipPA Program 2024
Please note that 2024 fees will be released in mid-April.
Canadian Citizens and Permanent Residents | International Students on Student Authorization |
$11,790 | $17,830 |
Incidental & Ancillary Fees
In addition to the annual program fees noted above, students are required to submit payment for University mandatory incidental fees and Rotman ancillary fees. The University incidental fees amount to approximately $600 which covers the time from May–August and include campus fees and student society fees. The Rotman ancillary fees amount to approximately $160 and cover the same period. Additional details, information, and finalized amounts will be updated as available and found on your fees invoice.
Rotman ancillary fees are charged by the School for services specific to the program. University incidental fees are charged by the University for services that are universal to all students: student unions; campus services, such as Hart House and the Athletic Centre; and electronic access fees for the cost of internet-based information access. This fee also includes health coverage and dental plan. Students with equivalent insurance elsewhere may opt out of these plans. Please visit the Graduate Students’ Union website for details.
The University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP) fee will automatically be added to fees invoices for International students only.
Note: The annual program fee, University incidental fees, and Rotman ancillary fees are set by the University and are subject to change. The University incidental fees amount noted above for future academic years are subject to approval by the Governing Council’s annual meeting each May.
Questions regarding to Register Without Payment may be directed to the Registrar’s Office.
Tuition Fees Invoice
Tuition and non-tuition fees are posted in ACORN, the University of Toronto’s student web service, and your fees invoice in mid-April. You can then view the fees invoice and use for payment of fees. Detailed information about the how to read your invoice can be found in Finances, Fees, and Taxes.
Graduate Diploma in Professional Accounting Legal Status
International students on a study permit may qualify for an international fees exemption if certain criteria are met. For the most part, the criteria have to do with an international students’ status in Canada (i.e. if a student becomes a permanent resident or has a work permit in addition to the study permit).
The deadline for GDipPA students to request a change in their status is June 30. More information can be found in Finances, Fees, and Taxes.
Health Insurance
Health insurance coverage is mandatory for all graduate students at the Rotman School of Management. The two-part coverage is in the form of a basic provincial health plan (which covers basic health services) and supplementary health coverage (for some health services that are not covered by the provincial basic health plan).
For students who were enrolled at the University of Toronto the Fall and Winter terms immediately before the GDipPA program, health insurance fees were already assessed and paid for during those terms, and the coverage will continue to August 31st. Further charges will not be assessed for the Summer term.
While University of Toronto students who are only enrolled for the Summer term are not normally covered by this supplementary insurance plan, students in need of such extended coverage can contact the University of Toronto Graduate Students’ Union office for consideration, at extra costs. More information can be found in Finances, Fees, and Taxes.
Payment Schedule
All students must make arrangements for payment of their fees prior to the start of each academic year. Payment schedules and information on how to make payments can be found in Finances, Fees, and Taxes.
Financial Arrangements (Register Without Payment)
There are situations when a student may be eligible to register without paying the Minimum Payment to Register Amount (MPRA) if the student has paid all outstanding fees from previous sessions and has confirmed sources of funds that exceeds the MPRA, which is referred to as Register Without Payment. Full instruction on how to Register Without Payment can be found in Finances, Fees, and Taxes.
Tax Forms
The University of Toronto issues two types of tax forms each year. More details can be found in Finances, Fees, and Taxes.
Government Assistance
As the GDipPA is a self-funded program, it is not eligible for government loan of financial aid. However there are other government programs that you may use:
Lifelong Learning Plan (LLP)
Canadian citizens or permanent residents who have Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs), can use the LLP to finance their own education or that of their spouse/partner. Amounts withdrawn under the LLP do not count towards income and the RRSP issuer does not withhold taxes on these amounts. Withdrawals must be repaid over a period of no more than 10 years. For more information, consult the Canada Revenue Agency.
Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP)
An RESP is an education savings account that is registered with the Government of Canada typically for parents or guardians who want to save for a child’s post-secondary education. Once the child (the RESP beneficiary) has graduated from high school and enrolled full-time or part-time in a qualifying post-secondary educational program, the Plan Holder can request, on the beneficiary’s behalf, to withdraw money from the RESP to help pay for their studies.
Educational Assistance Payments include the interest earned in the RESP as well as any Canada Education Savings Grants, provincial grants, and Canada Learning Bonds received. The money can be used to pay for post-secondary school expenses like tuition, books and transportation. For more information, consult the Canada Revenue Agency.
Student Responsibilities
The University of Toronto considers the student to be responsible for all aspects of their registration and payments, regardless of the source of funds. If someone else is handling fee payment (e.g. parent, spouse, employer, bank loan), it is the student’s responsibility to advise each party of all rules, requirements, and deadlines. More information about your responsibilities regarding your fees can be found in Finances, Fees, and Taxes.
Team work is a substantial part of the Rotman GDipPA Program and plays a significant role in both the academic setting for course grades as well as training for professional life. Program content and workload is structured around the requirement for students to work successfully in project teams; several courses have some element of graded teamwork.
Team Support
A member of the Rotman faculty will be designated as the Project Team Advisor for GDipPA students. The GDipPA Project Team Advisor is responsible for providing guidance and support for teams encountering conflict.
Project teams or their individual members who, at any time, encounter difficulties or are unable to resolve team issues are recommended to contact the Associate Director, GDipPA Program Services and/or the course instructor to help resolve project team concerns.
Team Work and Academic Integrity
When working as a team, each team member is responsible for the work submitted collectively by the team. This includes work that may be considered academically dishonest, or in which an academic offence has been committed (as defined by the University’s Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters).
In other words, if one of your team members takes a shortcut and copies material from the internet or a past assignment, or simply isn’t aware of the rules regarding appropriate citation for sources consulted, the whole team faces consequences that may arise from an allegation of academic misconduct. It is up to each team member to be sufficiently familiar with the work being submitted; to check each other’s work for proper citations and originality; and to be aware of the relevant policies. As a general guideline, students should approach group assignments—and the checking of citations and originality—in the same manner that they normally would for an individual assignment; ultimately, ensuring the quality of the final product being submitted meets the standard of integrity.
Team Behaviours and Protocols
All students are expected to treat team work as they would in a business setting, ensuring professional behaviour at all times.
Professional behaviour in team settings includes (but is not limited to) the following:
- Respecting and treating all others in a manner consistent with the Rotman Code of Conduct
- Ensuring all team members voice their opinions, thoughts, and concerns
- Taking personal responsibility to voice thoughts to benefit the team’s learning
- Contributing equal time and effort to the project as others in the group
- Committing to a standard of work agreed upon by the group
- Participating in team projects at a level agreed upon by the entire team
The overall objective is to maintain a positive and productive team dynamic that will enhance the student’s learning experience. It is an ongoing policy of The Rotman School of Management to provide a supportive environment to maintain this objective.
Dean’s List
The Rotman School recognizes the top 20 per cent of the GDipPA class with a Dean’s List based on cumulative GPA. To be eligible for consideration, students must be graduating, have obtained passing grades in all courses and be registered in good standing.
Courses graded as CR/NCR, Pass/Fail, or Honours/Pass/Fail, do not count towards the GPA, nor do courses taken as EXTra. Late withdrawals (WDR) do not affect the GPA. Dean’s List notations are not included on the University of Toronto transcript.
Note that the Rotman School does not publicly rank students or release information on student rankings; however, the lists themselves are formally announced annually for the purposes of convocation, the Rotman Student Awards Ceremony and internal School recognition.
In addition to the Dean’s List, the top 10 per cent of students earn the title Dean’s List, First Class, and the top student earns the title Dean’s List, with Distinction.
Graduate Diploma in Professional Accounting Director’s Award
The Graduate Diploma in Professional Accounting Director’s Award is given to an outstanding graduating GDipPA student based on academic achievement and contributions to the program.
Program Directory
The faculty and administrative staff at Rotman are dedicated to supporting the efforts of each individual student to realize his or her fullest potential. The staff in the Graduate Diploma in Professional Accounting Recruitment & Admissions Office, Office of Student Engagement, Registrar’s Office, Career Centre, and Career Services for Working Professionals Office are available for consultation on all matters relating to the Graduate Diploma in Professional Accounting program, including admissions; enrollment; registration; grade or course issues; financial assistance; international programs; career development opportunities; or special advising.
The GDipPA directory can be found here.