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RSM2603H – Advanced Negotiations and Conflict Management (SiT 2024)

Home » RSM2603H – Advanced Negotiations and Conflict Management (SiT 2024)

General Information

Promotional Video

Target Audience

The target audience for this course is any student interested in developing a sophisticated set of negotiation, influence, and conflict management skills.


For Summer 2024, expect four meetings over two weekends.

Course Mission

A basic premise of the course is that while managers and leaders need analytical and technical skills to develop optimal solutions to problems, a broad array of negotiation and conflict management skills is needed to implement and gain acceptance for these solutions. Technical competence and expertise without the ability to win support for preferred solutions is of little value in real organizational life. Thus, this course is designed to complement the technical and diagnostic skills learned in other courses at Rotman, and to further augment the skills developed in your core Negotiations class from first year.

Students will learn how to implement negotiation, mediation, and alternative dispute resolution methods to resolve disputes in business and other organizations. We will also consider structural mechanisms by which organizations can manage conflict. There are no perfect formulae for successful negotiations and conflict management, but by understanding and analyzing negotiation and conflict situations systematically, especially with a sophisticated appreciation of the social psychology of conflict, you will learn skills that help you to manage new situations and to decide which strategies are most likely to be effective in different situations.

Course Scope

Successful completion of this course will equip students to understand, analyze, and practice powerful techniques and strategies in negotiations and conflict management situations. Each class will include negotiation and decision-making exercises, debriefing and lecture material. Most students will use the advanced skills and knowledge gained in this course during daily workplace and personal interactions. This course begins with a focused review of distributive and integrative negotiation skills, and goes on to consider more advanced topics like the use of agents in negotiations, mediation, the psychology of influence, dispute resolution, and cross-cultural negotiations.

Evaluation and Grade Breakdown

ComponentDue DateWeight
Class ParticipationOngoing20%
Planning and Role PrepOngoing10%
Learning Journal (student’s choice)One during course30%
In-class QuizTBA40%

Required Resources

A course packet will be prepared for this course. It will include a collection of the very best, most focused articles and chapters addressing issues of interest to the course. The professor will distribute supplementary handouts throughout the course.


RSM2604 Managerial Negotiations is a prerequisite of this course.

This page was last updated: 2024-03-01 @ 4:09 pm