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RSM2622H – The Leadership Development Lab (Fall 2024)

Home » RSM2622H – The Leadership Development Lab (Fall 2024)

General Information

Promotional Video

Instructor Bio

Scott is an Associate Professor of Strategic Management and the Executive Director of The Leadership Development Lab Programme. He also currently serves as an External Advisor to McKinsey & Company where he was previously a Practice Expert – Leadership Mindsets and Capabilities. Scott received his MBA from Rotman in 2001.

Target Audience

This course is designed for students interested in meaningfully developing strengthening their Leadership mindsets and capabilities.


There are no prerequisites for this course, apart from bringing with you an ability and willingness to engage and participate in the 2-day residential retreat including all exercises and experiences.



The course takes an intensive, 2-day residential retreat format that is based on approaches taken by many leading organizations in supporting the leadership development of their managers and executives. During the leadership retreat, students will be provided with a number of carefully curated exercises and experiences that are designed to help them identify their typical ways of thinking and acting in important and challenging leadership situations and compare and contrast with their desired ways of thinking and acting in similar situations in the future. On the basis of identified differences between default and desired patterns of behaviour, students will be encouraged to articulate and commit to new and effective patterns of behaviour in ways consistent with their developmental priorities.

There is also a single, 2 hour class session in advance of the Retreat to help students understand and prepare for the Retreat.

Course Mission

The goal of this course is to support students in their continuing growth as leaders by helping them exercise effective agency and accountability in achieving their developmental aspirations from the program.

Course Scope

This goal will be achieved by providing students an opportunity to identify patterns of behavior that are both helping and hindering their development as leaders. Having identified their own developmental priorities as well as the root drivers of those behaviors, students will have an opportunity to articulate and commit to a going-forward development plan to embed new ways of acting and being that they have identified as key to becoming a more effective leader in the context of their work.

Evaluation and Grade Breakdown

ComponentDue DateWeight
Leadership Development Priorities2 weeks before the RetreatCR/NCR
Identity Insights and Commitments2 weeks after the RetreatCR/NCR

Required Resources

There are no required readings for this course, although suggested readings will be provided on an individual request basis according to particular student needs/desires.

This page was last updated: 2024-06-14 @ 3:26 pm