General Information
The Executive MBA (EMBA) degree is a full-time program offered in modules (i.e. terms) to working professionals.
Rules and regulations for the Executive MBA program are governed by the School of Graduate Studies (SGS) at the University of Toronto. The regulations of SGS are applicable, but not limited to, all matters relating to academic standards, examinations, course enrolment, and academic integrity. The SGS Calendar is available online.
EMBA students must comply and adhere to the same academic standards as the full-time and morning/evening MBA students. For the purpose of this website, MBA and EMBA are used interchangeably and the term University refers to the University of Toronto.
The Managing Director, Professional MBA Programs is responsible for all aspects of the EMBA program and works closely with the Academic Director; the Vice-Dean, MBA Programs; and the Dean of the Rotman School of Management to ensure a high quality student experience for all.
Curriculum information is available at Executive MBA Curriculum.
Fees and Registration
A student is considered to be registered once they confirm their acceptance to the program and are up-to-date in program fee payments. As a registered student, the student agrees to abide by all academic and non-academic policies; rules and regulations of the University and their academic division as set out in the divisional calendar; and to ensure that the accuracy of personal information (e.g. current mailing address, telephone number) is maintained.
Fees for the EMBA program are billed and collected through ACORN.
Sessional Registration and Billing
Registration is done twice a year: September for the Fall and Winter sessions; and May for the Summer session. All students must make arrangements for payment of their fees prior to the fees deadline. In order for students to be considered registered in the program, the full session fees of academic, ancillary and incidental fees, and all any arrears as stated on the fees invoice must be paid by the fees deadline.
As a registered student, the student agrees to abide by all academic and non-academic policies; rules and regulations of the University and their academic division as set out in the divisional calendar; and to ensure that the accuracy of personal information (e.g. current mailing address, telephone number) is maintained.
Rotman School students may receive messages from other divisions of the University of Toronto, such as the School of Graduate Studies and Student Accounts, regarding fees and deadlines. Please refer to the payment schedules provided by the Rotman School Office of the Registrar and Academic Services (RO) emails, as this information is specific to your program.
The following tables are estimates. The annual program fee, University incidental fees, and ancillary fees are set by the University and are subject to change. The University incidental fees amount noted below are subject to approval by the Governing Council’s annual meeting each May. Please refer to the University of Toronto’s Planning & Budget website for the most accurate and up-to-date fees schedules. All fees are presented in Canadian dollars.
EMBA Program Fees
Note: The annual program fee, University incidental fees, and Rotman ancillary fees are set by the University and are subject to change. The University incidental fees amount noted above for future academic years are subject to approval by the Governing Council’s annual meeting each May.
Cohort | Fall | Winter | Summer | Fall | Total |
EMBA 43 (Students who start in 2022) | $27,945 | $35,941 | $35,941 | $15,974 | $115,810 |
EMBA 44 (Students who start in 2023) | $29,352 | $37,738 | $37,738 | $16,772 | $121,600 |
EMBA 45 (Students who start in 2024) | $29,938 | $38,492 | $38,492 | $17,108 | $124,030 |
Other Fees
In addition to the annual program fees noted above, students are required to submit payment for University mandatory incidental fees and ancillary fees. The University incidental fees are charged per term and total approximately $3,400 over the duration of the 13-month program (including campus fees; student society fees; and University of Toronto Graduate Student Union health and dental plans). Additional details, information, and finalized amounts will be updated as available and found on your fees invoice.
The University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP) fee will automatically be added to fees invoices for International students only.
For information on other fees, including Health Insurance fees, please see the Finances, Fees, and Taxes section of this website.
Fee Payment
Fee payment information can be found on the Finances, Fees, and Taxes section of this website.
Questions regarding registering without payment may be directed to the Registrar’s Office.

Team work is a substantial part of the Executive MBA program and plays a significant role in both the academic setting for course grades as well as training for professional life. Therefore, the content and the workload within the MBA program are structured around the requirement for students to work successfully in project teams.
To allow students to benefit from the diversity of participants represented in the program, the Executive MBA Program forms study teams of 5–6 students. The Program takes a number of factors into account when forming the study teams, including academic background; industry experience; international background; and geographical area of work or residence. Study teams are required to work together for course projects and act as an academic resource for students for individual course work and class preparation. Most courses in the Executive MBA programs require a graded team work component.
Team Training and Development
The Program Office is responsible for providing resources for the initial training as well as ongoing guidance and support for teams encountering any challenges. Resources will be made available to the teams requiring facilitation and conflict resolution.
Although, the Program Office will provide the underlying resources for study teams to work progressively together, it is not the program office’s responsibility to sustain the teams. Rather, each individual has the responsibility to act in a way conducive to team work and to develop strong team work capabilities.
Project Lead Role
In an effort to help foster leadership and team management skills in each member of the project team, each member of the team is encouraged to act as project lead for at least one project. The project lead will take responsibility for developing the overall project plan. Specifically, the project lead will be expected to utilize their leadership skills to:
- Determine project timelines
- Set meeting times & agendas
- Delegate work and tasks
- Establish reasonable milestones
- Facilitate or chair all project meeting
- Follow-up on task fulfillment
- Solve problem issues, involving the Team Advisor as appropriate
Team Charter
The Team Charter is a contract between team members and is required for all program study teams. It specifies the behavioural and performance norms of the team and should be used as a guide for effective team behaviour. The Charter outlines the values, mission, goals, and ground rules for the team. It is particularly useful when there is conflict as it reminds the team what it wants to achieve and can help the team to refocus on its project goals. It is a ‘living document’ that teams are expected to refer to on a regular basis to ensure that team members continue to focus on team effectiveness.
Team Work and Academic Integrity
When working as a team, each team member is responsible for the work submitted collectively by the team. This includes work that may be considered academically dishonest, or in which an academic offence has been committed (as defined by the University’s Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters).
In other words, if one of your team members takes a shortcut and copies material from the internet or a past assignment, or simply isn’t aware of the rules regarding appropriate citation for sources consulted, the whole team faces consequences that may arise from an allegation of academic misconduct. It is up to each team member to be sufficiently familiar with the work being submitted; to check each other’s work for proper citations and originality; and to be aware of the relevant policies. As a general guideline, students should approach group assignments—and the checking of citations and originality—in the same manner that they normally would for an individual assignment; ultimately, ensuring the quality of the final product being submitted meets the standard of integrity.
Team Behaviours and Protocols
Throughout the program the Team Advisor will be available to support the development of a positive team culture. A member of the EMBA Program Staff will provide feedback collectively and individually to the members of each team on aspects of team process, output and outcomes, and provide tools and resources to help resolve concerns
Study teams or their individual members who, at any time, encounter difficulties or are unable to resolve team issues amongst themselves first are highly encouraged to contact the Program Services Office and the Team Advisor as soon as possible.
All students are expected to treat team work as they would in a business setting, ensuring professional behaviour at all times.
Professional behaviour in team settings includes (but is not limited to) the following:
- Respecting and treating all others in a manner consistent with the Rotman Code of Conduct
- Ensuring all team members voice their opinions, thoughts, and concerns
- Taking personal responsibility to voice thoughts to benefit the team’s learning
- Contributing equal time and effort to the project as others in the group
- Committing to a standard of work agreed upon by the group
- Participating in team projects at a level agreed upon by the entire team
The overall objective is to maintain a positive and productive team dynamic that will enhance the student’s learning experience. It is an ongoing policy of The Rotman School of Management to provide a supportive environment to maintain this objective.
General Dispute Resolution Procedures
The project team should attempt to resolve cases in which a team member does not demonstrate an adequate degree of commitment to the project team and its work, or if the quality of the work is not of MBA calibre or of the level expected by the project team. The general dispute resolution procedures are given below. Project teams that do not follow the general dispute resolution procedures described here are required to give each project team member equal credit for the disputed project work.
Early intervention can solve many of the minor disputes that arise among team members. During this stage a project lead is expected to ensure that the individual is aware of the team’s expectations and has the opportunity to commit to the successful completion of the project.
In the event that early intervention is unsuccessful, the project lead is expected to engage the support of the Program Office, without delay, to provide additional support and resolution options. The Program Office may enlist additional support and resources of an advisor from a Team Advisor if the situation necessitates.
If a satisfactory solution cannot be reached at the outcome of this discussion, the entire project team must meet with one of the team support designates. The team support designate will listen to every member of the team and discuss options for improving the team process and effectiveness. All members of the project team must commit to actively participate in the solution and utilize suggestions and terms agreed to in this meeting.
If attempts to resolve the project team’s issues have not been successful and the recurring issue(s) persist, the Program Services staff will consider alternative methods of team resolution, with due consideration for the University of Toronto’s Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters, Code of Student Behaviour, and the Rotman Code of Conduct, as well as the various support resources on campus. Resolution decisions may include an academic penalty and/or impact their academic standing in the course and program.
In extreme circumstances that involve concerns over physical or psychological safety (e.g. abusive behaviour, discrimination, harassment), the Program Office will intervene much earlier in the process drawing upon the appropriate resources of the University to do so.
Equitable Group Effort and Workload
In a situation where an individual or individuals have consistently failed to meet the project team’s expectations (as outlined in the team charter and the first project meeting for the specific project in question), and the dispute resolution procedure is not successful, a project lead must consult with their project team to decide whether or not the project team is to submit the assignment/project without all project team members’ names.
In the event that one or more project team members’ names are removed from the final submission, the affected student(s) is/are expected to contact both the instructor and the Program Office immediately and no later than 48 hours after the submission deadline. The discussion with the affected student will be reviewed by the Program Office and the instructor for a final decision regarding academic penalty and/or accommodation by means of an alternative assignment.
Academic Penalties for Unprofessional Behaviour / Non-Participation
Failure to participate in group projects at a level agreed upon by the entire project team, or demonstrating unprofessional conduct, will not be tolerated and may be subject to investigation and academic penalty.
Unprofessional conduct includes violations of the professional behaviours listed above.

Career Services
The following guidelines have been established to create a positive experience with Rotman Career Services for Working Professionals. Adherence to these policies will both strengthen the relationships we have with our alumni and broader networks as well as protect our professional reputation. We encourage Rotman EMBA students to make productive connections with classmates, faculty, alumni, and corporate guests. Thank you in advance for continuing to promote the strong Rotman brand through your interactions with the business community.
Student Information
Students will ensure that all information provided to the Director, Career Services and to potential employers in all written and verbal correspondence will be honest, accurate and complete. This includes (but is not limited to) information related to the following: résumés, cover letters, transcripts, employment information, interviews, and job offer data. All information shared with Director, Career Services is confidential and any data requested and collected is used in an aggregate format for reporting purposes.
Career Services Sessions/Workshops
Students are expected to exhibit professionalism in signing up for and attending all career related sessions as follows:
- Students unable to attend must cancel at least 24 hours in advance.
- Business attire is expected, unless otherwise stated.
- Arrive on time and plan to stay for the entire presentation.
At the conclusion of each course the instructor and the course format are formally evaluated. These evaluations are used by the Dean’s Office in each instructor’s annual review (which impacts promotion and salary). The Program Office evaluates the outcomes for course staffing for subsequent years. Course evaluation results, including relevant comments written by students are made available to instructors only after final course grades have been submitted. Copies are maintained on file at the EMBA Program Office. Students are asked to keep this in mind and exercise their best judgement in completing the evaluations.
Ongoing Feedback
From time to time, the Program Office may undertake additional surveys and or focus groups on recent events or activities. As part of the ongoing feedback, students are also encouraged to provide feedback over the course of the year.
External Surveys
Each year, the School endeavours to participate in external surveys (such as with Financial Times) to provide benchmarking data on the EMBA Program and the program experience. All students are strongly encouraged to participate in the formal surveys, internal and external, as the School uses the information as feedback on the delivery of the EMBA Program.
Dean’s List
Each year in June, the Rotman School recognizes the top 20 per cent of EMBA students with a Dean’s List based on cumulative GPA for the entire program. To be eligible for consideration, students must be graduating, have obtained passing grades in all courses and be registered in good standing.
Courses graded as CR/NCR, Pass/Fail, or Honours/Pass/Fail, do not count towards the GPA, nor do courses taken as EXTra. Late withdrawals (WDR) do not affect the GPA. Dean’s List notations are not included on the University of Toronto transcript.
Note that the Rotman School does not publicly rank students or release information on student rankings; however, the lists themselves are formally announced annually for the purposes of convocation, the Rotman Student Awards Ceremony and internal School recognition.
The Graduating Dean’s List is compiled each year in mid-June and is based on a cumulative GPA for the entirety of the program. In addition to recognizing the top 20 per cent of the class, the School bestows the following honours:
- The top student graduating from the Full-Time, Morning/Evening, EMBA, and GEMBA-HLS programs at the School earns the title Dean’s List and Bregman Scholar, Roger N. Wolff Prize.
- The top 10 per cent of the students graduating from each Program earn the title Dean’s List and Bregman Scholar.
- The remaining graduating students in the top 20 percent from each Program earn the title Dean’s List.
Only elective courses taken to meet the degree requirements are considered; courses that have been designated as EXTra are not used in the GPA calculation for the Graduating Year Dean’s List.
Students who participate in the International Exchange Program are eligible to be considered for the Graduating Year Dean’s List based on Rotman MBA Courses taken. Grades received at the host university, however, will not be taken into consideration.
November Graduation: Students graduating in November will be reviewed and considered for the Dean’s List at the next June convocation.
Program Directory
The faculty and administrative staff at Rotman are dedicated to supporting the efforts of each individual student to realize his or her fullest potential. The staff in the Executive MBA Recruitment & Admissions Office, Office of Student Engagement, Registrar’s Office, and Career Centre are available for consultation on all matters relating to the Executive MBA program, including admissions; enrollment; registration; grade or course issues; financial assistance; international programs; career development opportunities; or special advising.
The EMBA directory can be found here.