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Global Executive MBA for Healthcare and the Life Sciences

General Information

For additional information about important dates and times, please consult the Rotman HUB.

Global Executive MBA for Healthcare and the Life Sciences (GEMBA-HLS) is a full-time program offered to working professionals in 13 months over 5 academic terms and structured in 6 modules.

Rules and regulations for the Global Executive MBA for Healthcare and the Life Sciences program are governed by the School of Graduate Studies (SGS) at the University of Toronto. The regulations of SGS are applicable, but not limited to, all matters relating to academic standards, examinations, course enrollment, and academic integrity. The SGS Calendar is available online.

GEMBA-HLS students must comply and adhere to the same academic standards as the Full-Time and Morning/Evening MBA students. For the purpose of this website, MBA and GEMBA-HLS are used interchangeably and the term University refers to the University of Toronto.

The Managing Director, Professional MBA Programs is responsible for all aspects of the GEMBA-HLS program and works closely with the Academic Director; the Vice-Dean, MBA Programs; and the Dean of the Rotman School of Management to ensure a high quality student experience for all.


Curriculum information is available at Global Executive MBA for Healthcare and the Life Sciences Curriculum.

Fees and Registration

A student is considered to be registered once they confirm their acceptance to the program and are up-to-date in program fee payments. As a registered student, the student agrees to abide by all academic and non-academic policies, rules and regulations of the University and their academic division as set out in the online handbooks, and to ensure the accuracy of personal information (e.g. current mailing address, telephone number) is maintained.

Fees for the GEMBA-HLS program are billed and collected through ACORN.

Sessional Registration and Billing

Registration is done twice a year: September for the Fall and Winter sessions, and May for the Summer session. All students must make arrangements for payment of their fees prior to the start of Fall and Summer, by the fees deadline. In order for students to be considered registered in the program, the full session fees of academic, ancillary and incidental fees, and all any arrears as stated on the fees invoice must be paid by the fees deadline.

As a registered student, the student agrees to abide by all academic and non-academic policies; rules and regulations of the University and their academic division as set out in the divisional calendar; and to ensure that the accuracy of personal information (e.g. current mailing address, telephone number) is maintained.

Rotman School students may receive messages from other divisions of the University of Toronto, such as the School of Graduate Studies and Student Accounts, regarding fees and deadlines. Please refer to the payment schedules provided by the Rotman School Office of the Registrar and Academic Services (RO) emails, as this information is specific to your program.


The following tables are estimates. The annual program fee, University incidental fees, and ancillary fees are set by the University and are subject to change. The University incidental fees amount noted below are subject to approval by the Governing Council’s annual meeting each May. Please refer to the University of Toronto’s Planning & Budget website for the most accurate and up-to-date fees schedules. All fees are presented in Canadian dollars.

GEMBA-HLS Program Fees

Note: The annual program fee, University incidental fees, and Rotman ancillary fees are set by the University and are subject to change. The University incidental fees amount noted above for future academic years are subject to approval by the Governing Council’s annual meeting each May.

(Students who start in 2023)
(Students who start in January 2025)

Other Fees

In addition to the annual program fees noted above, students are required to submit payment for University mandatory incidental fees and ancillary fees. The University incidental fees are charged per term and total approximately $3,900 over the duration of the 13-month program (including campus fees; student society fees; and University of Toronto Graduate Student Union health and dental plans). Additional details, information, and finalized amounts will be updated as available and found on your fees invoice.

The University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP) fee will automatically be added to fees invoices for International students only.

For information on other fees, including Health Insurance fees, please see the Finances, Fees, and Taxes section of this website.

Fee Payment

Fee payment information can be found on the Finances, Fees, and Taxes section of this website.

Questions regarding how to Register Without Payment may be directed to the Registrar’s Office.


Career Services

The following guidelines have been established to create a positive experience with Career Services. Adherence to these policies will both strengthen the relationships we have with our alumni and broader networks as well as protect our professional reputation. We encourage Rotman GEMBA-HLS students to make productive connections with classmates, faculty, alumni, and corporate guests. Thank you in advance for continuing to promote the strong Rotman brand through your interactions with the business community.

Student Information

Students will ensure that all information provided to the Assistant Director, Career Services and to potential employers in all written and verbal correspondence will be honest, accurate and complete. This includes (but is not limited to) information related to the following: résumés, cover letters, transcripts, employment information, interviews, and job offer data. All information shared with the Assistant Director, Career Services is confidential and any data requested and collected is used in an aggregate format for reporting purposes.

Career Services Sessions/Workshops

Students are expected to exhibit professionalism in signing up for and attending all career related sessions as follows:

  • Students unable to attend must cancel at least 24 hours in advance.
  • Business attire is expected, unless otherwise stated.
  • Arrive on time and plan to stay for the entire presentation.

Dean’s List

Each year in June the Rotman School recognizes the top 20 per cent of EMBA students with a Dean’s List based on cumulative GPA for the entire program. To be eligible for consideration, students must be graduating, have obtained passing grades in all courses and be registered in good standing.

Courses graded as CR/NCR, Pass/Fail, or Honours/Pass/Fail, do not count towards the GPA, nor do courses taken as EXTra. Late withdrawals (WDR) do not affect the GPA. Dean’s List notations are not included on the University of Toronto transcript.

Note that the Rotman School does not publicly rank students or release information on student rankings; however, the lists themselves are formally announced annually for the purposes of convocation, the Rotman Student Awards Ceremony and internal School recognition.

The Graduating Dean’s List is compiled each year in mid-June and is based on a cumulative GPA for the entirety of the program. In addition to recognizing the top 20 per cent of the class, the School bestows the following honours:

  • The top student graduating from the Full-Time, Morning/Evening, EMBA, and GEMBA-HLS programs at the School earns the title Dean’s List and Bregman Scholar, Roger N. Wolff Prize.
  • The top 10 per cent of the students graduating from each Program earn the title Dean’s List and Bregman Scholar.
  • The remaining graduating students in the top 20 percent from each Program earn the title Dean’s List.

Only elective courses taken to meet the degree requirements are considered; courses that have been designated as EXTra are not used in the GPA calculation for the Graduating Year Dean’s List.

November Graduation: Students graduating in November will be reviewed and considered for the Dean’s List at the next June convocation.

Program Directory

The faculty and administrative staff at Rotman are dedicated to supporting the efforts of each individual student to realize his or her fullest potential. The staff in the Global Executive MBA for Healthcare and the Life Sciences Recruitment & Admissions OfficeOffice of Student EngagementRegistrar’s Office, and Career Services are available for consultation on all matters relating to the Global Executive MBA for Healthcare and the Life Sciences program, including admissions; enrollment; registration; grade or course issues; financial assistance; international programs; career development opportunities; or special advising.

Managing Director, Program Strategy and Student Experience: Séan Corbishley
Academic Director, Global Executive MBA for Healthcare and the Life Sciences: Brian Golden
Director, Program Services & Student Life: Dana Andrews
Associate Director, Global Executive MBA for Healthcare and the Life Sciences: Lars Fonteyne
Program Manager, Global Executive MBA for Healthcare and the Life Sciences: Bektu Abidta

Managing Director, Recruitment, Admissions, and Business Development: Mohammad Salhia
Director, Recruitment & Admissions, Professional MBA Programs: TBC
Assistant Director, Recruitment & Admissions, Global Executive MBA for Healthcare and the Life Sciences: Catherine De Fazio
Recruitment & Admissions Officer, Global Executive MBA for Healthcare and the Life Sciences: Rachel Yang

Director, Career Services: Lyla Korhani
Associate Director, Career Curriculum & Consulting, All MBA Programs: Cara McCreery
Senior Consultant, Leadership Development: Katie Armstrong
Coordinator, Career Services: Jess Goldson

General Questions/Assistance/Advice: gemba-hls@rotman.utoronto.ca

This page was last updated: 2024-05-22 @ 3:37 pm