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Academic Support

Accessibility Services

The Accessibility Services Office (AS) facilitates the inclusion of students with a range of disabilities into all aspects of university life. Services are provided to students with a documented disability whether physical, sensory, a learning disability, or a mental health condition. Students with temporary disability (e.g. broken arm) are also eligible for the service. Even if students never need any accommodations, they can relax knowing they can access them if necessary. Accommodations may include note-taking services, alternative format textbooks, and exam-writing support.

The Graduate and Professional Program Student Handbook (PDF) are designed as roadmaps to help you navigate the accommodations process, as well as the services and supports available at Accessibility Services at the University of Toronto’s St. George campus. Whether you are an incoming or returning student, please take the time to review their contents.

Academic Success Centre

The Academic Success Centre provides a range of supports to help students reach their academic potential. Meet one-on-one with a learning strategist, access online resources, or try a drop-in-session or workshop.

Learning Strategist

Meet with a Learning Strategist for support with your academic tasks. They can help you to manage assignments, time, procrastination, or stress. They also support students to develop skills in problem solving, active study, critical thinking, and concentration.

How to Book

Rotman students can make appointments with any Learning Strategist at the Academic Success Centre.

All students may access resources at the Academic Success Centre. A listing of current and upcoming events can be found on the University’s Student Life site.

Graduate Centre for Academic Communications

The Graduate Centre for Academic Communications (GCAC), formerly known as English Language & Writing Support (ELWS), is a program offered by the School of Graduate Studies (SGS). It provides graduate students with free advanced training in academic writing and speaking. It offers non-credit courses, single-session workshops, individual writing consultations, and website resources. While the workshops function on a drop-in basis, consultations require an appointment, and courses require registration.

Centre for International Experience (CIE) Language Exchange

The CIE Language Exchange (CIE) is open to all University of Toronto students with an interest in language (not just English and not just international students). This program connects students who want to practise a new language and share their own in a casual setting.

English Communication Program

The English Communication Program at the CIE is a non-credit program open to all international and visiting/exchange students that provides the opportunity to develop communication skills in English, gain insight into Canadian culture and life at the University of Toronto, and share cultural experiences.

This page was last updated: 2023-08-24 @ 12:04 pm