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RSM2054H – Technology Strategy (Spring 2025)

General Information

Promotional Video

Instructor Bio

Alberto Galasso is Professor of Strategic Management at the University of Toronto. He is Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) and Research Affiliate at the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR). He serves as co-editor for the Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, as associate editor for the Journal of Industrial Economics and as member of the editorial board for the Strategic Management Journal. His research agenda focuses on the determinants of innovative activity, the management of innovation and the functioning of markets for technology.

Target Audience

This course is suitable for students pursuing management careers in technology-focused organizations, students interested in creating (or investing in) technology startups, and those interested in innovation policy.


12 regular in person lectures

Course Mission and Scope

In this course students will learn how innovation and management of technology can be leveraged to generate and sustain competitive advantage.

We will examine how firms’ innovation incentives are shaped by the external environment and by the internal organization of the firm. We will provide an introduction to intellectual property, discuss the design of an intellectual property strategy, and the use of patent analytics.

Throughout the course, we will consider recent technological and policy issues including artificial intelligence, innovation inducement prizes, and government R&D subsidies.

Evaluation and Grade Breakdown

ComponentDue DateWeight
Patent analytics reportTBC50%
Case report – team presentationTBC30%
Online quizzesTBC20%

Required Resources

Links and references to readings and cases will be provided in the course outline. The main textbook for the course will be the book: Galasso, Alberto. The Management of Innovation: Managing and Creating Technology Capital. University of Toronto Press, 2024.

This page was last updated: 2024-09-23 @ 8:42 am