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First-Year Full Time MBA Term 4 Electives

General Information

All Term 4 Spring 2025 courses will be delivered IN PERSON.

Full-Time MBA students are required to complete one (1) elective course (0.5 credit weight) in Term 4 of their first year. This elective is considered separately from the broader MBA elective courses taken in the second year of the program.

You may use this optional form to plan out your courses.

The slides and recording of the Term 4 Elective Course Selection Info Session are available for viewing.

Course Packages

Course Packages for all first year core courses (excluding the first-year electives) are included in the ancillary fees for all students enrolled in a Rotman MBA degree program. During the electives phase (i.e. Term 4 of your first year and the entire second year), course packages are not included in the program fees. It is the responsibility of the student to purchase course packages directly from our provider.

Key Dates

RO & OSE Course Selection WebinarWednesday, January 8, 20252:00PM
Term 4 Course Selection/Enrolment Period OpensTuesday, January 21, 20251:30PM
Term 4 Course Selection/Enrolment Period ClosesMonday, January 27, 20251:30PM
Enrolment Results Communicated to StudentsWednesday, February 12, 20251:30PM
Term 4 Add/Drop Opens: Phase 1Wednesday, February 12, 20251:30PM
– Randomized Wait List PeriodWednesday, February 12, 2025 to Friday, February 14, 20251:30PM
– Wait List Randomization (Add/Drop Site Closed)Friday, February 14, 20251:30PM
– Wait List Positions Viewable to Students (Add/Drop Site Re-Opens: Phase 2)Tuesday, February 18, 20251:30PM
Term 4 Add/Drop ClosesWednesday, March 12, 20251:30PM
Final Date to Drop Only Without Academic PenaltyRefer to the schedule below.

Requests to drop must be accompanied by the instructor’s signature, and the Assistant Director must have been notified.

Term 4 Electives Schedule

Condensed Format (Off-Cycle) Courses

In addition to the regular six-week term, some first year elective courses may be offered in condensed format, such as four full days or weekends only. Should students decide to enroll in a course offered in a condensed format, they should be prepared to commit a significant amount of out-of-class time to the readings, daily deliverables, group meetings, etc. Please consider commitments and make appropriate decisions about the ability to be fully engaged in this type of course. Should students anticipate any absences, they should drop the course by the term deadline and replace it with another one that will fit their schedule.

Electives Schedule

  • Term 4: March 10 – April 17, 2025
  • Final Exam Period: April 21-25, 2025
  • Final Exam Make-Up Period: April 28 – May 2, 2025

Term 4 is six weeks long, followed by a final exam period. The final exam could be at anytime during the final exam period and not necessarily the same weekday/time as regular class. Students must not make any travel plans prior to May 2, 2025.

Table Legend

Emphases: (m) = Main, (s) = Supplemental
Students can check Quercus for course location.
Courses marked with * are experimental.

Use the search field to search and filter this table (i.e. filter courses by class day, start time, emphasis, etc.).

All 2000-level courses are elective courses. Students must take one (1) elective during this term.

Important: Check Quercus page for final deliverable details
Course Code/SectionCourse TitleInstructor(s)Class DayClass TimeRoomDrop DeadlineNotesEmphases
m = main
s = supplemental
RSM2014HS.2025-0404Sustainability StrategyGreg DistelhorstMondays and Thursdays16:15-18:15L1010Wednesday, March 26, 2025Sustainability and Society (m)

Strategy (s)
RSM2052HS.2025-0403Management ConsultingYongah KimMondays and Thursdays14:00-16:00L1010Wednesday, March 26, 2025Strategy (m)
RSM2125HS.2025-0403Game Theory & Applications for ManagementHeski Bar-IsaacTuesdays and Fridays14:00-16:00L1010Thursday, March 27, 2025Data Analytics and Modeling (s)

Real Estate (s)

Strategy (s)
RSM2212HS.2025-0404Business Analysis and ValuationPartha MohanramMondays, Tuesdays and Wednesday16:15-18:15L1020Wednesday, March 26, 2025Last class Wednesday, April 17

Final Exam During Exam Period
Finance (m)

Strategy (s)
RSM2401HS.2025-0403Data and Information Management for Business AnalyticsGerhard TrippenTuesdays and Fridays14:00-16:00Finance LabThursday, March 27, 2025Final Exam During Exam PeriodData Analytics and Modeling (m)
RSM2522HS.2025-0403Marketing and Behavioural EconomicsKristen DukeTuesdays and Fridays14:00-16:00L1025Thursday, March 27, 2025Marketing (m)
RSM2523HS.2025-0404Business Design FundamentalsAnjana Dattani
Tuesdays and Fridays16:15-18:15Myhal 320Thursday, March 27, 2025Business Design (m)

Health Sector Management (s)
RSM2604HS.2025-0401Managerial NegotiationsGeoffrey LeonardelliSaturday and Sunday09:00-16:00L1010Friday, March 21, 2025Intensive course over 2 weekends.

Class Dates:

March 15, 16, 22, 23
Leadership (m)

Term 4 Exam Schedule

The Term 4 exam period is April 21-25, 2025, with approved make-up exams taking place the following week.

NOTE: Students are expected to be available for the whole exam period, including the make-up period, regardless of when the course exam may occur, and should not make personal travel arrangements or plans during those periods. In extenuating circumstances, students should reach out to their Assistant Director for next steps.

Exam DateExam DurationCourse Code/TitleInstructor(s)Exam Location Approved Make-up Date
Tuesday, April 229:30 – 13:30 (4 hours)RSM2212 – Business Analysis and ValuationPartha MohanramVarious ClassroomsTuesday, April 29
Thursday, April 249:30 – 12:30 (3 hours)RSM2401 – Data and Information Management for Business AnalyticsGerhard TrippenFinance LabThursday, May 1


First-year elective courses are applicable to Emphases.

Electives Course Selection and Enrolment

Course Match

The Rotman School of Management has implemented an electives enrolment system for all Full-Time and Morning and Evening MBA students: Course Match.

Developed at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Course Match acts on students’ behalf to get the best possible schedule, given their relative preferences. Course Match maximizes student satisfaction; optimizes allocation of seats; and eliminates incentives to strategize—and the worry that others will gain an advantage. Course Match is time-efficient, streamlining course selection into a single round. Using sophisticated, tested algorithms, Course Match establishes a student’s best schedule given their preferences.

Course Match works differently from what students might have seen before. Students may submit their preferences at any point during the enrolment window; there is no advantage to doing so immediately. Students should, however, ensure they submit their preferences before enrolment closes.

Information on how to use Course Match to enrol in electives is available in the Course Match section of the general MBA Electives Course Selection and Enrolment page.

Wait Lists and Course Add/Drop

Once students receive their schedule for Term 4, they may decide to make a change via the Add/Drop website on the Rotman HUB.

Course Match does not automatically generate wait lists, so we will be managing this process via the Add/Drop website in two phases to achieve maximum fairness and student satisfaction. Please see Key Dates for when this will happen.

Information on using the Add/Drop Request and Wait List Site is available on the general MBA Electives Course Selection and Enrolment page.

Overload, EXTra, and Audit

Please note that students are not permitted to audit Term 4 elective courses.

Students with exceptional circumstances may be able to request to take an additional Term 4 elective as an overload course for CREdit, but not as an EXTra course. Students that wish to request an additional Term 4 elective as an overload course should contact their Assistant Director.

Second-Year Electives

The second year of the Full-Time MBA program begins after Term 4, typically in the summer. Students who have completed the core the first-year courses can begin enrolling into second-year electives, starting with Rotman’s Summer Intensive Term. The MBA Electives Guide provides full details and instructions of this phase of the program.

This page was last updated: 2025-02-13 @ 10:39 am