General Information
For additional information about important dates and times, please consult the Rotman HUB.
The MBA degree is offered on both a full-time and morning/evening (for working professionals) basis.
Rules and regulations for the MBA programs are governed by the School of Graduate Studies (SGS) at the University of Toronto. The regulations of SGS are applicable, but not limited to, all matters relating to academic standards, examinations, course enrolment, and academic integrity. The SGS Calendar is available online.
The Managing Director, Full-Time MBA is responsible for all aspects of the Full-Time MBA program and works closely with the Academic Director, the Vice-Dean, and the Dean of the Rotman School of Management to ensure a high quality student experience for all.
The Full-Time MBA program includes combined MBA programs with the following faculties:
- The Faculty of Law (JD/MBA program)
- The Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering (Jeffrey Skoll BASc/MBA program)
- The Munk School of Global Affairs (MGA/MBA program)
- The Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy (PharmD/MBA program)
- The Temerty Faculty of Medicine (MD/MBA program)
In addition to the combined programs listed above, Rotman offers two Collaborative Program Specializations with different graduate departments at the University of Toronto:
Collaborative Specializations
Rotman students have the opportunity to apply to one of two programs offered by the School and other University of Toronto faculties. Students may apply to these programs in either their first or second year of their MBA.
Collaborative Specialization in Contemporary East and Southeast Asian Studies
The Collaborative Specialization in Contemporary East and Southeast Asian Studies provides graduates with advanced training in a particular discipline and in the historical and social science studies of modern East and Southeast Asia. Major topics are political economy; modern and contemporary social history; international relations; gender; political and social change; economic development; and cultural studies. The program contributes to the development of an integrated and interdisciplinary research community in Asia-Pacific Studies at University of Toronto.
Students in the Collaborative Specialization in Contemporary East and Southeast Asian Studies are expected to meet both the MBA degree and the Collaborative Specialization requirements.
Students who successfully complete the requirements of the collaborative program will receive the notation “Completed Collaborative Specialization in Contemporary East and Southeast Asian Studies” on their transcript in addition to the MBA.
For further information on this Collaborative Specialization, visit the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy.
Collaborative Specialization in Environmental Studies
The Collaborative Specialization in Environmental Studies is offered through U of T’s School of the Environment. Graduate students admitted to a “home” department (e.g. Rotman School) can apply to the Collaborative Specialization and pursue course work and research in environmental areas. The School offers one of North America’s most engaging and cross-disciplinary programs in the environment.
MBA students in the Collaborative Program in Environmental Studies are expected to meet the degree requirements in combination with those of the collaborative program. Please note that collaborative program requirements must be completed concurrently with the MBA requirements before graduation. With permission of the Registrar’s Office, all or part of the courses taken in the Environmental Studies collaborative specialization may be credited towards the MBA degree requirements.
Students who successfully complete the requirements of the collaborative specialization will receive the notation “Completed Collaborative Specialization in Environmental Studies” on their final transcript as well as an official Parchment from the School of Graduate Studies (SGS).
For further information on the Collaborative Specialization contact the School of the Environment.
Normal Program Length
5 sessions (2 years) full-time
Typical registration sequence: Fall > Winter > Summer > Fall > Winter
Time Limit
3 years
Additional fees will be incurred past the second summer session.
First Year Term Dates
All terms are 6 weeks + an exam period
Term | Term Dates | Exam Period |
Term 1 | September 3 to October 11, 2024 | October 15-18, 2024 |
Term 2 | October 28 to December 6, 2024 | December 9-13, 2024 |
Term 3 | January 13 to February 21, 2025 | February 24-28, 2025 |
Term 4 | March 10 to April 18, 2025 | April 21-25, 2025 |
Curriculum information is available at Full-Time MBA Curriculum.
Fees and Registration

The information provided on this page is specific to the Full-Time MBA program. For general information on fees, including invoices; legal status; health insurance; making payments; tax forms; the Professional Student Loan Program; government assistance; sponsorship of tuition by a third party; additional and service charges; and restrictions and penalties on past due accounts, please see the Finances section.
Registration for the MBA Program is a multi-step process involving program registration, course enrolment, and fee payment. More information about registration and enrolment can be found in the Registration and Course Enrolment section of our Policies and Guidelines.
The tuition fees charged for each session of registration have four components:
- Program Fees
- Rotman Ancillary Fees
- University Compulsory Incidental Fees
- University Non-Compulsory Incidental Fees
The following tables are estimates. Please refer to the University of Toronto’s Planning and Budget website for the most accurate and up-to-date fees schedules.
The annual Program Fees for the Full-Time MBA Classes are illustrated below.
Annual Program Fees for the Class Entering in 2022
Program | Pre-MBA | MBA Year 1 (2022–23) | MBA Year 2 (2023–24) | MBA Year 3 (2024–25) | MBA Total |
FT MBA Domestic (Canadian citizen / Permanent Resident) | N/A | $46,270 | $46,270 | N/A | $92,540 |
FT MBA International (on a study permit) | N/A | $66,210 | $67,530 | N/A | $133,740 |
Skoll/MBA | Skoll Fees Years 1– 4 | $46,270 | $46,270 | N/A | $92,540 |
MGA/MBA | MGA Fees Year 1 | $46,270 | $46,270 | N/A | $92,540 |
PharmD/MBA | Pharmacy Fees Year 1 | $46,270 | $46,270 | N/A | $92,540 |
JD/MBA – Domestic | Law Fees Year 1 | $46,270 | $46,270 | $46,270 | $138,810 |
JD/MBA – International | Law Fees Year 1 | $66,210 | $67,530 | $68,880 | $202,620 |
Annual Program Fees for the Class Entering in 2023
Program | Pre-MBA | MBA Year 1 (2023–24) | MBA Year 2 (2024–25) | MBA Year 3 (2025–26) | MBA Total |
FT MBA – Domestic (Canadian citizen / Permanent Resident) | N/A | $46,270 | $46,270 | N/A | $92,540 |
FT MBA – International (on a study permit) | N/A | $67,530 | $68,880 | N/A | $136,410 |
Skoll/MBA – Domestic | Skoll Fees Years 1– 4 | $46,270 | $46,270 | N/A | $92,540 |
MGA/MBA – Domestic | MGA Fees Year 1 | $46,270 | $46,270 | N/A | $92,540 |
PharmD/MBA – Domestic | Pharmacy Fees Year 1 | $46,270 | $46,270 | N/A | $92,540 |
JD/MBA – Domestic | Law Fees Year 1 | $46,270 | $46,270 | $46,270 | $138,810 |
JD/MBA – International | Law Fees Year 1 | $67,530 | $68,880 | $70,260 | $205,290 |
Annual Program Fees for the Class Entering in 2024
Program | Pre-MBA | MBA Year 1 (2024–25) | MBA Year 2 (2025–26) | MBA Year 3 (2026–27) | MBA Total |
FT MBA Domestic (Canadian citizen / Permanent Resident) | N/A | $46,270 | $46,270 | N/A | $92,540 |
FT MBA International (on a study permit) | N/A | $68,880 | $70,260 | N/A | $139,140 |
Skoll/MBA | Skoll Fees Years 1– 4 | $46,270 | $46,270 | N/A | $92,540 |
MGA/MBA | MGA Fees Year 1 | $46,270 | $46,270 | N/A | $92,540 |
MD/MBA | MD Fees Year 1 | $46,270 | $46,270 | N/A | $92,540 |
PharmD/MBA | Pharmacy Fees Year 1 | $46,270 | $46,270 | N/A | $92,540 |
JD/MBA – Domestic | Law Fees Year 1 | $46,270 | $46,270 | $46,270 | $138,810 |
JD/MBA – International | Law Fees Year 1 | $68,880 | $70,260 | $70,260 | $209,400 |
Incidental & Ancillary Fees
In addition to the annual program fees noted above, students are required to submit payment for University mandatory incidental fees and Rotman ancillary fees. The University incidental fees amount to approximately up to $2,000, which covers the terms from September–end-of-April and include campus fees and student society fees. Hart House privileges extend to end-of-August. The Rotman ancillary fees amount to approximately $700, which covers the terms from September–end-of-August. Additional details, information, and finalized amounts will be updated as available and found on your fees invoice.
Rotman ancillary fees are charged by the School for services specific to the program. University incidental fees are charged by the University for services that are universal to all students: student unions; campus services, such as Hart House and the Athletic Centre; and electronic access fees for the cost of internet-based information access. This fee also includes health coverage and dental plan. Students with equivalent insurance elsewhere may opt out of these plans. Please visit the Graduate Students’ Union website for details.
The University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP) fee will automatically be added to fees invoices for International Students only.
Note: The annual program fee, University incidental fees, and Rotman ancillary fees are set by the University and are subject to change. The University incidental fees amount noted above for future academic years are subject to approval by the Governing Council’s annual meeting each May.
Questions regarding how to Register Without Payment may be directed to the Registrar’s Office.

Team work is a substantial part of the Rotman MBA program and plays a significant role in both the academic setting for course grades as well as training for professional life. Therefore, the content and the workload within the MBA program are structured around the requirement for students to work effectively in project teams.
In an effort to facilitate teamwork and allow students to benefit from the diversity of backgrounds represented in the program, the Office of Student Engagement (OSE) forms and assigns project teams for core (first-year) courses in the MBA program which incorporate group work as part of the grading scheme. The OSE takes a number of factors into account when forming the project teams, including academic background, industry experience, program of study, and international background. Project teams are utilized for course projects and are also intended to provide an academic support for students for individual course work and class preparation.
Approximately 70% of the first-year core courses have some element of graded team work, ranging in value from 10% to 40% of the overall course grade. The amount of team work varies by area and course in the elective phase of the program, during which period students will have the opportunity to form their own teams for project work.
Team Training and Development
The introduction of first phase project teams takes place at the Rotman Kick-Off. Subsequent rotations will take place in the first year of study. Team training and effectiveness is delivered by Rotman faculty and staff and involves formal activities, and educational sessions.
In addition to the academic training, team support designates in the OSE and the Self Development Lab (SDL) will be accessible for the project teams. The support designates are available for providing guidance and support for teams encountering conflict.
Team Support
Project teams or their individual members who encounter difficulties or are unable to resolve team issues are required to contact the OSE as soon as possible. The OSE will assist the student(s) to understand all angles of the situation and process and provide tools and resources to help students resolve project team concerns.
Fifteen-minute, one-on-one sessions are available through the SDL to work through team conflicts and/or enhance team performance. Sign-ups for available time slots are available online.
The OSE does not reassign project team member(s) unless extenuating circumstances occur and/or the behaviour exhibited is contrary to the Rotman Code of Conduct. At this point, additional sanctions may be placed on an offending student(s) that could impact their academic standing in the course and program.
Issues pertaining to academic and non-academic misconduct will be dealt with in accordance with the School of Graduate Studies policy (as defined by the University’s Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters).
Project Lead Role
In an effort to help foster leadership and team management skills in each member of the project team, each member of the team should act as Project Lead for at least one project for one course during the term.
The project lead will take responsibility for developing the overall project plan. Specifically, the project lead will be expected to utilize their leadership skills to:
- Determine project timelines
- Set meeting times and agendas
- Delegate work and tasks
- Establish reasonable milestones
- Facilitate or chair all project meetings
- Follow up on task fulfillment
- Solve problem issues, involving the OSE and/or faculty as appropriate
Team Work and Academic Integrity
When working as a team, each team member is responsible for the work submitted collectively by the team. This includes work that may be considered academically dishonest, or in which an academic offence has been committed (as defined by the University’s Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters).
In other words, if one of your team members takes a shortcut and copies material from the internet or a past assignment, or simply isn’t aware of the rules regarding appropriate citation for sources consulted, the whole team faces consequences that may arise from an allegation of academic misconduct. It is up to each team member to be sufficiently familiar with the work being submitted; to check each other’s work for proper citations and originality; and to be aware of the relevant policies. As a general guideline, students should approach group assignments—and the checking of citations and originality—in the same manner that they normally would for an individual assignment; ultimately, ensuring the quality of the final product being submitted meets the standard of integrity.
Team Behaviours and Protocols
All students are expected to treat team work as they would in a business setting, ensuring professional behaviour at all times.
Professional behaviour in team settings includes (but is not limited to) the following:
- Respecting and treating all others in a manner consistent with the Rotman Code of Conduct
- Ensuring all team members voice their opinions, thoughts, and concerns
- Taking personal responsibility to voice thoughts to benefit the team’s learning
- Contributing equal time and effort to the project as others in the group
- Committing to a standard of work agreed upon by the group
- Participating in team projects at a level agreed upon by the entire team
General Dispute Resolution Procedures
The project team should attempt to resolve cases in which a team member does not demonstrate an adequate degree of commitment to the project team and its work, or if the quality of the work is not of MBA calibre or of the level expected by the project team. The general dispute resolution procedures are given below. Project teams that do not follow the general dispute resolution procedures described here are required to give each project team member equal credit for the disputed project work.
General Dispute Resolution Procedures – Core Project Teams
- Early intervention can solve many of the minor disputes that arise among team members. During this stage a project lead is expected to ensure that the individual is aware of the team’s expectations and has the opportunity to commit to the successful completion of the project.
- In the event that early intervention is unsuccessful, the project lead is expected to engage the support of the OSE, without delay, to provide additional support and resolution options. The OSE may enlist additional support and resources of an advisor from senior administration or faculty if the situation necessitates.
- If a satisfactory solution cannot be reached at the outcome of this discussion, the entire project team must meet with one of the team support designates. The team support designate will listen to every member of the team and discuss options for improving the team process and effectiveness. All members of the project team must commit to actively participate in the solution and utilize suggestions and terms agreed to in this meeting.
- If attempts to resolve the project team’s issues have not been successful and the recurring issue(s) persist, the OSE will consider alternative methods of team resolution, with due consideration for the University of Toronto’s Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters, Code of Student Behaviour, and the Rotman Code of Conduct, as well as the various support resources on campus. Resolution decisions may include an academic penalty.
General Dispute Resolution Procedures – Elective Course Teams
- All members of the project team must actively work to resolve the issue through early intervention and discussion, led by a designated team leader.
- In the event that an internal project team resolution attempt fails, the instructor should then be approached as soon as possible for recommendations. The instructor may contact the OSE, if necessary, at any time in the process.
- The instructor will listen to the team and offer options for improving the group process and to help with potential solutions. If these efforts do not result in a satisfactory resolution, the instructor and the OSE will consider alternative methods of team resolution, with due consideration for the University of Toronto’s Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters, Code of Student Behaviour, and the Rotman Code of Conduct, as well as the various support resources on campus. Resolution decisions may include an academic penalty.
Equitable Group Effort and Workload
In a situation where an individual or individuals have consistently failed to meet the project team’s expectations (as outlined in the team charter and the first project meeting for the specific project in question), and the dispute resolution procedure is not successful, a project lead must consult with their project team to decide whether or not the project team is to submit the assignment/project without all project team members’ names. In the event that one or more project team members’ names are removed from the final submission, the affected student(s) is/are expected to contact both the instructor and the OSE as soon as possible. The discussion with the affected student will be reviewed by the OSE, and the instructor for a final decision regarding academic penalty and/or accommodation by means of an alternative assignment.
In the event that a project team member has been excluded from two separate team projects, the project manager can submit a proposal to the OSE to have the team member removed from the project team. If approved, it will be the student’s responsibility to secure a new project team for the remainder of the term. In the event that the excluded student is unable or unwilling to find an alternative project team, the student will be permitted to complete the term as a team of one, with all assignments being equal in value and depth to the team assignments, providing the permission of the instructor is obtained. In these rare cases, the excluded project team member’s behaviour may be investigated further with due consideration for the University of Toronto’s Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters, Code of Student Behaviour, and the Rotman Code of Conduct.
Not all courses and deliverables in the Rotman MBA program lend themselves to individual completion. A key learning outcome of the program is a demonstrated ability to positively contribute to a project team. If a student is unable to function as part of the team they may jeopardize their ability to continue in or complete the program.
In extreme circumstances that involve concerns over physical or psychological safety (e.g. abusive behaviour, discrimination, harassment), the OSE will intervene much earlier in the process, drawing upon the appropriate resources of the University to do so.
Academic Penalties for Unprofessional Behaviour / Non-Participation
Failure to participate in group projects at a level agreed upon by the entire project team, or demonstrating unprofessional conduct, will not be tolerated and may be subject to investigation and academic penalty.
Unprofessional conduct includes violations of the professional behaviours listed above.

Co-Curricular Education (Professional Skills-Building Workshops)
Co-curricular education is an overarching core program for all MBA students which encompasses career essentials and professional and personal skill development workshops delivered through the Self-Development Lab (SDL), Career Centre, and the Registrar’s Office (RO).
Co-Curricular Event Registration
Registration in a SDL or RO workshop is a two-step process:
- Visit the Rotman HUB and select the “Student Tools” card.
- Submit payment (where applicable – online or in person at the RO) within 24 hours of registration to confirm your spot.
- Offerings may require additional registration fees and these will be advertised accordingly.
Registration will open 2–3 weeks prior to each workshop date; details will be communicated via email notification from the respective offices.
Note: All SDL and RO courses, workshops, and activities require registration through the Rotman HUB. Career Centre workshops, courses and activities require registration through the Career Services section of the Rotman HUB.
Cancellation/No-Show Policy
In an effort to ensure that all students are given equitable opportunity to participate in the programming, the Registrar’s Office has a strict no-show policy for all workshops/sessions. All students are expected to manage their registration in accordance with the Rotman Code of Conduct and the following co-curricular specific stipulations:
- Notice of cancellation must be given within two business days prior to the workshop (e.g. for a Saturday workshop, Wednesday at 5:00 p.m. is the end of the cancellation period).
- Once this window has passed, refunds may not be provided past the cancellation deadline, nor any changes, deferrals or switches to different workshops are possible.
- Notice of cancellation/non-attendance is required in writing to the Registrar’s Office. Students who fail to give notice may be subject to fees and lose future privileges for participation in professional development workshops offered by the RO.

On-Campus Recruiting (Internships)
Every January, Rotman hosts companies who are actively seeking to recruit students in their first year for internship employment over the Summer term. The first week of January offers students the time and opportunity to attend company information sessions; research firms; participate in career and professional development workshops; develop job search strategies; and prepare/submit applications for internships without the pressure of classes.
While the majority of company information sessions take place during this intensive week, additional companies will come to Rotman throughout the Fall and ongoing throughout the Spring. Interviews typically follow shortly after an information session. Students should visit the Career Services section of the Rotman HUB for a full list of activities and check for frequent updates.
In order to participate in On-Campus Recruiting, students are required to complete the career management activities outlined in the Recruiter Ready Checkpoints before the start of the winter break in December and receive clearance from their Career Coach.
On-Campus Recruiting (Post-Graduation)
Every September, Rotman hosts companies who are actively seeking to recruit students in their final year of study for full-time employment after graduation. The first week of September offers students the time and opportunity to attend company information sessions; research firms; participate in career and professional development workshops; develop job search strategies; and prepare/submit applications for full-time jobs without the pressure of classes.
While many information sessions take place the first week of September, additional employers will visit Rotman throughout the year. Interviews typically follow shortly after an information session. Students should visit the Career Services section of the Rotman HUB for a full list of activities and check for frequent updates.
Professional Code of Conduct and Recruitment Policy
Full-Time MBA students should also refer to the Full-Time MBA Professional Code of Conduct and Recruitment Policy in the Policies and Guidelines section of this website.
Dean’s List
The Rotman School recognizes the top 20 per cent of both the first-year and graduating Full-Time MBA classes with a Dean’s List based on cumulative GPA. To be eligible for consideration, you must obtain passing grades in all courses and be registered in good standing.
Courses graded as CR/NCR, Pass/Fail, or Honours/Pass/Fail, do not count towards the GPA, nor do courses taken as EXTra. Late withdrawals (WDR) do not affect the GPA. Dean’s List notations are not included on the University of Toronto transcript.
Note that the Rotman School does not publicly rank students or release information on student rankings; however, the lists themselves are formally announced annually for the purposes of convocation, the Rotman Student Awards Ceremony and internal School recognition.
First-Year Dean’s List
The First Year Dean’s list is compiled each year upon completion of Year 1 core courses. Effective September 2024, this includes all RSM1xxx level courses completed up to and including Term 4. Elective courses are excluded.
Results are released early in the summer (mid-June). In addition to recognizing the top 20 per cent, the School also bestows the following honours:
- The top student completing the first year of the Full-Time MBA program earns the title Dean’s List and Andrew Alexander Kinghorn Award.
- The Top 10 per cent of students completing the first year of the Full-Time MBA program earn the title Dean’s List and Andrew Alexander Kinghorn Fellowship.
- The remaining students in the top 20 per cent of all students completing the first year of the Full-Time MBA program earn the title Dean’s List.
Graduating Year Dean’s List
The Graduating Dean’s List is compiled each year in mid-June. The Graduating Dean’s List is based on a cumulative GPA for the entirety of the program. In addition to recognizing the top 20 per cent, the School also bestows the following honours:
- The top student graduating from the Full-Time, Morning/Evening, EMBA, and GEMBA-HLS programs at the School earns the title Dean’s List and Bregman Scholar, Roger N. Wolff Prize.
- The top 10 per cent of the students graduating from each Program earn the title Dean’s List and Bregman Scholar.
- The remaining graduating students in the top 20 per cent from each Program earn the title Dean’s List.
Only elective courses taken to meet the degree requirements are considered; courses that have been designated as EXTra are not used in the GPA calculation for the Graduating Year Dean’s List.
Students who participate in the International Exchange Program, and/or complete courses at other faculties within the University of Toronto, are considered for the Graduating Year Dean’s List based on the Rotman MBA Courses taken. Grades received at the host university and/or external faculties are not calculated in the GPA and not considered for the Dean’s List.
November Graduation: Students graduating in November will be reviewed and considered for the Dean’s List at the next June convocation.
JD / MBA Dean’s List / Honours
Year One
Students are eligible to receive academic awards or distinctions made by the Faculty of Law based on performance during the first year of the program.
Year Two
First Year MBA Dean’s List honourees at the Rotman School of Management are determined upon completion of the first year of the MBA.
Years Three and Four
Students will be eligible for consideration on the Dean’s List for the graduating year of the MBA program after the successful completion of all second-year elective courses taken in the MBA program. Only courses taken at the Rotman School will be considered for the Graduating Year Dean’s List (i.e. “RSM” courses).
Students will be eligible for receipt of “Distinction” standing at the Faculty of Law solely on the basis of law courses taken at the faculty during that academic year. Please consult the Faculty of Law for the most up-to-date information.
Program Directory
The faculty and administrative staff at Rotman are dedicated to supporting the efforts of each individual student to realize his or her fullest potential. The staff in the School’s Recruitment and Admissions Office, Office of Student Engagement, Registrar’s Office, Career Centre, and Career Services for Working Professionals Office are available for consultation on all matters relating to the Full-Time MBA program, including admissions; enrollment; registration; grade or course issues; financial assistance; international programs; career development opportunities; or special advising.
The Full-Time MBA directory can be found here.