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Morning and Evening MBA Curriculum

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The information below provides overviews of the Morning and Evening MBA degree requirements, effective September 2020.

By adhering to the course sequencing outlined in the curriculum overview, students will fulfill the program requirements within 32 months. Students interested in accelerating the completion of their degree requirements should contact the Registrar’s Office.

You may use this optional form to plan out your courses.

Core Course Credits

Course NumberCourse TitleCredit WeightCredit HoursAcademic Area
RSM1160HBusiness Ethics0.171Organizational Behaviour & Human Resource Management
RSM1165HLeveraging Diverse Teams0.171Organizational Behaviour & Human Resource Management
RSM1201HFundamentals of Strategic Management0.332Strategy
RSM1210HManagerial Economics0.332Economic Analysis & Policy
RSM1211HEconomic Environment of Business0.332Economic Analysis & Policy
RSM1215HDecision Making with Models & Data0.332Economic Analysis & Policy
RSM1220HFinancial Accounting0.332Accounting
RSM1222HManagerial Accounting0.332Accounting
RSM1231HFinance I: Capital Markets & Valuations0.332Finance
RSM1232HFinance II: Corporate Finance
(Pre-Requisite: RSM1231H)
RSM1240HOperations Management0.332Operations Management & Statistics
RSM1250HManaging Customer Value0.332Marketing
RSM1260HLeading People in Organizations0.332Organizational Behaviour & Human Resource Management
RSM1282HStatistics for Management0.332Operations Management & Statistics
RSM2622H*Leadership Development Practicum0.53Organizational Behaviour & Human Resource Management
*Previously RSM1365H

Elective Courses

In addition to the above core courses, Morning and Evening MBA students are required to successfully complete ten (10) elective courses, equivalent to 5 FCEs, during the elective phase of the program.

Curriculum Overview

Morning/Evening MBA Curriculum

YearFall Term
(September to December)
Spring Term
(January to April)
Summer Term
(May to August)
1Intensive Week 1 (August)
  • RSM1165H Leveraging Diverse Teams

  • RSM1215H Decision Making with Models and Data

  • RSM1160H Business Ethics
Intensive Week 2 (January)
  • RSM1260H Leading People in Organizations

  • RSM1201H Strategic Management
  • RSM1210H Managerial Economics

  • RSM1220HFinancial Accounting
  • RSM1231H Finance I: Capital Markets and Valuations

  • RSM1282H Statistics for Management
  • RSM1232 Finance II: Corporate Finance

  • RSM1250H Managing Customer Value

  • RSM1211H Economic Environment of Business

———- Self-Development Lab (Optional) ———-

  • RSM1240H Operations Management

  • RSM1222H Managerial Accounting
  • Electives*
  • Electives*
  • Electives*

  • RSM2622H Leadership Development Practicum
  • Electives*

June Convocation

* The ten (10) electives will be completed across Year 2 Spring and Summer, and Year 3 Fall and Spring, with 2 or 3 being completed each term. Global and experiential opportunities count as electives, and more information on those opportunities can be found here.

Area Specializations and Majors

Elective courses are applicable to area specializations and majors. Students that started their program prior to Fall 2022 (i.e. the Morning and Evening MBA class of 2024) are still eligible to add a major or specialization to their résumé. Majors and specializations are optional and are not noted on either the U of T transcript or the MBA diploma. More information on area specializations and majors and how to request them can be found here.

Students that started their program in Fall 2022 or later are not eligible to request a major or specialization, but are encouraged to explore emphases. Please note that all students (including those that started their program prior to Fall 2022) are eligible to declare emphases.

Course Selection

Each student’s course schedule is available on the Rotman Hub and Quercus. Please note that from time to time, it may be necessary to cancel or re-schedule classes and consequently, students are well-advised to view their personal schedules on a regular basis.

Classroom Schedule

The schedule of class meetings is published at the beginning of the academic year. On occasion, there are changes to the meeting schedule that may impact the time or location of the class. The Registrar’s Office will make every effort to notify students of any such changes well in advance.

Changes in Courses

For each program of study offered by the University through the Rotman School of Management, the courses necessary to complete the minimum requirements of the program will be made available annually. The Rotman School, however, reserves the right to change the content of courses; instructors and instructional assignments; enrollment limitations; pre-requisites; co-requisites; grading policies; and timetables without prior notice.

Enrollment in Core Courses

Upon entering the program, students will automatically be enrolled in their courses. No course selection is necessary as all MBA Program core courses are mandatory. Students who require additional help with a particular subject are advised to contact the Registrar’s Office as soon as possible.

Enrollment Limitations

The Rotman School of Management makes every reasonable effort to plan and control enrollment to ensure that all of our students are qualified to complete the programs to which they are admitted and to strike a balance between enrollment and available instructional resources. Sometimes such a balance cannot be struck and the number of qualified students exceeds the instructional resources that we can reasonably make available while at the same time maintaining the quality of instruction. In such cases, the Rotman School reserves the right to limit enrollment in the programs, courses, or ­­sections listed in the schedule and to withdraw courses or sections for which enrollment and resources are insufficient.

For information about taking courses at different campuses, Faculties, or Universities, please see Taking Courses Outside the MBA Program.

Dropping Core Courses

Once enrolled in a core course, students will remain enrolled unless they officially request to drop the course. There are official dates by which a student must withdraw without academic penalty; otherwise, a failing mark will appear on the academic record. In order to drop a core course without academic penalty no more than 50% of the course contact hours may have been completed. Should students need to drop a core course, a formal request must be made in writing by emailing their Assistant Director.

For information about enrolling in, adding, or dropping elective courses, see the MBA Electives Guide.

Course Materials and Course Work

Core Courses

The costs of any required course packages for all 1000-level core courses and the two 2000-level core courses (RSM2607 Managerial Negotiations and RSM2915 Business Problem Solving Practicum) are covered in the compulsory Rotman ancillary fee assessed to all students (on the tuition fee invoice). Core course packages are available for pick-up through the Program Services Office prior to the start of each term.

Elective Courses

Students are required to pay for all elective course packages for any course or workshop that requires a course package. All elective course packages will be available for purchase at the University of Toronto Bookstore two weeks before the start of class. Note that unauthorized photocopies of copyrighted material/textbooks are not acceptable at the Rotman School or the University of Toronto.


Students are required to purchase textbooks for any course that requires a textbook. Note that unauthorized photocopies of copyrighted material/textbooks are not acceptable at the Rotman School or the University of Toronto. New and used textbooks required for courses may be available as an ebook or purchased at the University of Toronto Bookstore. Textbook information, as well as required or recommended cases and readings, is listed on the course syllabus, located on each respective Quercus course page. Elective course textbooks are listed on the course syllabi prior to the start of classes.

Copyright in Course Lectures

If a student wishes to record, photograph, video-record, or otherwise reproduce lecture presentations, course notes ,or similar material provided by instructors, they must obtain the instructor’s written consent beforehand. Otherwise, all such reproduction is an infringement of copyright and is absolutely prohibited. In the case of private use by students with special needs, the instructor’s consent will not be unreasonably withheld.

Submission of Assignments and Examinations

The management of assignment due dates/times for courses is at the discretion of the instructor and will be posted on the course outline. Students must use the individual or group assignment cover page when submitting any materials unless otherwise noted by the instructor. Assignment cover page are available on the Student Tools tile of the HUB.


The eDropBox is an application that allows students to upload an assignment for submission, view their assignment grade and receive feedback. Its use is at the discretion of the instructor.

Program Progression

Students must complete all core courses before commencing the elective phase of the program. Students who have not completed all of their required core courses but wish to take an elective course or courses may appeal to the Registrar’s Office for permission to do so. Such requests will be considered, provided that all of the following conditions are met:

  • The required courses outstanding are not being offered in the same term;
  • The student has completed at least ten required courses;
  • The student has at least a B average; and
  • The elective courses have either no prerequisite or the student has taken the prerequisite.

The Registrar’s Office will then request final approval from the elective course instructor.

Accelerating a Program – Implications for Early Finishers


As per the School of Graduate Studies (SGS) policy, Rotman is required to submit a degree recommendation for students as soon as all degree requirements have been fulfilled.

If an overload request accelerates the completion of a student’s program requirements, the student will be put forward for graduation immediately following the term in which those requirements have been met; further registration will not be permitted. Students will not be able to take extra courses.

Fees Implications

Every degree program has a minimum degree fee and a defined program length:

  • Full-Time MBA is 2 years (or 5 sessions: Fall, Winter/Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter/Spring)
  • Morning/Evening MBA is 3 years (or 8 sessions: Fall, Winter/Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter/Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter/Spring)

Students who accelerate their degree completion may incur a Balance of Degree Fee (BoD). If at the end of your program, the total amount of academic fees which you paid during the time you were registered is less than the minimum degree fee, you will be required to pay the outstanding balance.

Other financial implications to consider:

  • Students who have not paid the total academic fees for their program will be required to pay the outstanding balance known as Balance of Degree Fee (BOD).
  • OSAP and other student loans (including PSLP): future instalments and repayment dates will be affected.
  • Access to UofT and Rotman resources: these will be adjusted to reflect your registration status.
  • Health insurance coverage: coverage will end for those without registration

Leave Policy

Students registered in the MBA program may apply to the Director, Academic Services for a one-term to three-term (one academic year) leave during their program of study for:

  • Serious health or personal problems which temporarily make it impossible to continue in the program
  • Parental leave by either parent at the time of pregnancy, birth or adoption, and/or to provide full-time care during the child’s first year. Parental leave must be completed within twelve months of the date of birth or custody. Where both parents are graduate students taking leave, the combined total number of sessions may not exceed four.

Students may make an application for a leave by completing the School of Graduate Studies Leave Request form and submitting it to the Director, Academic Services for approval.

The termination date of the degree program (i.e. expected graduation date) will be extended by the duration of the leave taken (i.e. one, two, or three sessions as appropriate). Except for parental leave or in exceptional circumstances, it is not expected that a student will be granted more than one leave under the terms of this policy. Normally the start and finish of the leave would coincide with the start and end of a term.

School of Graduate Studies policies dictate that students on leave do not have access to University resources. As such, MBA students who are on leave will not be able to attend or audit courses; will not have card access to the Rotman building(s); and will not have access to services through Career Services. However, students will continue to have access to their Rotman email accounts to enable communication with the School for the duration of the leave.

Students on a leave are responsible for the monthly interest payments on their Professional Student Loan Plan for the duration of their leave. Students are advised to contact the Registrar’s Office to discuss eligibility for Rotman or University of Toronto scholarships or award reinstatement upon return. In the case of external awards, the regulations of the particular granting agency apply and students are advised to contact the granting agency directly.

Graduation Requirements

When all requirements for the MBA degree have been fulfilled, the School is required to submit a degree recommendation to the School of Graduate Studies indicating that the program has been satisfactorily completed by the student. In essence, students are not permitted to continue registration in a term following the completion of all courses, which typically impacts only those who accelerate their program by taking additional courses per term in years two and three.  Courses designated as Extra are exempt from consideration for the MBA degree requirements, and as such, continued registration for affected students is permitted up to the degree completion timeframe (32 months).

This page was last updated: 2024-07-19 @ 3:21 pm