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RSM2526H – Creative Thinking for Business Innovation (Summer 2025)

General Information

Promotional Video

Instructor Bio

Anjana Dattani is an award-winning Professor, researcher, and practitioner of Design-Driven Innovation. At Rotman, she teaches Creative Thinking and Business Design and to Executives, MBAs and Undergraduate students. Since earning her MBA from Rotman, she has collaborated with institutions like Rotman, MIT and Haas to design and deliver learning experiences related to creativity and innovative leadership. She has worked with executives across the globe, helping them apply design-driven methods and mindsets across various industries and contexts.

Course Description

Creativity is a core leadership skill that differentiates a great leader from a good one. Creative leaders have the ability to innovate, problem-solve and generate new ideas (independently and collectively) that inspire change and action. This intensive course will challenge you to develop (or reclaim) your professional creative confidence. Through a combination of lectures, podcasts, videos, and immersive in-class activities, you will learn to see business problems and opportunities in new ways and develop solutions unseen and unimagined by others. The goal of this course is to provide a variety of methods and experiences that focus on fostering your own creative abilities, along with how to apply them in teams and as a leader on problems that matter.


This experiential course requires students to engage in a studio/classroom; use paper-based and digital tools/templates/resources to contribute to discussion, create assignments and presentations; and, collaborate in pairs and groups work. Time will be provided to begin or complete in-class assignments.

• 7 hr. studio/class per day over 5 days (includes lunch and mini breaks)
• Flipped-classroom model of pre-reads prior to each class (i.e., concepts are introduced through pre-readings/videos; classroom time is for discussion and expression of these concepts)

Course Learning Objectives

By the end of the course, you will be able to:

• Build creative confidence in expressing POVs and making decisions.
• Learn how to unlock, express and foster your creative potential.
• Analyze, visualize and synthesize business ideas and strategies.
• Critique and evaluate ideas and opportunities.

Evaluation and Grade Breakdown

Individual Class Participation15%
Individual In-Class Activities5%
Individual Reflections25%
Individual/Pairs Comic Book Business Case25%
Team Creative Collaboration Project30%

This page was last updated: 2025-01-24 @ 9:45 am