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RSM2709H – Global Practicum: Entrepreneurship & Innovation – Silicon Valley (Spring 2025)

General Information

Promotional Video

Instructor Bio

Hussam is a business operator, angel Investor and university professor.

Hussam spent the bulk of his career in building and operating companies and in supporting other entrepreneurs to do the same. He did so through co-founding and growing two companies between 2006 and 2013, and through running and overseeing 40+ startup accelerator cohorts and business incubators that supported over 1000 entrepreneurs from 2014 to date.

Hussam currently helps run TitanFile –an award-winning Cybersecurity Enterprise software company– in an executive role. As a proud Rotman Alum, he is also the Founding Executive Director of Startup Rotman, Rotman School of Management’s Venture Builder that focuses on enabling its graduate students to move their business ideas from conception to execution.

Target Audience

Students interested in getting a thorough exposure and deep understanding of global entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystems (with focus on Toronto-Waterloo, and Silicon Valley, in addition to other leading global ecosystems), industry facts, concepts and key learnings through interfacing directly with tech founders, funders and corporate innovation leaders.

Course Dates and Format

10-day intensive course.

Friday, March 14th, 2025 and Friday, March 28th, 2025: 9:00am to 5:00pm – two full day course in Toronto at Rotman, on Campus introducing students to global startup ecosystems, venture capital, and entrepreneurship

Friday, April 11th, 2025: 2:00pm to 4:00pm – pre-trip presentation and preparation; 4:00pm to 6:00pm – in-class deliverables

April 27th – May 3rd, 2025: 1 week trip to Silicon Valley to meet key leaders, entrepreneurs, investors, and innovators (dates and details are tentative)

Course Mission

To provide students with thorough exposure and deep understanding of entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystems, industry facts, concepts and key learnings through interfacing directly with tech founders, funders and corporate innovation leaders.

Course Scope

In this course, students will learn about entrepreneurship and innovation from a series of engaging conversations and deep topic-discussions with early-stage venture incubators/accelerators, founders, investors and corporate innovation leaders. The course is designed to expose students to real-world learnings concerning how early-stage innovation/invention is conceived by entrepreneurs and how start-up businesses are funded and scaled. Students will learn how entrepreneurs think and act, how start-up incubators and accelerators, as well as investors facilitate early-stage business funding and scaling activities, how to analyze and design early-stage go-to-market strategies, and how to design and deliver unique customer value propositions and experiences, which is at the core of most successful start-ups. Students will also be exposed to how innovation is designed and delivered by large corporations, a meaningful part of which is how they interact with start-up ecosystems.

Sample course summary of last year’s (2023-2024) course iteration can be found here.

Evaluation and Grade Breakdown

ComponentDue DateWeight
Individual ParticipationOngoing20%
Group PresentationMarch 28th, 202540%
Investment MemoApril 11th, 202540%

Required Resources and Cost

No textbook required. Some optional readings will be strongly recommended upon registration for the course (to be completed during the course or after).

The cost is $2,900 CAD which includes hotel, daily breakfast, transportation, welcome and farewell meals and select cultural immersions. Students are responsible for flights to Silicon Valley and return to Toronto, visa/transit visa to Silicon Valley. Rotman will provide a small $800 CAD cash bursary to each student.

Deadline to pay in full: February 21, 2025
Deadline to drop: March 7, 2025

Note: We understand the drop deadline takes place before the actual course starts, however, we need to finalize numbers for the class in order to plan the travel portion. In light of this, students may incur charges if they drop after this deadline.

Experiential Course Limit

There are limits to the number of RSM27XX range courses that students may take for credit toward their degree. Please refer to the Global and Experiential Course Eligibility Specifics and Limits section on the RO website for all details.

This page was last updated: 2025-03-12 @ 11:29 am