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Government Assistance

Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP)

In Ontario, the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) is available to help supplement (not replace) the financial resources that the student is expected to contribute.

Each provincial government administers and maintains a student financial aid program in co-operation with the federal government’s Canada Student Loan Program (CSL). Usually the assistance is in the form of interest-free loans while a student is in school. In Ontario this program is call the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP). A single application is used to assess entitlement for both CSL and Ontario Student Loans (OSL). The National Student Loans Service Centre (NSLSC) administers the combined government loan programs.

Provided students have qualified for OSAP and promptly submitted required documentation to the appropriate offices, the University will be able to confirm their registration and OSAP will deposit their funds directly into their bank account after classes begin in September.

Application Deadlines

  • Applications received within the first 45 days of the first day of class:
    • Students will be eligible for OSAP funding for the entire study period.
  • Applications received after the first 45 days of the first day of class, but no later than 90 days before the end of the study period:
    • Students will be eligible for OSAP funding from the date their application is received until the end of their study period.
  • Applications within 90 days of the end of the study period:
    • Not eligible for OSAP for that academic year

Note: For the purposes of OSAP the Full-Time MBA, Evening MBA, Morning MBA, Master of Management Analytics, Master of Financial Risk Management, and the Master of Finance programs are considered full-time with 100% course load and are approved programs of study.

OSAP Application Process

OSAP Disbursement Process

New for 2018–19: As per Government of Ontario requirements affecting all OSAP recipients, OSAP funding will first be applied to the ACORN account at the University of Toronto to pay corresponding term fees (with the exception of admissions and residence deposits).

Viewing OSAP Disbursements on ACORN

Students can view the OSAP funding paid to their ACORN account on the OSAP website, and on the ACORN Net Cost View Statement.

The redirected OSAP amount is based on the amount of fees owing on the Confirmation of Enrolment date. These payments will be displayed on the ACORN invoice separately as Federal and Provincial amounts:

2018 Fall
OSAP Payment – Federal (2018-09-25)      $ 750.00CR
OSAP Payment – Provincial (2018-09-28)  $1,000.00CR

The OSAP payments will be displayed separately on the ACORN Payment History screen similar to the table below:

Process DateTransaction DescriptionInvoice SessionTransaction Amount
2018-09-28OSAP Payment – ProvincialFall 2018$1000.00 CR
2018-09-25OSAP Payment – FederalFall 2018$750.00 CR

Student Responsibilities

  • Promptly update OSAP regarding changes to gross income by providing a signed and dated letter to Financial Aid and Awards, University’s Registrar’s Office.
  • Maintain at least 60% of a full course load in each semester (40% if student has a documented permanent disability). No averaging of course load over the two semesters.
    • Note: For the purposes of OSAP the Full-Time MBA, Evening MBA, Morning MBA, and the Master of Finance programs are considered full-time with 100% course load and are approved programs of study.
  • OSAP also expects students to pass 60% of a full course load (40% if student has a documented permanent disability).
  • Update address on the OSAP websiteACORN and with the National Student Loans Service Centre (NSLSC).

Keep Previous OSAP Loans in Good Standing

  • Previous OSAP loans will go into repayment six months after students were last considered full-time. Repayment means interest will start accruing on the OSAP loan and students will be required to start re-paying.
  • If students apply for and receive new OSAP funding before the six-month grace period ends, their previous loans will not enter repayment and will remain interest-free.
  • If students complete and submit a Confirmation of Interest Free Status (CIFS) form to confirm status as a full-time student prior to the expiry of this six-month grace period, their previous student loans will not enter repayment and will remain interest-free.

If Students Do Not Receive OSAP or If OSAP is Delayed

If students are not receiving OSAP for the current academic year, they must complete a Confirmation of Interest Free Status (CIFS) form through OSAP in September so OSAP will be aware they are continuing studies and their loan(s) should remain interest-free.


While the Office of the Registrar may provide general guidance on financial aid resources, please note that for the purposes of OSAP, the Financial Aid office refers to the University’s Registrar’s Office which administers all OSAP applications for the entire university. Specific application questions about applications should be directed there:

Financial Aid and Awards
University’s Registrar’s Office
University of Toronto
172 St. George Street
Toronto, ON M5R 0A3
Telephone: 416-978-2190
Email: osap.staff@utoronto.ca

Other Government Loans

Each provincial government administers and maintains a student financial assistance program in cooperation with the federal government’s Canada Student Loan Program. Eligibility requirements, maximum borrowing amounts, and loan repayment policies vary from province to province. Usually the assistance is in the form of interest-free loans while a student is in school, although some provinces award grants to students or offer additional assistance to students graduating with debt over a certain amount. Students are responsible for researching funding opportunities from their respective provincial governments and for applying where eligible.

For a list of each Provincial Loan Program please visit the University’s Registrar’s Office has a list of each provincial and territorial loan program available.

Note: For the purposes of the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) and other Canadian government loans, the Full-Time MBA, Evening MBA, Morning MBA, Master of Financial Risk Management, Master of Management Analytics, and the Master of Finance programs are considered full-time with 100% course load and are approved programs of study.

Continuation of Interest-Free Status

Students who are not receiving Canadian government aid for the current study period must apply for a Continuation of Interest-Free Status/Confirmation of Enrollment so that previous Canadian Government Student loans remain in interest-free status.

Full-time students who have received full-time OSAP in the past and want to keep their OSAP interest-free without requesting more funding may now submit an online application with OSAP. Full-time status will be confirmed electronically by the University of Toronto once fees are paid to confirm registration, similar to the way OSAP funding is now released.

The application cannot be submitted more than 15 days before the start of the study period, and the new deadline for the application is 21 days before the end of the study period. Other policies to note:

  • Students must have enrollment confirmed within 6 months of their last full-time study period to avoid interest accruing on their OSAP account.
  • Students must be registered in a full-time program (at least 60% of full course load; 40% for students with permanent disabilities).
  • Confirmation must be processed within the study period; it cannot be done after the end of the study period.
  • Continuation of Interest-Free Status requests cannot be backdated.

Interest-free status means that repayment of loans is not required while maintaining full-time registration. In addition, the Government of Canada and/or the province will pay the interest on those loans on the student’s behalf.

Note: Only the Full-Time MBA, Evening MBA, Morning MBA, Master of Financial Risk Management, Master of Management Analytics, and the Master of Finance programs are considered full-time with 100% course load and are approved programs of study.

Lifelong Learning Plan (LLP)

Canadian citizens or permanent residents who have Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs), can use the Lifelong Learning Program (LLP) to finance their own education or that of their spouse/partner. Amounts withdrawn under the LLP do not count towards income and the RRSP issuer does not withhold taxes on these amounts. Withdrawals must be repaid over a period of no more than 10 years.  For more information, consult the Canada Revenue Agency.

Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP)

A Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) is an education savings account that is registered with the Government of Canada for parents who want to save for their child’s post-secondary education. Once the child (the RESP beneficiary) has graduated from high school and enrolled full-time or part-time in a qualifying post-secondary educational program, the Plan holder can request, on the benficiary’s behalf, to withdraw money from the RESP to help pay for their studies.

Educational Assistance Payments include the interest earned in the RESP as well as any Canada Education Savings Grants, provincial grants, and Canada Learning Bonds received. The money can be used to pay for post-secondary school expenses like tuition, books and transportation. For more information, consult the Canada Revenue Agency.

Government Loan Assistance for Students from the United States

For students in the Full-Time, Morning and Evening MBA, Master of Finance, and Master of Financial Risk Management programs, the United States provides financial assistance to U.S. citizens studying at the Rotman School through the USA Federal Direct Loan Program.

Students may also consider alternative or private loans as a source of funding, such as from Sallie Mae.

The University of Toronto’s University’s Registrar’s Office website has further information about U.S. Student Aid.

This page was last updated: 2023-09-19 @ 4:07 pm