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Financial Planning

Costs of Attending Rotman

University Fees

University fees consist of tuition, incidental and ancillary fees, and are based on several factors, such as legal status in Canada.

While all approved fees will be shown on the fees invoice (available in July each year), estimated fees are currently provided to help with planning.

Fees Information

Other Costs of University

In addition to tuition fees, consider other costs such as books, supplies, residence, transportation, food and other expenses.

Other Costs

Sources of Funding

Government Loans

Commonly known as OSAP in Ontario, each province provides student aid alongside the federal government. Applications for the upcoming school year are now open. Students from other provinces and from the USA should refer to their own governments.

Apply to OSAP

Other Government Aid

Professional Student Loan Plan (PSLP)

Rotman is pleased to partner with BMO and RBC to provide its students with loans at competitive rates. These loans are available only through designated branches. Once approved, remember to submit the Declaration of Need (DoN) in order to access the funds.

PSLP Information


Other Student Loans

International students may also consider Prodigy Finance, MPower Financing, and ICICI Bank (Indian students) for loan applications. Although the Rotman School has no formal agreements with these institutions, many of our students have secured education loans through with them.

International Student Loans


Students admitted to Rotman are also considered for entrance awards and are notified along with their offer of admissions. There are a select number of first-year application-based awards for students who are beginning their program. Applications for these awards open in late August/early September and are only available to those already accepted into Rotman.

Rotman Awards

How and When to Pay Fees

The payment deadline to register is September 1st of each year. Students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the full Payment Schedule in order to plan their finances.

Payment Schedules

Making Payments

This page was last updated: 2023-06-13 @ 11:19 am