Mapping your journey

Your Rotman education helps you build the management fundamentals, strategic capabilities and broad perspective that enable you to become a creative leader who sees the dynamics of opportunity in environments that are in constant flux. The School extends your classroom learning with an array of corresponding offerings — from networking sessions and case competitions to live events on campus featuring renowned global business leaders and change makers.


These pages orient you to some of the opportunities we offer to enhance your skills, refine your career goals and deepen your understanding of current business dynamics. Making the most of these opportunities during your time at Rotman will help you unlock the full value of your degree as you complete your studies and tackle the employment landscape — whether you’re embarking on your first professional job search, or exploring what your next career move might be, we sincerely hope you find this site useful.

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Your future starts here
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The Rotman Advantage Grid
Leverage Rotman to suit your career journey
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Career Stories Hero
Learn from your peers
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Rotman Resources Grid
See what’s here for you
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Your Rotman Network Grid
Connect with the Rotman Community
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Student Clubs Grid
Get invovled
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Meet your career services team
See who’s here for you