Self-Development Lab

Build insight and presence

More and more, leading organizations seek candidates whose capabilities include technical and analytical skills — but go farther. In a business landscape that demands adaptability, cultural fluency and excellent communication across a range of media, qualities like empathy and self-awareness are vital to sustained success.


The Self-Development Lab (SDL) supports Rotman students in building skills like communication and collaborative problem-solving, approaching these as essential complements to the functional capabilities our business education programs develop in areas such as finance and data science.


The SDL contributes to your career journey by helping you take stock of the unique personal qualities you bring to your career roles and professional relationships, working with you to build on your natural strengths — and gain insight into areas of personal challenge.


Woven into the specialized training that comprises the core of all of Rotman’s degree programs, the feedback and guidance of the SDL’s dedicated faculty helps our students cultivate the interpersonal capabilities that are the hallmarks of valued colleagues and respected leaders alike.


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